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1. 姣曚笟璁烘枃
2. 鎴愮哗鍗?/SPAN>
3. 鑷繁璁や负姣旇緝婊℃剰鐨勪綔鍝?/SPAN>
B    璇峰皢浠ヤ笅鎶€鏈祫鏂欒瘧鎴愪腑鏂?BR>
    The philosophy of the UNIX system is to provide operating system primitives that enable users to write small, modular programs that can be used as building blocks to build more complex programs. One such primitive visible to shell users is the capability to redirect I/O. Processes conventionally have access to three files: they read from their standard input file, write to their standard output file, and write error messages to their standard error file. Processes executing at a terminal typically use the terminal for these three files, but each may be "redirected" independently.
    The second building block primitive is the pipe, a mechanism that allows a stream of data to be passwd between reader and writer processes. Processes can redirect their standard output to a pipe to be read by other processes that have redirected their standar input to come from the pipe. The data that the first processes write into the pipe is the input for the second processes. The second processes could also redirect their output, and so on, depending on programming need.
    When using the smaller programs as building blocks for a larger, more complex program, the programmer uses the pipe primitive and redirection of I/O to integrate the piece parts. Indeed , the system tacitly encourages such programming style so that new programs can work with  existing programs.


    The kernel performs various primitive operations on behalf of user processes to support the user interface described above. Among the services provided by the kernel are:

飪?SPAN class=718400706-26042004>A)  Controlling the execution of processes by allowing their creation, termination or suspension, and communication.
飪?SPAN class=718400706-26042004>B) Scheduling processes fairly for execution on the CPU. Processes share the CPU. Processes share the CPU in a time-shared manner: the CPU executes a process, the kernel suspends it when its time quantum elapses, and the kernel schedules another process to execute. The kernel later reschedules the suspended process.
飪?SPAN class=718400706-26042004>C) Allocating main memory for an executing process. The kernel allows processes to share portions of their address space under certain conditions, but protects the private address space of a process from outside tampering. If the system runs low on free memory, the kernel frees memory by writing a process temporily to secondary memory, called a swap device. If the kernel writes entire processes to a swap device, the implementation of the UNIX system is called a swapping system; if it writes pages of memory to a swap device, it is called a paging system.
飪?SPAN class=718400706-26042004>D) Allocating secondary memory for efficient storage and retrieval of user data. This service constitutes the file system. The kernel allocates secondary storage for user files, reclaims unused storage, structures the file system in a well understood manner, and protects user files from illegal access.
飪?SPAN class=718400706-26042004>E) Allowing processes controlled access to peripheral devices such as terminals, tape drives, disk drives, and network devices.

    The kernel provides its services transparently. For example, it recognizes that a given file is a regular file or a device, but hides the distinction from user processes. Similarly, it format data in a file for internal storage, but hides the internal format from user processes, returning a unformatted byte stream. Finally, it offers necessary services so that user processes can support the services they must provide, while omitting services that can be implemented at the user level. For example, the kernel supports the services that the shell needs to act as a command interpreter: It allows the shell to read terminal input, to spawn processes dynamically, to synchronize process execution, to create pipes, and to redirect I/O. Users can construct private versions of the shell to tailor their environments to their specifications without affecting other users. These programs use the same kernel services as the standard shell.

瀛熺綏姣?BR>骞垮窞铻嶉€氱郴缁熼泦鎴愭湁闄愬叕鍙?BR>骞垮窞甯傚ぉ娌冲尯涓北澶ч亾涓?30鍙锋眹璇氬ぇ鍘﹀悗搴? 510630
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 UNIX系统的哲学思想是:提供给用户一个简单的操作系统。该系统让用户可以用短小的,模块化的程序作为“积木”编写更大型的程序。是重定位I/O的能力使用户使用UNIX Shell时,看起来简单了。程序通常会访问三种文件:从“标准输入文件”中读取,写入“标准输出文件”,和向“标准错误文件”写入错误信息。程序在终端机里执行,典型,这三种文件在terminal里面执行。每一种可能被独立地“重定位”
 用内核提供的服务中有:藉由进程创建,进程终止,进程挂起,进程通信这些操作,控制进程的执行调度进程公平地在cpu上执行,共享cpu, 进程共享时间cpu是以时间的方式进行共享的。cpu执行一个进程,当他的时间分配时间到时,内核就会挂起他,内核就会调度另一个进程,内核稍后就会重新挂起的进程的制定时间表。给一个执行的程序分配内存:内核允许进程共享他们的地址空间在特定条件下。但是,保护一个进程私有地址空间免遭篡改。假如系统在运行在低于自由空间。内核会释放内存-------------------,,,调用交换设备,假如内核读写整个进程内存用一个交换措施,而unix系统的实现叫“交换系统”,假如用a swap devic读写内存的页,则,它叫做分页系统。 分配二次内存为高效的储藏和取回用户的数据,这个服务便组成文件系统。内核为用户文件分配第二存储空间。归还未使用的空间,以一个易于理解的方式理解结构文件系统,保护用户文件免于非法的访问允许进程空间访问外围的设备比如终端机,磁带设备,磁盘设备,和网络设备。


 进程(译注2:)通常会访问三种文件:“标准输入文件”,“标准输出文件” 和“标准错误文件”,前者是用来读取,次者是提供写入,最后是用于写入程序的错误信息(译注3)。程序在终端机器中运行。通常,终端机都可以作为这三种“文件”之一(译注4),每一种“文件”都可以独立的,不受影响地进行“重定位”。 
 内核给一个执行着的进程分配内存。除了保护进程私有地址空间免遭篡改外,在特定的条件下,内核也允许进程共享它们的地址空间。假如内存可用空间不足时,内核将进程信息临时调出外存中,外存称为交换区(swap device)。UNIX系统有二种内存管理方式,其一内存将整个进程信息写入交换区中,称为“分段系统”。其二内存将页面写入交换区中,称为“分页系统”(译注5)。 




user:     使用者,程序员,用户。
primitive: 原始的,简单的,基本!
programs:  程序,程序码,进程!
secondary memory: 第二存储器,翻译为“外存”

译注1:“Shell”这些选择不译,Shell的意思为操作系统的终端解释器,如UNIX/Linux的Termial解释器,DOS/Window9X的Command,WindowsNT  4/5的Explorer等
译注3:“标准输入文件”,“标准输出文件” 和“标准错误文件”相当于C++语言的cout, cin, cerr,请代码A3
译注4:一般终端机都会有“键盘”,“显示器”,前者是“标准输入文件”,后者是“标准输出文件”,这里的文件为泛指,在UNIX里,任何  设备都可以当成一个文件,包括键盘,显示器,鼠标,磁盘等。
译注7:这个句话的意思是:文件存储在文件系统中,是经过格式化了(比如增加各种标志位,便于让文件系统控制),但是,原来用户 的数据是未格式化的,但是,文件系统接受用户读取文件的请求后,会负责还原。


极度显示了cout,cin, cerr的运用

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>

namespace MyLib{
 double ReadAndProcessSum(std::istream& strm)
  using std::ios;
  double value, sum;

  ios::io_state odlExceptions = strm.exceptions();

  strm.exceptions(ios::failbit | ios::badbit);

  try {
   sum = 0;
   while (strm >> value) {
    sum += value;
   if (!strm.eof()) {

  return 0;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
 using namespace std;
 double sum;

 // cout:对应的是标准输出文件

 try {
  // cin:对应标准输入文件
  sum = MyLib::ReadAndProcessSum(cin);
 catch(const ios::failure& error){

  cerr<< "standard exception:" <<error.what() <<endl;
  return EXIT_FAILURE;

 cout << "sum:" << sum <<endl;
 return 0;

--by littleroy


