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2013年07月27日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 2228字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭
Java code
import java.util.Scanner; //用贪心算法实现的背包问题 public class BagProblem ...{ public static void main(String[] args) ...{ Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); int n = 0; System.out.println("please input the maxweight of bag"); //定义背包的最大容量maxWeight Bag bag = null; if(input.hasNextInt()) ...{ n = input.nextInt(); bag = new Bag(n); System.out.println("please input the number of things"); } //定义物品的数量num Thing[] things = null; int thingsNum = 0; if(input.hasNextInt()) ...{ n = input.nextInt(); thingsNum = n; things = new Thing[n]; System.out.println("please input weight and value of thing " + 1); } //定义每个物品的重量weight, 价值value int i = 0; while(input.hasNextInt()) ...{ int[] temp = new int[2]; for(int j = 0; j < 2; j++)...{ n = input.nextInt(); temp[j] = n; } things[i] = new Thing(temp[0], temp[1]); if(i < thingsNum - 1) ...{ System.out.println("please input weight and value of thing " + (++i +1)); } else break; } System.out.println(bag.getsMaxValue(things)); } } //背包类 class Bag ...{ //maxWeight:背包的最大容量 double maxWeight; Bag(double mw) ...{ maxWeight = mw; } public double getsMaxValue(Thing[] things) ...{ int num = things.length; double[] weights = new double[num]; double[] values = new double[num]; for(int i = 0; i < num; i++) ...{ weights[i] = things[i].weight; values[i] = things[i].value; } Thing[] thingsBeenSorted = new Thing[num]; for(int i = 0; i < num; i++) ...{ thingsBeenSorted[i] = new Thing(weights[i], values[i]); } BubbleSort.bubbleSort(thingsBeenSorted); double maxValue = 0; int i; for(i = 0 ; i < num; i++) ...{ if(thingsBeenSorted[i].weight > maxWeight) ...{break;} thingsBeenSorted[i].part = 1; maxValue += thingsBeenSorted[i].value; maxWeight -= thingsBeenSorted[i].weight; } if(i < num) ...{ thingsBeenSorted[i].part = maxWeight/thingsBeenSorted[i].weight; return maxValue += thingsBeenSorted[i].part * thingsBeenSorted[i].value; } return -1; } } //物品类 class Thing implements Comparable ...{ //weight:物品的重量, value:物品的价值, //part:物品被装入背包的部分占自身总体部分的百分比, vPerw:value与weight的比值 double weight, value, part, vPerw; Thing(double w, double v) ...{ //, double p weight = w; value = v; part = 0; vPerw = v/w; } public int compareTo(Object o) ...{ if(vPerw > ((Thing)o).vPerw) ...{return 1;} if(vPerw < ((Thing)o).vPerw) ...{return -1;} return 0; } } //冒泡排序类(注意这里是按vPerw的大小降序排列的) class BubbleSort ...{ static void bubbleSort(Thing[] things) ...{ Thing temp; for(int i = things.length - 1; i >= 1; i --) ...{ for(int j = 0; j <= i - 1; j ++) ...{ if(things[j].compareTo(things[j+1]) < 0) ...{ temp = things[j]; things[j] = things[j+1]; things[j+1] = temp; } } } } }
