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hw mixer还是sw mixer实现setMasterVolume?

2013年11月02日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 4484字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭


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 * snd_ctl_find_id - find the control instance with the given id 
 * @card: the card instance 
 * @id: the id to search 
 * Finds the control instance with the given id from the card. 
 * Returns the pointer of the instance if found, or NULL if not. 
 * The caller must down card->controls_rwsem before calling this function 
 * (if the race condition can happen). 
struct snd_kcontrol *snd_ctl_find_id(struct snd_card *card,  
                     struct snd_ctl_elem_id *id)  
    struct snd_kcontrol *kctl;  
    if (snd_BUG_ON(!card || !id))  
        return NULL;  
    if (id->numid != 0)  
        return snd_ctl_find_numid(card, id->numid);  
    list_for_each_entry(kctl, &card->controls, list) {  
        if (kctl->id.iface != id->iface)  
        if (kctl->id.device != id->device)  
        if (kctl->id.subdevice != id->subdevice)  
        if (strncmp(kctl->id.name, id->name, sizeof(kctl->id.name)))  
        if (kctl->id.index > id->index)  
        if (kctl->id.index + kctl->count <= id->index)  
        return kctl;  
    return NULL;  

 * snd_ctl_find_id - find the control instance with the given id
 * @card: the card instance
 * @id: the id to search
 * Finds the control instance with the given id from the card.
 * Returns the pointer of the instance if found, or NULL if not.
 * The caller must down card->controls_rwsem before calling this function
 * (if the race condition can happen).
struct snd_kcontrol *snd_ctl_find_id(struct snd_card *card,
         struct snd_ctl_elem_id *id)
 struct snd_kcontrol *kctl;

 if (snd_BUG_ON(!card || !id))
  return NULL;
 if (id->numid != 0)
  return snd_ctl_find_numid(card, id->numid);
 list_for_each_entry(kctl, &card->controls, list) {
  if (kctl->id.iface != id->iface)
  if (kctl->id.device != id->device)
  if (kctl->id.subdevice != id->subdevice)
  if (strncmp(kctl->id.name, id->name, sizeof(kctl->id.name)))
  if (kctl->id.index > id->index)
  if (kctl->id.index + kctl->count <= id->index)
  return kctl;
 return NULL;

今天继续跟踪Android音频系统时,发现无论如何都找不到Android与snd_kcontrol的联结点,无论是name还是numid(alsa_amixer controls打印出来的那个numid,即是内核层snd_kcontrol链表元素的numid)都找不到相关关键字。但是它确实可以进行调节音量等控制。后来我修改内核的Codec驱动,将音量控制的kcontrol.name换成其他字符串,重新编译,Android还是可以进行音量控制。




继续以上问题,我在调节音量时,打印Codec寄存器的值,发现volume寄存器的值根本不会发生变化,但是音量确确实实是变化的。那时就在怀疑我们Android的音量调节不是通过硬件来实现的,而是有自身的sw mixer机制。晚上和Vic一起吃饭时,聊起这个,肯定了我的猜测。

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status_t AudioFlinger::setMasterVolume(float value)  
    // check calling permissions  
    if (!settingsAllowed()) {  
        return PERMISSION_DENIED;  
    // when hw supports master volume, don't scale in sw mixer  
    AutoMutex lock(mHardwareLock);  
    mHardwareStatus = AUDIO_HW_SET_MASTER_VOLUME;  
    if (mAudioHardware->setMasterVolume(value) == NO_ERROR) {  
        value = 1.0f;  
    mHardwareStatus = AUDIO_HW_IDLE;  
    mMasterVolume = value;  
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mPlaybackThreads.size(); i++)  
    return NO_ERROR;  

status_t AudioFlinger::setMasterVolume(float value)
    // check calling permissions
    if (!settingsAllowed()) {
        return PERMISSION_DENIED;

    // when hw supports master volume, don't scale in sw mixer
    AutoMutex lock(mHardwareLock);
    mHardwareStatus = AUDIO_HW_SET_MASTER_VOLUME;
    if (mAudioHardware->setMasterVolume(value) == NO_ERROR) {
        value = 1.0f;
    mHardwareStatus = AUDIO_HW_IDLE;

    mMasterVolume = value;
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mPlaybackThreads.size(); i++)

    return NO_ERROR;

应该是Android允许开发者在HAL层实现hw mixer,当AudioFlinger探测到存在hw mixer时,则调用mAudioHardware->setMasterVolume()对volume寄存器进行设置,也不会对volume值进行scale。至于sw mixer如何使用scale值的,我没有深入探究。

以后实现hw mixer看看(反正到时也要实现EQ)效果,现在这个音量设置不是线性的,用硬件控制应该更好一点。

PS:标题就不用管它了,默认下Android根本不去找底层的kcontrol接口,而是使用自身的sw mixer。

