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sql 嵌套查询

2013年10月20日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 1441字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭
use test000
----select * from Employees
----Insert Into Employees
---- Values('1304','zhangsan',24,'1','销售部','05926188888','集美大学工商管理学院');
-- --查询与冯晓丹同一部门的员工姓名和地址;
 select ename,EADDRESS  from employees where edept in(select edept from Employees where ENAME='冯晓丹' );
select ename,edept from Employees where EAGE >(select EAGE from Employees where ENAME='冯晓丹');
--select ename,eage from employees where eno in
--(select eno from Purchase where gno in
--(select gno from SELL  where ENO ='1301')
--select ename,eage from employees where eage <
--(select MIN(eage) from Employees where Edept='财务部');
--select ename,edept from employees where exists
--	select * from sell where sell.eno=employees.eno and gno=
--	(
--		select gno from GOODS  where gname='笔记本电脑'
--	)
--select gname,SELL.* from goods,SELL where ginprice >
--(select ginprice from goods where GNAME='数码相机');
--select ename from Employees  where eno not in
--	select eno from purchase where gno=
--	(
--		select gno from GOODS where GNAME ='MP3播放器'
--	)
--select gname,ename from goods,Employees where gno in
--	select gno from purchase where eno in
--	(
--		select Eno  from Purchase where spname='C公司'
--	)
--) and ENO in (select Eno  from Purchase where spname='C公司');
--select ename,eage from Employees where Edept='销售部' and  ENO =
--	select top 1 eno from SELL group by ENO order by SUM(SSUM) 
