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Sencha Touch 2 官方文档翻译之 History Support(访问历史支持)

2012年07月30日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 10030字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭




Touch 2的访问历史和路由支持堪称独有特色,也让它的用户体验向Native应用更加靠近了一步。通俗的讲,访问历史和路由这两个功能(深链接只是路由功能的一个应用)就是在浏览器环境中,把单页面应用程序模拟成多页面交互的效果,而且还无需刷新页面。



原文标题是:Routing, Deep Linking and the

Back Button路由、深链接以及后退按钮

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Routing, Deep

Linking and the Back Button


注:为方便起见,文中所有出现 Sencha Touch的地方均以 ST简写替代。

Sencha Touch 2 comes with fully

history and deep-linking support. This gives your web applications 2 massive



l  The back button works inside your

apps, navigating correctly and quickly between screens without refreshing the



l  Deep-linking enables your users to

send a link to any part of the app and have it load the right screen


The result is an application that

feels much more in tune with what users expect from native apps, especially on

Android devices with the built-in back button fully supported.


Setting up routes


Setting up history support for your apps is pretty

straightforward and is centered around the concept of routes. Routes are a

simple mapping between urls and controller actions - whenever a certain type of

url is detected in the address bar the corresponding Controller action is

called automatically. Let's take a look at a simple Controller:


Ext.define('MyApp.controller.Products', {


extend: 'Ext.app.Controller',



config: {


routes: {


'products/:id': 'showProduct'






showProduct: function(id) {


console.log('showing product ' + id);




By specifying the routes above, the Main controller

will be notified whenever the browser url looks like "#products/123".

For example, if your application is deployed onto http://myapp.com, any url

that looks like http://myapp.com/#products/123, http://myapp.com/#products/456

or http://myapp.com/#products/abc will automatically cause your showProduct

function to be called.


When the showProduct function is called this way,

it is passed the 'id' token that was parsed out of the url. This happens

because we used ':id' in the route - whenever a route contains a ':' it will

attempt to pull that information out of the url and pass it into your function.

Note that these parsed tokens are always strings (because urls are always

strings themselves), so hitting a route like 'http://myapp.com/#products/456'

is the same as calling showProduct('456').


You can specify any number of routes and your

routes can each have any number of tokens - for example:


Ext.define('MyApp.controller.Products', {


extend: 'Ext.app.Controller',



config: {


routes: {


'products/:id': 'showProduct',


'products/:id/:format': 'showProductInFormat'






showProduct: function(id) {


console.log('showing product ' + id);





showProductInFormat: function(id, format) {


console.log('showing product ' + id + ' in ' + format + ' format');




The second route accepts urls like

#products/123/pdf, which will route through to the showProductInFormat function

and console log 'showing product 123 in pdf format'. Notice that the arguments

are passed into the function in the order they appear in the route definition.

第二个路由接受像#products/123/pdf这样的url,它将被指向showProductInFormat函数并且输出'showing product 123 in pdf format'结果。注意传入函数的参数顺序与路由中定义的顺序保持一致。

Of course, your Controller function probably won't

actually just log a message to the console, it can do anything needed by your

app - whether it's fetching data, updating the UI or anything else.



Advanced Routes


By default, wildcards in routes match any sequence

of letters and numbers. This means that a route for

"products/:id/edit" would match the url

"#products/123/edit" but not "#products/a ,fd.sd/edit" -

the second contains a number of letters that don't qualify (space, comma, dot).



Sometimes though we want the route to be able to

match urls like this, for example if a url contains a file name we may want to

be able to pull that out into a single token. To achieve this we can pass a

configuration object into our Route:


Ext.define('MyApp.controller.Products', {


extend: 'Ext.app.Controller',



config: {


routes: {


'file/:filename': {


action: 'showFile',


conditions: {


':filename': "[0-9a-zA-Z\.]+"










//opens a new window to show the file


showFile: function(filename) {






So instead of an action string we now have a

configuration object that contains an 'action' property. In addition, we added

a conditions configuration which tells the :filename token to match any

sequence of numbers and letters, along with a period ('.'). This means our

route will now match urls like http://myapp.com/#file/someFile.jpg, passing

'someFile.jpg' in as the argument to the Controller's showFile function.


Restoring State


One challenge that comes with supporting history

and deep linking is that you need to be able to restore the full UI state of

the app to make it as if the user navigated to the deep-linked page him or

herself. This can sometimes be tricky but is the price we pay for making life

better for the user.


Let's take the simple example of loading a product

based on a url like http://myapp.com/#products/123. Let's update our Products

Controller from above:


Ext.define('MyApp.controller.Products', {


extend: 'Ext.app.Controller',



config: {


refs: {


main: '#mainView'




routes: {


'products/:id': 'showProduct'







     * Endpoint for

'products/:id' routes. Adds a product details view (xtype = productview)

     * into the main view

of the app then loads the Product into the view




showProduct: function(id) {


view = this.getMain().add({


xtype: 'productview'




MyApp.model.Product.load(id, {


success: function(product) {






failure: function() {


Ext.Msg.alert('Could not load Product ' + id);







Here our 'products/:id' url endpoint results in the

immediate addition of a view into our app's main view (which could be a

TabPanel or other Container), then uses our product model (MyApp.model.Product)

to fetch the Product from the server. We added a callback that then populates

the product detail view with the freshly loaded Product. We render the UI

immediately (as opposed to only rendering it when the Product has been loaded)

so that we give the user visual feedback as soon as possible.


Each app will need different logic when it comes to

restoring state for a deeply-linked view. For example, the Kitchen Sink needs

to restore the state of its NestedList navigation as well as rendering the

correct view for the given url. To see how this is accomplished in both Phone

and Tablet profiles check out the showView functions in the Kitchen Sink's app/controller/phone/Main.js

and app/controller/tablet/Main.js files.

每个应用程序在为深链接还原状态的时候都有不同的逻辑。比如Kitchen Sink需要还原他的级联列表导航栏并渲染url指定的视图。想知道在PhoneTablet两个Profile中是怎么实现的,请参考Kitchen Sink app/controller/phone/Main.jsapp/controller/tablet/Main.js文件中showView函数。

Sharing urls across

Device Profiles


In most cases you'll want to share the exact same

route structure between your Device Profiles. This way a user using your Phone

version can send their current url to a friend using a Tablet and expect that

their friend will be taken to the right place in the Tablet app. This generally

means it's best to define your route configurations in the superclass of the

Phone and Tablet-specific Controllers:


Ext.define('MyApp.controller.Products', {


extend: 'Ext.app.Controller',



config: {


routes: {


'products/:id': 'showProduct'





Now in your Phone-specific subclass you can just

implement the showProduct function to give a Phone-specific view for the given



Ext.define('MyApp.controller.phone.Products', {


extend: 'MyApp.controller.Products',



showProduct: function(id) {


console.log('showing a phone-specific Product page for ' + id);




And in your Tablet-specific subclass just do the

same thing, this time showing a tablet-specific view:


Ext.define('MyApp.controller.tablet.Products', {


extend: 'MyApp.controller.Products',



showProduct: function(id) {


console.log('showing a tablet-specific Product page for ' + id);




There are some exceptions to this rule, usually to

do with linking to navigation states. The Kitchen Sink example has phone and

tablet specific views - on both profiles we use a NestedList for navigation but

whereas on the Tablet NestedList only takes up the left hand edge of the screen,

one the Phone it fills the screen. In order to make the back button work as

expected on phones, each time we navigate in the NestedList we push the new url

into the history, which means that the Phone-specific controller has one

additional route. Check out the app/controller/phone/Main.js file for an

example of this.

也有一些例外情况,比如Kitchen Sink例子当中有phonetablet两个专用视图,两个profile中都有一个级联列表作为导航栏,但是平板电脑上的导航栏是一直固定在左侧不动,而手机上的则是充满整个屏幕。为了使手机上的后退按钮可以正常工作,每次我们在手机级联列表中导航的时候都要设定一个新的url到访问历史当中去,这样手机专用的控制器就会多一个额外的路由,具体可以看一下app/controller/phone/Main.js文件当中的代码。
