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MSM8x25 LCD调试分析(二)

2013年12月05日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 19716字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭


1.1 简介


1.2  开发环境


         Ubuntu:需要 10.04以及之后的版本

         Gcc: 4.4.7 toolchain

1.3  硬件平台


1.4 开发工具




2.1 帧缓冲




2.1.2 fb_info结构体


struct fb_info {
    atomic_t count;
    int node;
    int flags;
    struct mutex lock;      /*用于open/release/ioctl的锁*/
    struct mutex mm_lock;       /* Lock for fb_mmap and smem_* fields */
    struct fb_var_screeninfo var;   /* 用户可修改的显示控制参数,包括像素比特数和屏幕分辨率,比如xres、yres、bits_per_pixel等 */
    struct fb_fix_screeninfo fix;   /* 用户不可修改的显示控制参数 比如物理地址、长度等 */
    struct fb_monspecs monspecs;    /* Current Monitor specs */
    struct work_struct queue;   /* Framebuffer event queue */
    struct fb_pixmap pixmap;    /* Image hardware mapper */
    struct fb_pixmap sprite;    /* Cursor hardware mapper */
    struct fb_cmap cmap;        /* Current cmap */
    struct list_head modelist;      /* mode list */
    struct fb_videomode *mode;  /* current mode */

    /* assigned backlight device */
    /* set before framebuffer registration, 
       remove after unregister */
    struct backlight_device *bl_dev;

    /* Backlight level curve */
    struct mutex bl_curve_mutex;
    u8 bl_curve[FB_BACKLIGHT_LEVELS];
    struct delayed_work deferred_work;
    struct fb_deferred_io *fbdefio;

    struct fb_ops *fbops;/* 帧缓冲操作 */
    struct device *device;      /* This is the parent */
    struct device *dev;     /* This is this fb device */
    int class_flag;                    /* private sysfs flags */
    struct fb_tile_ops *tileops;    /* Tile Blitting */
    char __iomem *screen_base;  /* Virtual address */
    unsigned long screen_size;  /* Amount of ioremapped VRAM or 0虚拟内存大小 */
    void *pseudo_palette;       /* Fake palette of 16 colors伪16色颜色表 */
    u32 state;          /* Hardware state i.e suspend */
    void *fbcon_par;                /* fbcon use-only private area */
    /* From here on everything is device dependent */
    void *par;
    /* we need the PCI or similar aperture base/size not
       smem_start/size as smem_start may just be an object
       allocated inside the aperture so may not actually overlap */
    struct apertures_struct {
        unsigned int count;
        struct aperture {
            resource_size_t base;
            resource_size_t size;
        } ranges[0];
    } *apertures;


struct fb_ops {
    /* open/release and usage marking */
    struct module *owner;
    int (*fb_open)(struct fb_info *info, int user);
    int (*fb_release)(struct fb_info *info, int user);

    /* For framebuffers with strange non linear layouts or that do not
     * work with normal memory mapped access
    ssize_t (*fb_read)(struct fb_info *info, char __user *buf,
               size_t count, loff_t *ppos);
    ssize_t (*fb_write)(struct fb_info *info, const char __user *buf,
                size_t count, loff_t *ppos);

    /* checks var and eventually tweaks it to something supported,
    int (*fb_check_var)(struct fb_var_screeninfo *var, struct fb_info *info);

    /* set the video mode according to info->var */
    int (*fb_set_par)(struct fb_info *info);

    /* set color register */
    int (*fb_setcolreg)(unsigned regno, unsigned red, unsigned green,
                unsigned blue, unsigned transp, struct fb_info *info);

    /* set color registers in batch */
    int (*fb_setcmap)(struct fb_cmap *cmap, struct fb_info *info);

    /* blank display */
    int (*fb_blank)(int blank, struct fb_info *info);

    /* pan display */
    int (*fb_pan_display)(struct fb_var_screeninfo *var, struct fb_info *info);

    /* Draws a rectangle */
    void (*fb_fillrect) (struct fb_info *info, const struct fb_fillrect *rect);
    /* Copy data from area to another */
    void (*fb_copyarea) (struct fb_info *info, const struct fb_copyarea *region);
   /* Draws a image to the display */
    void (*fb_imageblit) (struct fb_info *info, const struct fb_image *image);

    /* Draws cursor */
    int (*fb_cursor) (struct fb_info *info, struct fb_cursor *cursor);

    /* Rotates the display */
    void (*fb_rotate)(struct fb_info *info, int angle);

    /* wait for blit idle, optional */
    int (*fb_sync)(struct fb_info *info);

    /* perform fb specific ioctl (optional) */
    int (*fb_ioctl)(struct fb_info *info, unsigned int cmd,
            unsigned long arg);

    /* Handle 32bit compat ioctl (optional) */
    int (*fb_compat_ioctl)(struct fb_info *info, unsigned cmd,
            unsigned long arg);

    /* perform fb specific mmap */
    int (*fb_mmap)(struct fb_info *info, struct vm_area_struct *vma);

    /* get capability given var */
    void (*fb_get_caps)(struct fb_info *info, struct fb_blit_caps *caps,
                struct fb_var_screeninfo *var);

    /* teardown any resources to do with this framebuffer */
    void (*fb_destroy)(struct fb_info *info);

    /* called at KDB enter and leave time to prepare the console */
    int (*fb_debug_enter)(struct fb_info *info);
    int (*fb_debug_leave)(struct fb_info *info);


static const struct file_operations fb_fops = {
    .owner =    THIS_MODULE,
    .read =     fb_read,
    .write =    fb_write,
    .unlocked_ioctl = fb_ioctl,
    .compat_ioctl = fb_compat_ioctl,
    .mmap =     fb_mmap,
    .open =     fb_open,
    .release =  fb_release,
    .get_unmapped_area = get_fb_unmapped_area,
    .fsync =    fb_deferred_io_fsync,
    .llseek =   default_llseek,

2.1.3 帧缓冲设备驱动结构


2.2 LCD driver的注册以及framebuffer的建立



       1、申请FBI结构体内存空间,初始化FBI结构体中fb_var_screeninfo var、fb_fix_screeninfo fix。




2.2.1 LCD驱动的注册以及LCDC device的创建


static struct spi_driver lcdc_toshiba_spi_driver = {
    .driver = {
        .owner = THIS_MODULE,
    .probe         = lcdc_toshiba_spi_probe,
    .remove        = __devexit_p(lcdc_toshiba_spi_remove),
static struct platform_driver this_driver = {
    .probe  = toshiba_probe,
    .driver = {
        .name   = "lcdc_toshiba_wvga",

static struct msm_fb_panel_data toshiba_panel_data = {
    .on = lcdc_toshiba_panel_on,
    .off = lcdc_toshiba_panel_off,
    .set_backlight = lcdc_toshiba_set_backlight,

static struct platform_device this_device = {
    .name   = "lcdc_toshiba_wvga",
    .id = 1,
    .dev    = {
        .platform_data = &toshiba_panel_data,
static int __devinit toshiba_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
    if (pdev->id == 0) {
        lcdc_toshiba_pdata = pdev->dev.platform_data;
        return 0;
    return 0;

static int __devinit lcdc_toshiba_spi_probe(struct spi_device *spi)
    lcdc_toshiba_spi_client = spi;
    lcdc_toshiba_spi_client->bits_per_word = 32;
    return 0;
static int __devinit lcdc_toshiba_spi_probe(struct spi_device *spi)
    lcdc_toshiba_spi_client = spi;
    lcdc_toshiba_spi_client->bits_per_word = 32;
    return 0;
static int __devexit lcdc_toshiba_spi_remove(struct spi_device *spi)
    lcdc_toshiba_spi_client = NULL;
    return 0;


pinfo = &toshiba_panel_data.panel_info;
    pinfo->xres = 480;
    pinfo->yres = 800;
    pinfo->type = LCDC_PANEL;
    pinfo->pdest = DISPLAY_1;
    pinfo->wait_cycle = 0;
    pinfo->bpp = 18;
    pinfo->fb_num = 2;
    /* 30Mhz mdp_lcdc_pclk and mdp_lcdc_pad_pcl */
    pinfo->clk_rate = 30720000;
    pinfo->bl_max = 15;
    pinfo->bl_min = 1;

    pinfo->lcdc.h_back_porch = 184; /* hsw = 8 + hbp=184 */
    pinfo->lcdc.h_front_porch = 4;
    pinfo->lcdc.h_pulse_width = 8;
    pinfo->lcdc.v_back_porch = 2;   /* vsw=1 + vbp = 2 */
    pinfo->lcdc.v_front_porch = 3;
    pinfo->lcdc.v_pulse_width = 1;
    pinfo->lcdc.border_clr = 0;     /* blk */
    pinfo->lcdc.underflow_clr = 0xff;       /* blue */
    pinfo->lcdc.hsync_skew = 0;


2.2.2 MDP device的创建

,然后设置mdp device的一些显示参数以及onoff接口,并将lcdcpdev结构体的next指针指向mdp
的设备结构体,即mdp devicelcdc device的父节点。


2.2.3 msm_fbdevice的创建

         在创建MDP device时,会去执行mdp.c中的probe函数,初始化MDP相关参数并创建msm_fb
,其next指针指向mdp device的设备结构体,即msm_fb devicemdp device的父节点。


2.2.4 fb0的创建



2.2.5 fb设备创建流程图



2.3 fb设备的打开及framebuffer的使用


2.3.1 gralloc设备的打开过程



int gralloc_device_open(const hw_module_t* module, const char* name,
        hw_device_t** device)
    int status = -EINVAL;
    if (!strcmp(name, GRALLOC_HARDWARE_GPU0)) {
        gralloc_context_t *dev;
        dev = (gralloc_context_t*)malloc(sizeof(*dev));

        /* initialize our state here */
        memset(dev, 0, sizeof(*dev));

        /* initialize the procs */
        dev->device.common.tag = HARDWARE_DEVICE_TAG;
        dev->device.common.version = 0;
        dev->device.common.module = const_cast<hw_module_t*>(module);
        dev->device.common.close = gralloc_close;

        dev->device.alloc   = gralloc_alloc;
        dev->device.free    = gralloc_free;

        *device = &dev->device.common;
        status = 0;
    } else {
        status = fb_device_open(module, name, device);
    return status;



2.3.2 fb设备的打开过程


typedef struct framebuffer_device_t {
    struct hw_device_t common;

    /* flags describing some attributes of the framebuffer */
    const uint32_t  flags;/*记录系统帧缓冲区的标志*/
    /* dimensions of the framebuffer in pixels */
    const uint32_t  width;/*显示屏宽度*/
    const uint32_t  height;/*显示屏高度*/

    /* frambuffer stride in pixels */
    const int       stride;/*显示屏每行像素点数目*/

    /* framebuffer pixel format */
    const int       format;/帧缓冲区格式/

    /* resolution of the framebuffer's display panel in pixel per inch*/
    const float     xdpi;/*显示屏在宽度上的密度*/
    const float     ydpi;/*显示屏在高度上的密度*/

    /* framebuffer's display panel refresh rate in frames per second */
    const float     fps;/*描述设备显示屏的刷新频率,它的单位是帧每秒 */

    /* min swap interval supported by this framebuffer */
    const int       minSwapInterval;

    /* max swap interval supported by this framebuffer */
    const int       maxSwapInterval;

    int reserved[8];

     * requests a specific swap-interval (same definition than EGL)
     * Returns 0 on success or -errno on error.
    int (*setSwapInterval)(struct framebuffer_device_t* window,
            int interval);
int (*setUpdateRect)(struct framebuffer_device_t* window,
            int left, int top, int width, int height);

 int (*post)(struct framebuffer_device_t* dev, buffer_handle_t buffer);

 int (*compositionComplete)(struct framebuffer_device_t* dev);
#if defined(OSP_GRALLOC_READ) /*  */
  int (*read)(struct framebuffer_device_t* dev, buffer_handle_t buffer);
  void (*dump)(struct framebuffer_device_t* dev, char *buff, int buff_len);

     * (*enableScreen)() is used to either blank (enable=0) or
     * unblank (enable=1) the screen this framebuffer is attached to.
     * Returns 0 on success or -errno on error.
    int (*enableScreen)(struct framebuffer_device_t* dev, int enable);

     * Notification to gralloc that the current display rotation angle changed.
    void (*setRotation)(struct framebuffer_device_t* dev, int rotation);

    void* reserved_proc[6];

} framebuffer_device_t;


int fb_device_open(hw_module_t const* module, const char* name,
                   hw_device_t** device)
    int status = -EINVAL;
    if (!strcmp(name, GRALLOC_HARDWARE_FB0)) {
        alloc_device_t* gralloc_device;
        status = gralloc_open(module, &gralloc_device);
        if (status < 0)
            return status;

        /* initialize our state here */
        fb_context_t *dev = (fb_context_t*)malloc(sizeof(*dev));
        memset(dev, 0, sizeof(*dev));

        /* initialize the procs */
        dev->device.common.tag      = HARDWARE_DEVICE_TAG;
        dev->device.common.version  = 0;
        dev->device.common.module   = const_cast<hw_module_t*>(module);
        dev->device.common.close    = fb_close;
        dev->device.setSwapInterval = fb_setSwapInterval;
        dev->device.post            = fb_post;
        dev->device.setUpdateRect   = 0;
        dev->device.compositionComplete = fb_compositionComplete;

        private_module_t* m = (private_module_t*)module;
        status = mapFrameBuffer(m);
        if (status >= 0) {
            int stride = m->finfo.line_length / (m->info.bits_per_pixel >> 3); 
            const_cast<uint32_t&>(dev->device.flags) = 0;
            const_cast<uint32_t&>(dev->device.width) = m->info.xres;
            const_cast<uint32_t&>(dev->device.height) = m->info.yres;
            const_cast<int&>(dev->device.stride) = stride;
            const_cast<int&>(dev->device.format) = m->fbFormat;
            const_cast<float&>(dev->device.xdpi) = m->xdpi;
            const_cast<float&>(dev->device.ydpi) = m->ydpi;
            const_cast<float&>(dev->device.fps) = m->fps;
            const_cast<int&>(dev->device.minSwapInterval) =
            const_cast<int&>(dev->device.maxSwapInterval) =
            const_cast<int&>(dev->device.numFramebuffers) = m->numBuffers;
            if (m->finfo.reserved[0] == 0x5444 &&
                m->finfo.reserved[1] == 0x5055) {
                dev->device.setUpdateRect = fb_setUpdateRect;
                ALOGD("UPDATE_ON_DEMAND supported");

            *device = &dev->device.common;

        // Close the gralloc module
    return status;




static int mapFrameBuffer(struct private_module_t* module)
    int err = mapFrameBufferLocked(module);
    return err;


int mapFrameBufferLocked(struct private_module_t* module)
    // already initialized...
    if (module->framebuffer) {
        return 0;
    char const * const device_template[] = {
        0 };

    int fd = -1;
    int i=0;
    char name[64];
    char property[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX];


while ((fd==-1) && device_template[i]) {
        snprintf(name, 64, device_template[i], 0);
        fd = open(name, O_RDWR, 0);
    if (fd < 0)
        return -errno;


struct fb_fix_screeninfo finfo; if (ioctl(fd, FBIOGET_FSCREENINFO, &finfo) == -1) return -errno;


struct fb_var_screeninfo info; if (ioctl(fd, FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO, &info) == -1) 
        return -errno;



    info.reserved[0] = 0;
    info.reserved[1] = 0;
    info.reserved[2] = 0;
    info.xoffset = 0;
    info.yoffset = 0;
    info.activate = FB_ACTIVATE_NOW;

    /* Interpretation of offset for color fields: All offsets are from the
     * right, inside a "pixel" value, which is exactly 'bits_per_pixel' wide
     * (means: you can use the offset as right argument to <<). A pixel
     * afterwards is a bit stream and is written to video memory as that
     * unmodified. This implies big-endian byte order if bits_per_pixel is
     * greater than 8.

    if(info.bits_per_pixel == 32) {
         * Explicitly request RGBA_8888
        info.bits_per_pixel = 32; 
        info.red.offset     = 24; 
        info.red.length     = 8;
        info.green.offset   = 16; 
        info.green.length   = 8;
        info.blue.offset    = 8;
        info.blue.length    = 8;
        info.transp.offset  = 0;
        info.transp.length  = 8;

        /* Note: the GL driver does not have a r=8 g=8 b=8 a=0 config, so if we
         * do not use the MDP for composition (i.e. hw composition == 0), ask
         * for RGBA instead of RGBX. */
       if (property_get("debug.sf.hw", property, NULL) > 0 &&
                                                           atoi(property) == 0)
            module->fbFormat = HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBX_8888;
        else if(property_get("debug.composition.type", property, NULL) > 0 &&
                (strncmp(property, "mdp", 3) == 0))
            module->fbFormat = HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBX_8888;
            module->fbFormat = HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888;
    } else {
         * Explicitly request 5/6/5
        info.bits_per_pixel = 16;
        info.red.offset     = 11;
        info.red.length     = 5;
        info.green.offset   = 5;
        info.green.length   = 6;
        info.blue.offset    = 0;
        info.blue.length    = 5;
        info.transp.offset  = 0;
        info.transp.length  = 0;
        module->fbFormat = HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB_565;

    //adreno needs 4k aligned offsets. Max hole size is 4096-1
    int  size = roundUpToPageSize(info.yres * info.xres *

     * Request NUM_BUFFERS screens (at least 2 for page flipping)
    int numberOfBuffers = (int)(finfo.smem_len/size);
    ALOGV("num supported framebuffers in kernel = %d", numberOfBuffers);
    if (property_get("debug.gr.numframebuffers", property, NULL) > 0) {
        int num = atoi(property);
        if ((num >= NUM_FRAMEBUFFERS_MIN) && (num <= NUM_FRAMEBUFFERS_MAX)) {
            numberOfBuffers = num;
    if (numberOfBuffers > NUM_FRAMEBUFFERS_MAX)
        numberOfBuffers = NUM_FRAMEBUFFERS_MAX;

    ALOGV("We support %d buffers", numberOfBuffers);

    //consider the included hole by 4k alignment
    uint32_t line_length = (info.xres * info.bits_per_pixel / 8);
    info.yres_virtual = (size * numberOfBuffers) / line_len
   uint32_t flags = PAGE_FLIP;
    if (ioctl(fd, FBIOPUT_VSCREENINFO, &info) == -1) {
        info.yres_virtual = size / line_length;
        flags &= ~PAGE_FLIP;
        ALOGW("FBIOPUT_VSCREENINFO failed, page flipping not supported");

    if (info.yres_virtual < ((size * 2) / line_length) ) {
        // we need at least 2 for page-flipping
        info.yres_virtual = size / line_length;
        flags &= ~PAGE_FLIP;
        ALOGW("page flipping not supported (yres_virtual=%d, requested=%d)",
              info.yres_virtual, info.yres*2);

    if (ioctl(fd, FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO, &info) == -1)
        return -errno;

    if (int(info.width) <= 0 || int(info.height) <= 0) {
        // the driver doesn't return that information
        // default to 160 dpi
        info.width  = ((info.xres * 25.4f)/160.0f + 0.5f);
        info.height = ((info.yres * 25.4f)/160.0f + 0.5f);
    float xdpi = (info.xres * 25.4f) / info.width;
    float ydpi = (info.yres * 25.4f) / info.height;
    //The reserved[4] field is used to store FPS by the driver.
    float fps  = info.reserved[4];


    module->flags = flags;
    module->info = info;
    module->finfo = finfo;
    module->xdpi = xdpi;
    module->ydpi = ydpi;
    module->fps = fps;
    module->swapInterval = 1;

   int err;
    module->numBuffers = info.yres_virtual / info.yres;/*计算系统帧缓冲区可以换分出多少个缓冲区使用*/
    module->bufferMask = 0;
    //adreno needs page aligned offsets. Align the fbsize to pagesize.
    size_t fbSize = roundUpToPageSize(finfo.line_length * info.yres)*
    module->framebuffer = new private_handle_t(fd, fbSize,
                                        module->fbFormat, info.xres, info.yres);


   void* vaddr = mmap(0, fbSize, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);
    if (vaddr == MAP_FAILED) {
        ALOGE("Error mapping the framebuffer (%s)", strerror(errno));
        return -errno;
    module->framebuffer->base = intptr_t(vaddr);
    memset(vaddr, 0, fbSize);
    module->currentOffset = 0;
    module->fbPostDone = false;
    pthread_mutex_init(&(module->fbPostLock), NULL);
    pthread_cond_init(&(module->fbPostCond), NULL);
    module->fbPanDone = false;
    pthread_mutex_init(&(module->fbPanLock), NULL);
    pthread_cond_init(&(module->fbPanCond), NULL);
    return 0;


2.3.3  fb设备打开流程图

