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2013年12月08日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 18680字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭

<style type="text/css">
    #oContainer {
          width: 600px;
          height: 500px;
          border: 1px solid menu;
          margin: 0px;
          padding: 0px;
          overflow: hidden;
    a {
          color: black;
          text-decoration: none;
    a:hover {
          color: red;
          text-decoration: underline;
<script language="javascript">
    var oListView = new Object();

    function listView(_container) {
        this.author = '51JS.COM-ZMM';
        this.version = 'ListView 1.0';
        this.container = _container;
        this.box = new Object();
        this.headerWidth = 0;
        this.headerHeight = 20;
        this.itemWidth = 0;
        this.itemHeight = 0;
        this.rowsCount = 30;
        this.isResize = false;
        this.separate = new Object();
        this.startPoint = 0;
        this.endPoint = 0;
        this.tempSeparate = new Object();
        this.put_headerHeight = function(_height) { return _height; };
        this.get_headerHeight = function() { return this.headerHeight; };
        this.put_rowsCount = function(_count) { return _count; };
        this.get_rowsCount = function() { return this.rowsCount; };

    listView.prototype = {
        boxInit : function() {
            this.container.innerHTML = new String();
            this.box = (function(_object) {
                 var _box = document.createElement('DIV');
                 with (_box) {
                       id = 'ListViewBox';
                       style.width = _object.offsetWidth;
                       style.height = _object.offsetHeight;
                       style.margin = '0px';
                       style.padding = '0px';
                       attachEvent('oncontextmenu', new Function('return false;'));
                 return _box;
            this.headerPanel = (function(_width, _height) {
                 var _headerPanel = document.createElement('DIV');
                 with (_headerPanel) {
                       style.width = _width;
                       style.height = _height;
                 return _headerPanel;
            })(this.box.style.width, this.headerHeight);
            this.headerPanel.appendChild(this.textPanel = (function() {
                 var  _textPanel = document.createElement('NOBR');
                 _textPanel.attachEvent('onmousemove', function() {
                      with (oListView) {
                            if (event.button == 1) {
                                textPanel.style.cursor = 'E-resize';
                                tempSeparate.style.left = event.clientX - getPosition(box).left;
                                tempSeparate.style.display = 'inline';
                                endPoint = event.clientX;
                                isResize = true;
                 return _textPanel;
            this.rowItemPanel = (function(_width, _height) {
                 var _itemPanel = document.createElement('DIV');
                 with (_itemPanel) {
                       style.width = _width;
                       style.height = _height;
                       style.overflow = 'hidden';
                 return _itemPanel;
            })(this.box.style.width, parseInt(this.box.style.height) - this.headerHeight);
            this.rowItemPanel.appendChild(this.dataPanel = (function() {
                 var  _dataPanel = document.createElement('NOBR');
                 with (_dataPanel) {
                       style.cursor = 'default';
                       attachEvent('onclick', function() {
                       attachEvent('onselectstart', function() {
                 return _dataPanel;
            this.dataPanel.appendChild(this.tempSeparate = (function(_height) {
                 var _tempSeparate = document.createElement('SPAN');
                 with (_tempSeparate) {
                       style.width = '1px';
                       style.height = _height;
                       style.border = '0px';
                       style.backgroundColor = 'black';
                       style.position = 'absolute';
                       style.display = 'none';                      
                 return _tempSeparate;

        drawListView : function(_headers, _aligns) {
            this.drawRowItem(_headers, _aligns);
            document.attachEvent('onmouseup', this.finishResize);

        drawHeader : function(_headers) {
            this.headers = [];
            this.headerWidth = Math.round((parseInt(this.headerPanel.style.width) - (_headers.length - 1) * 1) / _headers.length) + 1;
            for (var i = 0; i < _headers.length; i ++) {
                 var _header = document.createElement('SPAN');
                 with (_header) {
                       style.width = this.headerWidth;
                       style.height = this.headerHeight;
                       style.overflow = 'hidden';
                       style.backgroundColor = 'buttonface';
                       style.borderLeft = '1px solid buttonhighlight';
                       style.borderTop = '1px solid buttonhighlight';
                       style.borderRight = '1px solid buttonshadow';
                       style.borderBottom = '1px solid buttonshadow';
                       style.textAlign = 'center';
                       style.fontSize = '12px';
                       style.fontFamily = 'Sans-Serif, Tahoma';
                       style.paddingTop = '1px';
                       innerText = _headers[i];
                 this.headers[this.headers.length] = _header;
                 var _separate = this.getSeparate(true);
                 this.headers[this.headers.length] = _separate;                                
            var _last = document.createElement('SPAN');
            with (_last) {
                  style.width = this.headerPanel.offsetWidth;
                  style.height = this.headerHeight;
                  style.overflow = 'hidden';
                  style.backgroundColor = 'buttonface';
                  style.borderLeft = '1px solid buttonhighlight';
                  style.borderTop = '1px solid buttonhighlight';
                  style.borderRight = '1px solid buttonshadow';
                  style.borderBottom = '1px solid buttonshadow';
                  style.textAlign = 'center';
                  style.fontSize = '12px';
                  style.fontFamily = 'Sans-Serif, Tahoma';
                  style.paddingTop = '1px';
                  innerText = new String();
            this.headers[this.headers.length] = _last;      

        drawRowItem : function(_headers, _aligns) {
            this.items = [];
            this.itemWidth = Math.round((parseInt(this.rowItemPanel.style.width) - (_headers.length - 1) * 1) / _headers.length) + 1;
            this.itemHeight = parseInt(this.rowItemPanel.style.height) - 2;
            for (var i = 0; i < _headers.length; i ++) {
                 var _item = document.createElement('SPAN');
                 with (_item) {
                       style.width = this.itemWidth;
                       style.height = this.itemHeight;
                       style.overflow = 'hidden';
                       style.padding = '0px';
                       appendChild((function(_count, _width, _height, _align) {
                             var _table = document.createElement('TABLE');
                             with (_table) {
                                   cellSpacing = 0;
                                   cellPadding = 0;
                                   style.width = _width;
                                   style.tableLayout = 'fixed';
                             var _tbody = document.createElement('TBODY');
                             for (var i = 0; i < _count; i ++) {
                                  var _tableTr = document.createElement('TR');
                                  var _tableTd = document.createElement('TD');
                                  with (_tableTd) {
                                        align = _align;
                                        style.height = _height;                           
                                        style.borderBottom = '1px solid #c6c3c6';
                                        style.fontSize = '12px';
                                        style.paddingLeft = '3px';
                                        setAttribute('onclick', function() {
                                        setAttribute('ondblclick', function() {
                                        innerHTML = new String('&nbsp;');
                             return _table;
                       })(this.rowsCount, this.itemWidth, Math.round(this.itemHeight / this.rowsCount), _aligns[i]));
                 this.items[this.items.length] = _item;
                 var _separate = this.getSeparate(false);
                 _separate.style.height = this.itemHeight;
                 this.items[this.items.length] = _separate;                  
            var _last = document.createElement('SPAN');
            with (_last) {
                  style.width = this.rowItemPanel.offsetWidth;
                  style.height = this.itemHeight;
                  style.overflow = 'hidden';
                  style.padding = '0px';
                  appendChild((function(_count, _width, _height) {
                        var _table = document.createElement('TABLE');
                        with (_table) {
                              cellSpacing = 0;
                              cellPadding = 0;
                              style.width = '100%';
                        var _tbody = document.createElement('TBODY');
                        for (var i = 0; i < _count; i ++) {
                             var _tableTr = document.createElement('TR');
                             var _tableTd = document.createElement('TD');
                             with (_tableTd) {
                                   style.height = _height;                           
                                   style.borderBottom = '1px solid menu';
                                   innerHTML = new String('<nobr style="height: ' + eval(_height-1) + ';overflow: hidden;">&nbsp;</nobr>');
                        return _table;
                  })(this.rowsCount, this.itemWidth, Math.round(this.itemHeight / this.rowsCount)));
            this.items[this.items.length] = _last;
        getSeparate : function(_resize) {
            var _separate = document.createElement('SPAN');
            with (_separate) {
                  style.width = _resize ? '2px' : '1px' ;
                  style.height = this.headerHeight;
                  style.border = '1px ' + (_resize ? 'inset white' : 'solid #c6c3c6');
                  style.overflow = 'hidden';
                  style.position = 'absolute';
                  if (_resize) {
                      attachEvent('onmousedown', function() {
                          with (oListView) {
                                separate = event.srcElement;
                                startPoint = event.clientX;
                      attachEvent('onmouseenter', function() {
                          event.srcElement.style.cursor = 'E-resize';
            return _separate;          

        getPosition : function(_object) {
            var _top = _left = 0;
            var _root = document.body;
            while (_object != _root) {
                   _left += _object.offsetLeft;
                   _object = _object.offsetParent;
            return { left: _left };             

        resizeItem : function() {
            with (this) {
                  var _width, _movePart = endPoint - startPoint;
                  for (var i = 0; i < headers.length; i ++) {
                       if (headers[i] == separate) {
                           var _bool = true;
                           _bool = _bool && (_movePart < 0);
                           _bool = _bool && (parseInt(headers[i - 1].style.width) < Math.abs(_movePart));
                           if (_bool) {
                               headers[i - 1].style.width = 0;
                               items[i - 1].style.width = 0;
                           } else {
                               _width = parseInt(headers[i - 1].style.width);
                               headers[i - 1].style.width = _width + _movePart;
                               _width = parseInt(items[i - 1].style.width);
                               items[i - 1].style.width = _width + _movePart;
                               _width = parseInt(items[i - 1].firstChild.style.width);
                               items[i - 1].firstChild.style.width = _width + _movePart;
                               var _table = items[i - 1].firstChild;
                               for (var j = 0; j < _table.rows.length; j ++) {
                                    var _dataPanel = _table.rows[j].cells[0].children[0];                                
                                    if (typeof _dataPanel != 'undefined') {
                                        _width = parseInt(_dataPanel.style.width);
                                        _dataPanel.style.width = _width + _movePart;

        finishResize : function() {
            with (oListView) {
                  if (isResize) {
                      isResize = false;
                      textPanel.style.cursor = 'default';
                      tempSeparate.style.display = 'none';
        addListItem : function(_datas) {
            var _itemNum = _datas.length > this.rowsCount ? this.rowsCount : _datas.length ;
            for (var i = 0; i < _itemNum; i ++) {
                 var n = 0;
                 for (j = 0; j < this.items.length - 2; j ++) {
                      if (j % 2 == 0) {
                          var _dataPanel = document.createElement('NOBR');
                          var _tableCell = this.items[j].firstChild.rows[i].cells[0];
                          with (_dataPanel) {
                                style.width = this.itemWidth;
                                style.overflow = 'hidden';
                                style.textOverflow = 'ellipsis';
                                innerHTML = _datas[i][n];
                          _tableCell.innerHTML = new String();
                          _tableCell.title = _datas[i][0];
                          n ++;

        selectedRow : function(n) {
            for (var i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) {
                 if (i % 2 == 0) {
                     var _table = this.items[i].firstChild;
                     for (var j = 0; j < _table.rows.length; j ++) {
                          var _dataPanel = _table.rows[j].cells[0].children[0];                                
                          if (typeof _dataPanel != 'undefined') {
                              if (j == n) {
                                  _table.rows[j].cells[0].style.color = 'highlighttext';
                                  _table.rows[j].cells[0].style.backgroundColor = 'highlight';
                              } else {
                                  _table.rows[j].cells[0].style.color = '';
                                  _table.rows[j].cells[0].style.backgroundColor = '';
                              var _children = _table.rows[j].cells[0].firstChild.children;
                              this.changeChild(_children, j == n);

        changeChild : function(_children, _isSelected) {
            if (typeof _children != 'undefined') {
                for (var i = 0; i < _children.length; i ++) {
                     if (_isSelected) {
                         _children[i].style.color = 'highlighttext';
                         _children[i].style.backgroundColor = 'highlight';
                     } else {
                         _children[i].style.color = '';
                         _children[i].style.backgroundColor = '';                        
            } else {
                return false;

        showSelected : function(n) {
            var _text = new String();
            for (var i = 0; i < this.items.length - 2; i++) {
                 if (i % 2 == 0) {
                     var _table = this.items[i].firstChild;
                     _text += this.headers[i].innerText + ':/n';
                     _text += _table.rows[n].cells[0].firstChild.innerHTML + '/n/n';           
    function initListView() {
        var _headers = [];
        _headers[_headers.length] = '标题';
        _headers[_headers.length] = '内容';
        _headers[_headers.length] = '时间';   
        _headers[_headers.length] = '管理';
        var _aligns = [];
        _aligns[_aligns.length] = 'left';
        _aligns[_aligns.length] = 'left';
        _aligns[_aligns.length] = 'center';   
        _aligns[_aligns.length] = 'center';        
        oListView = new listView(self.oContainer);
        oListView.drawListView(_headers, _aligns);

        var _items = [];
        _items[_items.length] = ['标题一', '内容一', '2006-6-21 10:30:00', '<a href="update.aspx">编辑</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="delete.aspx">删除</a>'];
        _items[_items.length] = ['标题二', '内容二', '2006-6-21 14:20:12', '<a href="update.aspx">编辑</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="delete.aspx">删除</a>'];
        _items[_items.length] = ['标题三', '内容三', '2006-6-21 20:45:36', '<a href="update.aspx">编辑</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="delete.aspx">删除</a>'];

    attachEvent('onload', initListView);
    <div id="oContainer"></div>
