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A simple test of WF Messaging Activity

2012年12月21日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 7055字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭

firstly create a WF service which act like normal WCF service to be our service for testing.

1. create a wf console project.

2. add a class which  is responsible for building a workflow . here is the code.

class ReceiveAndReplyWorkflow
        public WorkflowService GetInstance()
            WorkflowService service;
            Variable<int> x = new Variable<int> { Name = "x" };
            Variable<int> y = new Variable<int> { Name = "y" };
            Variable<int> addResult =
            new Variable<int> { Name = "addResult" };
            Receive receive = new Receive
                ServiceContractName = "ICalculateService",//Wcf合约名
                OperationName = "GetData",//合约中的方法
                CanCreateInstance = true,//必需的,收到消息后创建一个WF实例
                Content = new ReceiveParametersContent
                    Parameters ={
                        {"xIn",new OutArgument<int>(x)},//接收消息中的"xIn"和"yIn"关键字的值,并赋值给x和y变量
                        {"yIn",new OutArgument<int>(y)}
            Sequence workflow = new Sequence()
                Variables = { x, y, addResult },
                Activities = {
                    new WriteLine{Text="WF service is starting..."},
                    new WriteLine{Text="receive request with two numbers"},
                    new WriteLine{
                        Text=new InArgument<string>(aec=>"x="+x.Get(aec).ToString()+" y="+y.Get(aec))
                    new Assign<int>{
                        Value=new InArgument<int>(aec=>x.Get(aec)+y.Get(aec)),
                        To=new OutArgument<int>(addResult)
                    new WriteLine{
                        Text=new InArgument<string>(aec=>"addResult="+addResult.Get(aec).ToString())
                    new WriteLine{Text="Then send the result back to client"},
                    new SendReply{
                        Content=new SendParametersContent{
                                {"addResult",new InArgument<int>(addResult)}//将addResult变量的值赋给返回消息中的元素“addResult”
                    new WriteLine{Text="sent result back done"}
            service = new WorkflowService
                Name = "AddService",
                Body = workflow
            return service;


3.  in the main method code .

class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            ReceiveAndReplyWorkflow rrw =new ReceiveAndReplyWorkflow();
            WorkflowService wfService = rrw.GetInstance();
            Uri address =
            new Uri("http://localhost:8000/WFServices");
            WorkflowServiceHost host =
            new WorkflowServiceHost(wfService, address);
                Console.WriteLine("Opening Service...");
                ("WF service is listening on " + address.ToString());
            catch (Exception e)
                ("some thing bad happened" + e.StackTrace);


4. and the configuration in app.config.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
        <behavior name="">
          <serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="True"/>


5. until now . the server endpoint is ready . ctrl +f5 make this service work.


6. you can use the wcf test client tool to verify the service working.


as we can see. this wcf  has two input parameter . one return result. we can check it out in the "xml" tab.


above figure show the send and response message which contact with the service we build . 

next . we will build a client which in charge of calling the service just like the work that wcf test client done.

1. we create a wf console project being the client.

2.  add a class which  is responsible for building a workflow . here is the code.

class SendAndReceiveWorkflow
        public Activity GetInstance()
            Variable<int> x = new Variable<int>("x"20);
            Variable<int> y = new Variable<int>("y"10);

            Variable<int> addResult = new Variable<int>("addResult"0);
            var endpoint = new System.ServiceModel.Endpoint
                AddressUri = new Uri("http://localhost:8000/WFServices"),//必须指定,要请求的WCF endpoint  
                Binding = new BasicHttpBinding(),
            Send addRequest = new Send
                ServiceContractName = "ICalculateService",
                Endpoint = endpoint,
                OperationName = "GetData",
                Content = new SendParametersContent
                    Parameters = {
                    {"xIn",new InArgument<int>(x)},
                    {"yIn",new InArgument<int>(y)}
            var workflow = new CorrelationScope
                Body = new Sequence
                    Variables = { x, y, addResult },
                    Activities ={
                        new WriteLine{Text="Send x:20 and y:10 to WF service"},
                        new ReceiveReply{
                            Request=addRequest,//必须指定,在sendandreceivereplay activity 中会自动指定 如分别建立,send activity 和reveive activity时则要手动指定那个request.
                            Content=new ReceiveParametersContent{
                                {"addResult",new OutArgument<int>(addResult)}//第一个参数代表消息中的一个关键字。第二参数表示将前一个关键字中的值赋值给后一个变量,并生成一个出参。
                        new WriteLine{
                            Text=new InArgument<string>(aec=>("The result is:"+addResult.Get(aec).ToString()))
                        new Delay
                            Duration= new TimeSpan(0,0,5)
            return workflow;


3. the client main method code just is simply like this.

class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            SendAndReceiveWorkflow srw =new SendAndReceiveWorkflow();



well . this is a beginning guild for building and consuming the WF service . in the real business .i believe it is much more complicated than this.

any comment are welcome . i will be appreciate for your attention. thanks

you can down load the project from here . testSendReceive.rar
