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2014年11月20日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 6211字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭


#     1_to_16.pl
# This script is modifying the number of the objects in the sgf:
#  -objects with sequence $old_numb are changed to $new_numb (e.g. s01_01_arc is replaced by s16_01_arc)
#  -objects in the sequences before $new_numb are moved one number before (e.g. s16_00_Backgroundrectange is replaced by s15_00_Backgroundrectange
# The script requires 3 arguments:
# 1= the name of the file, 2=$new_numb, 3=$old_numb
# if any is omitted the default value for $old_numb is 1 and the one for $new_numb is 16


($path,$new_numb,$old_numb) = @ARGV;
defined ($old_numb) or (print("Enter the old number: ") and chomp($old_numb=<STDIN>) and print("\n") );
defined ($new_numb) or (print("Enter the new number: ") and chomp($new_numb=<STDIN>) and print("\n") );
#print "The path is: $path\n"; #for_debug
 if ($path =~ m%[\\\/](\w+\.(\w+))$%) {
  if ($2 eq "sgf") {$file=$1;print "The file name is: $file\n";}  #the file is only assigned for sgf. In other case, we can choose among available sgf
  $path =~ s%$1%%; #delete the name of the file from the path
 if ($path =~ m%^(\w:[\\\/\w]*\w+)([\\\/]?)$%) {
  $path = $1; #delete the potential "\" or "/" at the end of the directory
  print "The root folder is: $path\n"; #for_debug
  chdir  "$path"; #the argument is the name of a folder
unless (defined $file) { #we choose the name of the file from a list
 my @list_sgf=glob "*.sgf";
 print "\n** Please, enter the name of the file **\nThe available files are : \n","-"x 20,"\n";
 $n_file=0;  #the number to identify the file where the user can choose from
 foreach (@list_sgf) {++$n_file;print "$n_file.: $_\n";}
 print "-"x 20,"\nChoose the file you want as an argument: ";
 $file = $list_sgf[<STDIN>-1];
 print "The file chosen is $file\n\n";
  } #end of unless
} #end of block PROCESS_ARGUMENTS
print "\n****** Beginning of the reprocessing of SGF ($old_numb to $new_numb) ******\n";

$file = $ARGV[0] or die "Missing name of the file as argument";
$new_file = $file; #the name of the file to write the modified file in
$new_file =~ s%\.sgf%_bis\.sgf%;

 open SGF, "<$file" or die "Error while opening $file ($!)\n";
 @temporary_file=(); #temporary buffer to copy in the file
 while (<SGF>) {
#  print "Line : $_"; #for_debug
  if (/<node.*name="(.*)" type="(.*)" visible/) { #node different from synchronous layer
   my $object_name=$1;my $type=$2; #define the type and the name
#   print "*Hello, object_name: $object_name object_type: $type*\n"; #for_debug
   if ($type =~ /container/) { die "Container object found ($!)\n"; #there shouldn't be any container in the model
   } elsif ($type eq "synchronous_layer") {
#   print "Synchronous Layer found (line $line)\n"; #for_debug
   }elsif  ($object_name =~ m/^s(\d{2})_(\d{2})_/) {
    my $n=$1; #find the number of the group : $n
#    print "Object found : $object_name (line $line)\n"; #for_debug
    if ($n == $old_numb) {s/s$n/sprintf("s%02d",$new_numb)/e;  #replace 1 by 16
    }else { unless (($n > $new_numb)or($n<$old_numb)) {s/s$n/sprintf("s%02d",$n - 1)/e;}}
   } else {} #we do nothing otherwise
  } #end of if
  push(@temporary_file,$_);#copy the lines in the temporary file
 } #end of while
 close SGF;
 open SGF_MODIF, ">$new_file" or die "Error while opening $new_file for modificiation ($!)\n";
 print SGF_MODIF @temporary_file;print "**Save renumbered sgf in $new_file**\n"; #for_debug
 close SGF_MODIF;
}#end of block CHANGE_NUMBERS

ORDER_OBJECTS:{ #last ORDER_OBJECTS; #order by name of objects (lexical order) => to improve
 print LOG "*"x 59,"\n","*"x 25,"  ORDER  ","*"x 25,"\n","*"x 59,"\n"; #to print in the log file
 open SGF, "<$new_file" or die "Error while opening $file ($!)\n";
 print "-Opening of the file with the new sequence\n";
 @temporary_file=(); #temporary buffer to copy in the file
 %objects=(); #hash table with all the objects in the sgf
 while (<SGF>) {
#  print "Line : $_"; #for_debug
  if (/<node.*name="(.*)" type="(.*)" visible/) { #node different from synchronous layer
   my $object_name=$1;my $type=$2; #define the type and the name
   #print "*Hello, object_name: $object_name object_type: $type*\n"; #for_debug
   if ($type =~ /container/) { die "Container object found ($!)\n"; #there shouldn't be any container in the model
   } elsif ($type eq "synchronous_layer") {
    print LOG "Synchronous Layer found (line $line)\n"; #for_debug
   }else  {
    $spec_obj="$_"; #the specification of the object is reset to the first line read of the object
    print LOG "Object found : $object_name (line $line)\n"; #for_debug
    while (<SGF>) {
     $spec_obj=$spec_obj . "$_"; #we add the line in the temporary object
     if (m%<\/node>%) { last;}#the end of the node is reached
     #print "Line read ($line): $_"; #for_debug
    } #end of while
   $_=""; #we delete the content of the line
#   print LOG "--$object_name--\n","*"x 70,"\n",$spec_obj,"\n"; #for_debug
   #print "Temp object:",@temp_obj,"\n"; #for_debug
   } #else {die "PROBLEM OF NODE ($!)\n";}#end of elsif
  }elsif (m%<\/node>%) { #end of symbology layer => we put the objects in order
   $line=$_; #copy the content of the line to copy it later
   @objects_list=sort(keys %objects); #sort the objects in order
   print LOG "**The sorted objects are:\n";foreach (@objects_list) {print LOG "$_\n";} #for_debug
   foreach $obj (@objects_list) {push(@temporary_file,$objects{$obj});} #end of foreach object
   $_=$line; #copy back the content of the line into $_
  } #end of elsif
  push(@temporary_file,$_);#copy the lines in the temporary file
 } #end of while
 close SGF;
 open SGF_MODIF, ">$new_file" or die "Error while opening $new_file for modificiation ($!)\n";
 print SGF_MODIF @temporary_file;print "**Save ordered sgf in $new_file\n"; #for_debug
 close SGF_MODIF;
 print LOG "*"x 59,"\n","*"x 22," END OF ORDER ","*"x 23,"\n","*"x 59,"\n"; #to print in the log file
}#end of block ORDER_OBJECTS


sub print_hash { #print Hash Table
my ($tab1,$tab2,%hash)=@_;
my @keys=sort keys %hash;
print "\n","-" x 150,"\n\n";
printf("%-42s %5s\n", $tab1, $tab2);
printf("%-42s  %5s\n", "-"x6, "-------");
foreach (@keys) {
   printf("%-30s %-s\n", $_, $hash{$_});
} #end of foreach
print "\n","-" x 150, "\n";
} #end of subroutines to print hash tables

}#end of subroutines
