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linux 文件映射

2016年12月04日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 6097字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭

1. 概述

进程task_struct的struct mm_struct* mm 成员管理进程的虚拟的内存,当需要从文件中映射一块size大小的内存时,文件地址空间的相关操作找到一块连续的虚拟内存空间,文件的地址空间对象address_space负责进程的虚拟地址空间和文件的地址空间之间的映射。当然size需要页对齐的。因此我们需要一个管理虚拟内存区段的数据结构,也就是struct vm_area_struct。它包含了区段起始地址,结束地址,还有一个红黑树节点,用于mm_struct统一管理,这个跟vmalloc管理虚拟内存区段的方式相同。struct
vm_area_struct 还包含了用于建立基于文件映射的逆向映射的优先树节点和匿名映射相关数据结构管理的相关成员。找到了连续的size大小的区域之后,分配一个vm_area_struct对象,然后将其加入到mm_struct管理的红黑树中,虽然分配了虚拟内存空间,但是并没有将其关联到实际的物理空间页,也没有填充对应的页表项。在进程的虚拟内存中,将虚拟内存地址和物理页关联起来是通过缺页异常的方式,讲到缺页异常就得看看产生新进程的方式了。
page,并建立struct page的逆向映射。

2. 数据结构

 * This struct defines a memory VMM memory area. There is one of these
 * per VM-area/task.  A VM area is any part of the process virtual memory
 * space that has a special rule for the page-fault handlers (ie a shared
 * library, the executable area etc).
struct vm_area_struct {
	struct mm_struct * vm_mm;	/* The address space we belong to. */
	unsigned long vm_start;		/* Our start address within vm_mm. */
	unsigned long vm_end;		/* The first byte after our end address
					   within vm_mm. */

	/* linked list of VM areas per task, sorted by address */
	struct vm_area_struct *vm_next, *vm_prev;

	pgprot_t vm_page_prot;		/* Access permissions of this VMA. */
	unsigned long vm_flags;		/* Flags, see mm.h. */

	struct rb_node vm_rb;

	 * For areas with an address space and backing store,
	 * linkage into the address_space->i_mmap prio tree, or
	 * linkage to the list of like vmas hanging off its node, or
	 * linkage of vma in the address_space->i_mmap_nonlinear list.
	union {
		struct {
			struct list_head list;
			void *parent;	/* aligns with prio_tree_node parent */
			struct vm_area_struct *head;
		} vm_set;

		struct raw_prio_tree_node prio_tree_node;
	} shared;

	 * A file's MAP_PRIVATE vma can be in both i_mmap tree and anon_vma
	 * list, after a COW of one of the file pages.	A MAP_SHARED vma
	 * can only be in the i_mmap tree.  An anonymous MAP_PRIVATE, stack
	 * or brk vma (with NULL file) can only be in an anon_vma list.
	struct list_head anon_vma_chain; /* Serialized by mmap_sem &
					  * page_table_lock */
	struct anon_vma *anon_vma;	/* Serialized by page_table_lock */

	/* Function pointers to deal with this struct. */
	const struct vm_operations_struct *vm_ops;

	/* Information about our backing store: */
	unsigned long vm_pgoff;		/* Offset (within vm_file) in PAGE_SIZE
					   units, *not* PAGE_CACHE_SIZE */
	struct file * vm_file;		/* File we map to (can be NULL). */
	void * vm_private_data;		/* was vm_pte (shared mem) */

#ifndef CONFIG_MMU
	struct vm_region *vm_region;	/* NOMMU mapping region */
	struct mempolicy *vm_policy;	/* NUMA policy for the VMA */


struct address_space {
	struct inode		*host;		/* owner: inode, block_device */
	struct radix_tree_root	page_tree;	/* radix tree of all pages */
	spinlock_t		tree_lock;	/* and lock protecting it */
	unsigned int		i_mmap_writable;/* count VM_SHARED mappings */
	struct prio_tree_root	i_mmap;		/* tree of private and shared mappings */
	struct list_head	i_mmap_nonlinear;/*list VM_NONLINEAR mappings */
	struct mutex		i_mmap_mutex;	/* protect tree, count, list */
	/* Protected by tree_lock together with the radix tree */
	unsigned long		nrpages;	/* number of total pages */
	pgoff_t			writeback_index;/* writeback starts here */
	const struct address_space_operations *a_ops;	/* methods */
	unsigned long		flags;		/* error bits/gfp mask */
	struct backing_dev_info *backing_dev_info; /* device readahead, etc */
	spinlock_t		private_lock;	/* for use by the address_space */
	struct list_head	private_list;	/* ditto */
	struct address_space	*assoc_mapping;	/* ditto */
} __attribute__((aligned(sizeof(long))));

地址空间对象是和文件对应的,每一个文件都有一个地址空间对象,当进行文件映射的时候,将所有和本文件相关的vm_area_struct对象都通过其 prio_tree_node成员串在address_space的i_mmap上,当查找page的逆向映射只需遍历此优先树即可。

struct vm_area_struct *find_vma(struct mm_struct *mm, unsigned long addr)
	struct vm_area_struct *vma = NULL;

	if (mm) {
		/* Check the cache first. */
		/* (Cache hit rate is typically around 35%.) */
		vma = mm->mmap_cache;
		if (!(vma && vma->vm_end > addr && vma->vm_start <= addr)) {
			struct rb_node * rb_node;

			rb_node = mm->mm_rb.rb_node;
			vma = NULL;

			while (rb_node) {
				struct vm_area_struct * vma_tmp;

				vma_tmp = rb_entry(rb_node,
						struct vm_area_struct, vm_rb);

				if (vma_tmp->vm_end > addr) {
					vma = vma_tmp;
					if (vma_tmp->vm_start <= addr)
					rb_node = rb_node->rb_left;
				} else
					rb_node = rb_node->rb_right;
			if (vma)
				mm->mmap_cache = vma;
	return vma;


/* Obtain the address to map to. we verify (or select) it and ensure
	 * that it represents a valid section of the address space.
	addr = get_unmapped_area(file, addr, len, pgoff, flags);

这个就是通过address_space对象的 address_space_operations->get_unmapped_area映射文件地址空间和进程的虚拟地址空间,返回此文件映射在映射到的虚拟地址空间地址。

	 * Determine the object being mapped and call the appropriate
	 * specific mapper. the address has already been validated, but
	 * not unmapped, but the maps are removed from the list.
	vma = kmem_cache_zalloc(vm_area_cachep, GFP_KERNEL);
	if (!vma) {
		error = -ENOMEM;
		goto unacct_error;

	vma->vm_mm = mm;
	vma->vm_start = addr;
	vma->vm_end = addr + len;
	vma->vm_flags = vm_flags;
	vma->vm_page_prot = vm_get_page_prot(vm_flags);
	vma->vm_pgoff = pgoff;
	vma_link(mm, vma, prev, rb_link, rb_parent); //将其串到红黑树和优先树上


下面看看逆向映射,逆向映射用于查找struct page对应的所有的vm_area_struct项,找到了vm_area_struct就找到了mm_struct和相关的task_struct了,在页交换到磁盘的时候就需要用到。逆向映射关键在于要找到所有的用了page的进程,也就是说需要一个跨多个进程的东西的来统计和page相关的进程,并且可以通过page中的指针访问到,显然不能把所有引用的task_struct的指针全保存在page中,由于内存的page的数量巨大,应该尽可能保持page结构小。基于文件映射的逆向映射很好理解,因为有天然的全局唯一的对象,那就是文件,每一个文件对应一个address_space对象,page的mapping成员就指向对应文件的address_space。匿名映射就有点难搞了,因为不和文件相关,只能建立自己的数据结构,由于匿名映射不能再不相关的进程之间共享,而由于fork调用复制了父进程的匿名映射,因此只需管理父子进程之间的匿名页引用即可,linux通过匿名映射的管理数据结构anon_area来管理逆向映射,在匿名映射时,page的mapping成员指向每个进程唯一的anon_area
