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Interrupt Context
   Whenexecuting an interrupt handler or bottom half, the kernel is ininterrupt context. Recall that process context is the mode ofoperation
the kernel is in while it is executing on behalf of aprocess -- for example, executing a system call or running a kernelthread. In process context, the current macro points to theassociated task. Furthermore, because a process is coupled to thekernel in process
context(因为进程是以进程上文的形式连接到内核中的), process contextcan sleep or otherwise invoke the scheduler.

    Interruptcontext, on the other hand, is not associated with a process. Thecurrent macro is not relevant
(although it points to theinterrupted process). Without a backing process(由于没有进程的背景),interrupt context cannot sleep -- how would it everreschedule?(否则怎么再对它重新调度?) Therefore, you cannot call certainfunctions from interrupt context. If a function sleeps, you
cannotuse it from your interrupt handler -- this limits the functionsthat one can call from an interrupthandler.(这是对什么样的函数可以在中断处理程序中使用的限制)

    Interruptcontext is time critical because the interrupt handler interruptsother code. Code should
be quick and simple. Busy looping isdiscouraged. This is a very important point; always keep in mindthat your interrupt handler has interrupted other code (possiblyeven another interrupt handler on a different line!). Because ofthis asynchronous nature, it
is imperative(必须) that all interrupthandlers be as quick and as simple as possible. As much aspossible, work should be pushed out from the interrupt handler andperformed in a bottom half, which runs at a more convenienttime.

    The setupof an interrupt handler's stacks is a configuration option.Historically, interrupt handlers
did not receive(拥有) their ownstacks. Instead, they would share the stack of the process thatthey interrupted[1]. The kernel stack is two pages in size;typically, that is 8KB on 32-bit architectures and 16KB on 64-bitarchitectures. Because in this setup interrupt
handlers share thestack, they must be exceptionally frugal(必须非常节省) with what datathey allocate there. Of course, the kernel stack is limited tobegin with, so all kernel code should be cautious.

    [1] Aprocess is always running. When nothing else is schedulable, theidle task runs.

    Early inthe 2.6 kernel process, an option was added to reduce the stacksize from two pages down to
one, providing only a 4KB stack on32-bit systems. This reduced memory pressure because every processon the system previously needed two pages of nonswappable kernelmemory. To cope with(应对) the reduced stack size, interrupt handlerswere given their own stack,
one stack per processor, one page insize. This stack is referred to as the interrupt stack(这个栈就程为中断栈).Although the total size of the interrupt stack is half that of theoriginal shared stack, the average stack space available is greaterbecause interrupt handlers
get the full page of memory tothemselves.

    Yourinterrupt handler should not care what stack setup is in use orwhat the size of the kernel stack
is. Always use an absoluteminimum amount of stack space.

Process Context
   One of themost important parts of a process is the executing program code.This code is read in from an executable file and executed
withinthe program's address space. Normal program execution occurs inuser-space. When a program executes a system call or triggers anexception, it enters kernel-space. At this point, the kernel issaid to be "executing on behalf of the process" and is in processcontext.
When in process context, the current macro is valid[7].Upon exiting the kernel, the process resumes execution inuser-space, unless a higher-priority process has become runnable inthe interim(过渡期), in which case the scheduler is invoked to selectthe higher
priority process.

    [7] Otherthan process context there is interrupt context, In interruptcontext, the system is not running
on behalf of a process, but isexecuting an interrupt handler. There is no process tied tointerrupt handlers and consequently no process context.

    Systemcalls and exception handlers are well-defined interfaces into thekernel. A process can begin
executing in kernel-space only throughone of these interfaces -- all access to the kernel is throughthese interfaces.

















1. 睡眠或者放弃CPU。

  由于中断上下文不属于任何进程,它与current没有任何关系(尽管此时current指向被中断的进程),所以中断上下文一旦睡眠或者放弃CPU,将无法被唤醒。所以也叫原子上下文(atomic context)。

2. 尝试获得信号量


3. 执行耗时的任务


4. 访问用户空间的虚拟地址


5. 中断处理例程不应该设置成reentrant(可被并行或递归调用的例程)。因为中断发生时,preempt和irq都被disable,直到中断返回。所以中断上下文和进程上下文不一样,中断处理例程的不同实例,是不允许在SMP上并发运行的。

6. 中断处理例程可以被更高级别的IRQ中断。如果想禁止这种中断,可以将中断处理例程定义成快速处理例程,相当于告诉CPU,该例程运行时,禁止本地CPU上所有中断请求。这直接导致的结果是,由于其他中断被延迟响应,系统性能下降。
