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2012年02月09日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 13779字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭



 *  Used 'Inner Classes' to minimize temptations of JVM exploiting low hanging
 *  fruits. 'Inner classes' are defined in appendix D of the 'Java Programming
 *  Language' by Ken Arnold.
 *  - We moved the class declaration, unchanged, of Hash_Table to within the
 *    class declaration of Compressor.
 *  - We moved the class declarations, unchanged, of De_Stack and
 Suffix_Table to within the class declaration of Decompressor.
 *  - pre-computed trivial htab(i) to minimize millions of trivial calls
 *  - Don McCauley (IBM), Kaivalya 4/16/98
 *   @(#)Compress.java  1.7 06/17/98
 *  // Don McCauley/kmd  - IBM 02/26/98
 *  // getbyte and getcode fixed -- kaivalya & Don
 * compress.c - File compression ala IEEE Computer, June 1984.
 * Authors: Spencer W. Thomas (decvax!harpo!utah-cs!utah-gr!thomas)
 *    Jim McKie   (decvax!mcvax!jim)
 *    Steve Davies    (decvax!vax135!petsd!peora!srd)
 *    Ken Turkowski   (decvax!decwrl!turtlevax!ken)
 *    James A. Woods    (decvax!ihnp4!ames!jaw)
 *    Joe Orost   (decvax!vax135!petsd!joe)
 * Algorithm from "A Technique for High Performance Data Compression",
 * Terry A. Welch, IEEE Computer Vol 17, No 6 (June 1984), pp 8-19.
 * Algorithm:
 *  Modified Lempel-Ziv method (LZW).  Basically finds common
 * substrings and replaces them with a variable size code.  This is
 * deterministic, and can be done on the fly.  Thus, the decompression
 * procedure needs no input table, but tracks the way the table was built.
 * This source code is provided as is, without any express or implied warranty.

final class Compress {
	final static int BITS = 16; /* always set to 16 for SPEC95 */
	final static int INIT_BITS = 9; /* initial number of bits/code */
	final static int HSIZE = 69001; /* 95% occupancy */
	final static int SUFFIX_TAB_SZ = 65536; /* 2**BITS */
	final static int STACK_SZ = 8000; /* decompression stack size */

	final static byte magic_header[] = { (byte) 037, (byte) 0235 }; /* 1F 9D */
	/* Defines for third byte of header */
	final static int BIT_MASK = 0x1f;
	final static int BLOCK_MASK = 0x80;
	 * Masks 0x40 and 0x20 are free. I think 0x20 should mean that there is a
	 * fourth header byte (for expansion).

	 * the next two codes should not be changed lightly, as they must not lie
	 * within the contiguous general code space.
	final static int FIRST = 257; /* first free entry */
	final static int CLEAR = 256; /* table clear output code */

	final static byte lmask[] = { (byte) 0xff, (byte) 0xfe, (byte) 0xfc,
			(byte) 0xf8, (byte) 0xf0, (byte) 0xe0, (byte) 0xc0, (byte) 0x80,
			(byte) 0x00 };
	final static byte rmask[] = { (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x01, (byte) 0x03,
			(byte) 0x07, (byte) 0x0f, (byte) 0x1f, (byte) 0x3f, (byte) 0x7f,
			(byte) 0xff };

	public static int spec_select_action(byte[] from_buf, int from_count,
			int action, byte[] to_buf) {

		Input_Buffer in = new Input_Buffer(from_count, from_buf);
		Output_Buffer out = new Output_Buffer(to_buf);

		if (action == 0) {
			Compressor comp = new Compressor(in, out);
		} else {
			Decompressor decomp = new Decompressor(in, out);

		return (out.count());

/** ************************************************************** */

final class Input_Buffer {
	private int InCnt;
	private int Current;
	private byte[] InBuff;

	public Input_Buffer(int c, byte[] b) {
		InCnt = c;
		Current = 0;
		InBuff = b;

	// kmd 02/26/98 public byte getbyte() {

	public int getbyte() {
		if (InCnt > 0) {
			// return( InBuff[Current++] ); // kmd 02/26/98
			return (InBuff[Current++] & 0x00FF); // kmd 02/26/98
		} else {
			// return( (byte)-1 ); // kmd 02/26/98
			return (-1); // kmd 02/26/98

	public int readbytes(byte[] buf, int n) {
		int i;

		if (InCnt <= 0)
			return (-1);

		if (n > InCnt)
			n = InCnt;

		for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
			buf[i] = InBuff[Current++];

		return (i);

/** ************************************************************** */

final class Output_Buffer {
	private int OutCnt;
	private byte[] OutBuff;

	public Output_Buffer(byte[] b) {
		OutCnt = 0;
		OutBuff = b;

	public int count() {
		return OutCnt;

	public void putbyte(byte c) {
		OutBuff[OutCnt++] = c;

	public void writebytes(byte[] buf, int n) {
		int i;

		for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
			OutBuff[OutCnt++] = buf[i];

/** ************************************************************** */

final class Code_Table {
	private short tab[];

	public Code_Table() {
		tab = new short[Compress.HSIZE];

	public int of(int i) {
		return ((int) tab[i] << 16 >>> 16);

	public void set(int i, int v) {
		tab[i] = (short) v;

	public void clear(int size) {
		int code;
		for (code = 0; code < size; code++) {
			tab[code] = 0;

/** ************************************************************** */

class Comp_Base {
	protected int n_bits; /* number of bits/code */
	protected int maxbits; /* user settable max # bits/code */
	protected int maxcode; /* maximum code, given n_bits */
	protected int maxmaxcode; /* should NEVER generate this code */

	protected int offset;
	protected int block_compress;
	protected int free_ent; /* first unused entry */
	protected int clear_flg;

	protected Input_Buffer Input;
	protected Output_Buffer Output;
	protected byte buf[];

	public Comp_Base(Input_Buffer in, Output_Buffer out) {
		Input = in;
		Output = out;
		maxbits = Compress.BITS;
		block_compress = Compress.BLOCK_MASK;
		buf = new byte[Compress.BITS];

	public int MAXCODE() {
		return ((1 << (n_bits)) - 1);

/** ************************************************************** */

 * compress (Originally: stdin to stdout -- Changed by SPEC to: memory to
 * memory)
 * Algorithm: use open addressing double hashing (no chaining) on the prefix
 * code / next character combination. We do a variant of Knuth's algorithm D
 * (vol. 3, sec. 6.4) along with G. Knott's relatively-prime secondary probe.
 * Here, the modular division first probe is gives way to a faster exclusive-or
 * manipulation. Also do block compression with an adaptive reset, whereby the
 * code table is cleared when the compression ratio decreases, but after the
 * table fills. The variable-length output codes are re-sized at this point, and
 * a special CLEAR code is generated for the decompressor. Late addition:
 * construct the table according to file size for noticeable speed improvement
 * on small files. Please direct questions about this implementation to
 * ames!jaw.

final class Compressor extends Comp_Base {
	private final static int CHECK_GAP = 10000; /* ratio check interval */
	private int ratio;
	private int checkpoint;
	private int in_count; /* length of input */
	private int out_count; /* # of codes output */
	private int bytes_out; /* length of compressed output */

	private Hash_Table htab;
	private Code_Table codetab;

	public Compressor(Input_Buffer in, Output_Buffer out) {
		super(in, out);
		if (maxbits < Compress.INIT_BITS)
			maxbits = Compress.INIT_BITS;
		if (maxbits > Compress.BITS)
			maxbits = Compress.BITS;
		maxmaxcode = 1 << maxbits;
		n_bits = Compress.INIT_BITS;
		maxcode = MAXCODE();

		offset = 0;
		bytes_out = 3; /* includes 3-byte header mojo */
		out_count = 0;
		clear_flg = 0;
		ratio = 0;
		in_count = 1;
		checkpoint = CHECK_GAP;
		free_ent = ((block_compress != 0) ? Compress.FIRST : 256);

		htab = new Hash_Table(); // dm/kmd 4/10/98
		codetab = new Code_Table();

		Output.putbyte((byte) (maxbits | block_compress));

	public void compress() {
		int fcode;
		int i = 0;
		int c;
		int ent;
		int disp;
		int hsize_reg;
		int hshift;

		ent = Input.getbyte();

		hshift = 0;
		for (fcode = htab.hsize(); fcode < 65536; fcode *= 2)
		hshift = 8 - hshift; /* set hash code range bound */

		hsize_reg = htab.hsize();
		htab.clear(); /* clear hash table */

		next_byte: while ((c = Input.getbyte()) != -1) {
			fcode = (((int) c << maxbits) + ent);
			i = ((c << hshift) ^ ent); /* xor hashing */
			int temphtab = htab.of(i); // dm/kmd 4/15
			// dm kmd if ( htab.of (i) == fcode ) { // dm/kmd 4/15
			if (temphtab == fcode) {
				ent = codetab.of(i);
				continue next_byte;

			// dm kmd 4/15 if ( htab.of (i) >= 0 ) { /* non-empty slot */
			if (temphtab >= 0) { /* non-empty slot dm kmd 4/15 */
				disp = hsize_reg - i; /* secondary hash (after G. Knott) */
				if (i == 0)
					disp = 1;

				do {
					if ((i -= disp) < 0)
						i += hsize_reg;

					temphtab = htab.of(i); // dm/kmd 4/15

					// dm/kmd 4/15 if ( htab.of (i) == fcode ) {
					if (temphtab == fcode) {
						ent = codetab.of(i);
						continue next_byte;
					// dm/kmd 4/15 } while ( htab.of (i) > 0 );
				} while (temphtab > 0); // dm kmd 4/15

			ent = c;
			if (free_ent < maxmaxcode) {
				codetab.set(i, free_ent++); /* code -> hashtable */
				htab.set(i, fcode);
			} else if ((in_count >= checkpoint) && (block_compress != 0))
		 * Put out the final code.


	 * Output the given code. Inputs: code: A n_bits-bit integer. If == -1, then
	 * EOF. This assumes that n_bits =< (long)wordsize - 1. Outputs: Outputs
	 * code to the file. Assumptions: Chars are 8 bits long. Algorithm: Maintain
	 * a BITS character long buffer (so that 8 codes will fit in it exactly).

	private void output(int code) {
		int r_off = offset, bits = n_bits;
		int bp = 0;

		if (code >= 0) {
			 * Get to the first byte.
			bp += (r_off >> 3);
			r_off &= 7;
			 * Since code is always >= 8 bits, only need to mask the first hunk
			 * on the left.
			buf[bp] = (byte) ((buf[bp] & Compress.rmask[r_off]) | (code << r_off)
					& Compress.lmask[r_off]);
			bits -= (8 - r_off);
			code >>= 8 - r_off;
			/* Get any 8 bit parts in the middle (<=1 for up to 16 bits). */
			if (bits >= 8) {
				buf[bp++] = (byte) code;
				code >>= 8;
				bits -= 8;
			/* Last bits. */
			if (bits != 0)
				buf[bp] = (byte) code;
			offset += n_bits;
			if (offset == (n_bits << 3)) {
				bp = 0;
				bits = n_bits;
				bytes_out += bits;
				while (--bits != 0);
				offset = 0;

			 * If the next entry is going to be too big for the code size, then
			 * increase it, if possible.
			if (free_ent > maxcode || (clear_flg > 0)) {
				 * Write the whole buffer, because the input side won't discover
				 * the size increase until after it has read it.
				if (offset > 0) {
					Output.writebytes(buf, n_bits);
					bytes_out += n_bits;
				offset = 0;

				if (clear_flg != 0) {
					n_bits = Compress.INIT_BITS;
					maxcode = MAXCODE();
					clear_flg = 0;
				} else {
					if (n_bits == maxbits)
						maxcode = maxmaxcode;
						maxcode = MAXCODE();
		} else {
			 * At EOF, write the rest of the buffer.
			if (offset > 0)
				Output.writebytes(buf, ((offset + 7) / 8));
			bytes_out += (offset + 7) / 8;
			offset = 0;

	/* table clear for block compress */
	private void cl_block() {
		int rat;

		checkpoint = in_count + CHECK_GAP;

		if (in_count > 0x007fffff) { /* shift will overflow */
			rat = bytes_out >> 8;
			if (rat == 0) { /* Don't divide by zero */
				rat = 0x7fffffff;
			} else {
				rat = in_count / rat;
		} else {
			rat = (in_count << 8) / bytes_out; /* 8 fractional bits */
		if (rat > ratio) {
			ratio = rat;
		} else {
			ratio = 0;
			free_ent = Compress.FIRST;
			clear_flg = 1;
			output((int) Compress.CLEAR);

	final class Hash_Table { // moved 4/15/98 dm/kmd
		 * Use protected instead of private to allow access by parent class of
		 * inner class. wnb 4/17/98

		protected int tab[]; // for dynamic table sizing */
		protected int size;

		public Hash_Table() {
			size = Compress.HSIZE;
			tab = new int[size];

		public int of(int i) {
			return tab[i];

		public void set(int i, int v) {
			tab[i] = v;

		public int hsize() {
			return size;

		public void clear() {
			int i;

			for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
				tab[i] = -1;


/** ************************************************************** */

 * Decompress stdin to stdout. This routine adapts to the codes in the file
 * building the "string" table on-the-fly; requiring no table to be stored in
 * the compressed file. The tables used herein are shared with those of the
 * compress() routine. See the definitions above.

final class Decompressor extends Comp_Base {
	private int size;

	private Code_Table tab_prefix;
	private Suffix_Table tab_suffix;
	private De_Stack de_stack;

	public Decompressor(Input_Buffer in, Output_Buffer out) {
		super(in, out);

		/* Check the magic number */
		if (((Input.getbyte() & 0xFF) != (Compress.magic_header[0] & 0xFF))
				|| ((Input.getbyte() & 0xFF) != (Compress.magic_header[1] & 0xFF))) {
			System.err.println("stdin: not in compressed format");
			// System.exit(1);

		maxbits = Input.getbyte(); /* set -b from file */
		block_compress = maxbits & Compress.BLOCK_MASK;
		maxbits &= Compress.BIT_MASK;
		maxmaxcode = 1 << maxbits;
		if (maxbits > Compress.BITS) {
			System.err.println("stdin: compressed with " + maxbits
					+ " bits, can only handle " + Compress.BITS + " bits");
			// System.exit(1);
		n_bits = Compress.INIT_BITS;
		maxcode = MAXCODE();

		offset = 0;
		size = 0;
		clear_flg = 0;
		free_ent = ((block_compress != 0) ? Compress.FIRST : 256);

		tab_prefix = new Code_Table();
		tab_suffix = new Suffix_Table();
		de_stack = new De_Stack();

		 * As above, initialize the first 256 entries in the table.

	public void decompress() {
		int finchar;
		int code, oldcode, incode;

		finchar = oldcode = getcode();
		if (oldcode == -1) /* EOF already? */
			return; /* Get out of here */
		Output.putbyte((byte) finchar); /* first code must be 8 bits = byte */

		while ((code = getcode()) > -1) {

			if ((code == Compress.CLEAR) && (block_compress != 0)) {
				clear_flg = 1;
				free_ent = Compress.FIRST - 1;
				if ((code = getcode()) == -1) /* O, untimely death! */
			incode = code;
			 * Special case for KwKwK string.
			if (code >= free_ent) {
				de_stack.push((byte) finchar);
				code = oldcode;

			 * Generate output characters in reverse order
			while (code >= 256) {
				code = tab_prefix.of(code);
			de_stack.push((byte) (finchar = tab_suffix.of(code)));

			 * And put them out in forward order
			while (!de_stack.is_empty());

			 * Generate the new entry.
			if ((code = free_ent) < maxmaxcode) {
				tab_prefix.set(code, oldcode);
				tab_suffix.set(code, (byte) finchar);
				free_ent = code + 1;
			 * Remember previous code.
			oldcode = incode;

	 * Read one code from the standard input. If EOF, return -1. Inputs: stdin
	 * Outputs: code or -1 is returned.

	private int getcode() {
		int code;
		int r_off, bits;
		int bp = 0;

		if (clear_flg > 0 || offset >= size || free_ent > maxcode) {
			 * If the next entry will be too big for the current code size, then
			 * we must increase the size. This implies reading a new buffer
			 * full, too.
			if (free_ent > maxcode) {
				if (n_bits == maxbits)
					maxcode = maxmaxcode; /* won't get any bigger now */
					maxcode = MAXCODE();
			if (clear_flg > 0) {
				n_bits = Compress.INIT_BITS;
				maxcode = MAXCODE();
				clear_flg = 0;
			size = Input.readbytes(buf, n_bits);
			if (size <= 0)
				return -1; /* end of file */
			offset = 0;
			/* Round size down to integral number of codes */
			size = (size << 3) - (n_bits - 1);
		r_off = offset;
		bits = n_bits;
		 * Get to the first byte.
		bp += (r_off >> 3);
		r_off &= 7;
		/* Get first part (low order bits) */
		code = ((buf[bp++] >> r_off) & Compress.rmask[8 - r_off]) & 0xff;
		bits -= (8 - r_off);
		r_off = 8 - r_off; /* now, offset into code word */
		/* Get any 8 bit parts in the middle (<=1 for up to 16 bits). */
		if (bits >= 8) {
			code |= (buf[bp++] & 0xff) << r_off;
			r_off += 8;
			bits -= 8;
		/* high order bits. */
		// code |= (buf[bp] & Compress.rmask[bits]) << r_off; // kmd
		// Don McCauley/kmd - IBM 02/26/98
		if (bits > 0)
			code |= (buf[bp] & Compress.rmask[bits]) << r_off;
		offset += n_bits;

		return code;

	/** ************************************************************** */

	final class De_Stack { // moved 4/15/98 dm/kmd
		 * Use protected instead of private to allow access by parent class of
		 * inner class. wnb 4/17/98

		protected byte tab[];
		protected int index;

		public De_Stack() {
			tab = new byte[Compress.STACK_SZ];
			index = 0;

		public void push(byte c) {
			tab[index++] = c;

		public byte pop() {
			return tab[index];

		public boolean is_empty() {
			return (index == 0);

	/** ************************************************************** */

	final class Suffix_Table { // moved 4/15/98 dm/kmd
		 * Use protected instead of private to allow access by parent class of
		 * inner class. wnb 4/17/98

		protected byte tab[];

		public Suffix_Table() {
			tab = new byte[Compress.SUFFIX_TAB_SZ];

		public byte of(int i) {
			return tab[i];

		public void set(int i, byte v) {
			tab[i] = v;

		public void init(int size) {
			int code;
			for (code = 0; code < size; code++) {
				tab[code] = (byte) code;
