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2012年11月29日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 3695字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭
PART A: Maintaining the heap property

Heap-order property:
-root has maximum value key
-key stored at a non-root is at most the value of its parent

-any path from root to leaf is in nonincreasing order
-left and right sub-trees are unrelated

Example #1:
Does this satisfy the head-order property?

5 10
12 15 8 2
6 2 9

[Note that this can also be written an array format as:
20 5 10 12 15 8 2 6 2 9 ]

No, but 12 15 are heaps.
6 2 9

We will use a function called MaxHeapify to fix the heap.

PART B: MaxHeapify(A,i) procedure
Overview of the algorithm:
Inputs: Array A (or binary tree)
index i in array
Precondition: the binary trees rooted at LEFT(i) and RIGHT(i) are heaps
Note: A[i] may be smaller than its children
Postcondition: The subtree rooted at index i is a heap

l = LEFT(i)
r = RIGHT(i)

if l /leq heap_size(A) and A[l] > A[i]
then largest = l
else largest = i
if r /leq heap_size(A) and A[r] > A[largest]
then largest = r
if largest /neq i
then swap(A[i],A[largest])

Back to the example: A = [20 5 10 12 15 8 2 6 2 9]
Call MaxHeapify(A,2)

Step #1: Swap A[2] with A[5]

15 10
12 5 8 2
6 2 9

Step #2: Swap A[5] with A[10]

15 10
12 9 8 2
6 2 5

What is the worst-case running-time of MaxHeapify?
-MaxHeapify is recursively called **at most** h times, where h is the
height of the subtree starting at i
-Each call to MaxHeapify takes c steps, for some constant c

for all inputs, **at most** ch steps are needed where h is the
height of the subtree starting at i

So, the worst case time complexity is O(h) where h is the subtree with
root i OR O(log n) since h /leq log n = the height of the entire tree

PART C: Build-Max-Heap
Question: How do we build a heap in linear time?

FIRST create a binary tree (stick each element into a node of the tree)
OR put all the elements in an array

THEN use MaxHeapify on non-leaf nodes

heap-size = length(A)
for i = /lfloor lenght(A)/2 /rfloor downto 1

Example #2:
Apply BUILD-MAX-HEAP to the binary tree below:

5 2
6 12 15 1

Note: Since lenght(A) = 7
/lfloor lenght(A)/2 /rfloor = /lfloor 7/2 /rfloor = 3

Step 1: MaxHeapify(A,3)

5 15
6 12 2 1

Step 2: MaxHeapify(A,2)

12 15
6 5 2 1

Step 3: MaxHeapify(A,1)

12 10
6 5 2 1

Show that the worst-case running time is O(n):
First try: -MaxHeapify has a worst-case running time of O(log n)
-there are at most n calls to MaxHeapify
So, the worst-case time complexity is O(n log n)

Better answer:
the running time needed at each level of the tree
= worst-case running time of a node at level i * # nodes at level i

Aside: there are **at most** /lceil n / 2^(h+1) /rceil nodes at height h
in the tree

15 height = 2
12 10 height = 1
6 5 2 1 height = 0

worst-case running time of a node at height h * # nodes at height h
= ch * /lceil n / 2^(h+1) /rceil

Sum this over all the nodes in the tree:

Sum_{h=0}^{height of the tree} ch * /lceil n / 2^(h+1) /rceil
/leq Sum_{h=0}^{/lfloor log n /rfloor} ch * /lceil n / (2*2^h) /rceil
/leq cn Sum_{h=0}^{/infinity} h/(2^h)
=c/2 n (1/2 + 2/4 + 3/8 + ...)
/leq c/2 n d, for some contant d (see textbook page 135 for details)

Therefore, for all inputs of size n, the time needed is at most cd/2 n

So, the worst case time complexity in O(n)

Show that the worst-case running time is Omega(n):
Pick any input of size n:
The loop goes from length(A/2) downto 1.
Since there are **at least** n/2 iterations of the loop, and each such
iteration takes **at least** a constant amount of time
(bcs each execution of MAX-HEAPIFY takes at least a constant amount of time)

So the worst-case time complexity of the algorithm is Omega(n),

=> The worst-case complexity of BUILD-MAX-HEAP is Theta(n).

Part D: Heapsort
We can use max-heaps to sort an array A.

-put elements into a max-heap
-element A[1] is the maximum element
-exchange A[1] with the last element in the array
-decrease the size of the heap by one
-maintain the heap order property by calling Max-Heapify

Here's the code:

for i = length[A] downto 2
do exchange A[1] with A[i]
heap-size[A] = heap-size[A] - 1

BUILD-MAX-HEAP(A) takes O(n) time,
MAX-HEAPIFY(A, 1) takes O(log n) time,
and the for loop executes n-1 times

Therefore heapsort takes O(n log n) time in the worst-case.
