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2013年06月24日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 7018字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭

CString newGUID()
 GUID guid;
 ::CoCreateGuid(&guid);  //生成guid
 CString str;
 return str;

CString GetDateStr2(CTime t)
 CString re;
 return re;
CString GetDateStr()
 CTime t = CTime::GetCurrentTime();
 return GetDateStr2(t);

int IsNum(const CString& str)
 if (str.IsEmpty())
  return - 1;
 int nDot = 0;
 for (int i = 0; i < str.GetLength(); i++)
  char ch = str.GetAt(i);
  if ('.' == ch)//小数点
  if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9')//数字
  return - 2; //非法字符
 if (nDot > 1)
  return - 3;//小数点多于两个
 else if (0 == nDot)
  return 1;//整数
 else if (1 == nDot)
  return 0;//浮点数
 return - 1000; //未知错误
int IsSignNum(const CString& str)
 if (str.IsEmpty())
  return - 1;
 int nDot = 0;
 for (int i = 0; i < str.GetLength(); i++)
  char ch = str.GetAt(i);
  if ('.' == ch)//小数点
  if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9')//数字
  else if (ch == '-'&&i==0)
  return - 2; //非法字符
 if (nDot > 1)
  return - 3;//小数点多于两个
 else if (0 == nDot)
  return 1;//整数
 else if (1 == nDot)
  return 0;//浮点数
 return - 1000; //未知错误

bool IsNumber( LPCTSTR pszText )

 for( int i = 0; i < lstrlen( pszText ); i++ )
  if( !_istdigit( pszText[ i ] ) )
   return false;

 return true;

bool IsEnglish(const CString str)
 int   nIndex;  
 int   nLen   =   str.GetLength();  
 bool re = true;
   re = false;
 return   re;  


bool IsDate( LPCTSTR pszText )
 // format should be 99/99/9999.

 if( lstrlen( pszText ) != 10 )
  return false;

 return _istdigit( pszText[ 0 ] )
  && _istdigit( pszText[ 1 ] )
  && pszText[ 2 ] == _T('/')
  && _istdigit( pszText[ 3 ] )
  && _istdigit( pszText[ 4 ] )
  && pszText[ 5 ] == _T('/')
  && _istdigit( pszText[ 6 ] )
  && _istdigit( pszText[ 7 ] )
  && _istdigit( pszText[ 8 ] )
  && _istdigit( pszText[ 9 ] );
int CalIntBit(unsigned Input)
 int count = 1;
 while(Input/10 != 0)
  Input /= 10;
 return count;

CString ZuoBiaoZhuanHuan(const double& Input)
 CString str;
 int du,fen,miao;
 du = (int)Input;
 double tmp = (Input - du)*60;
 fen = (int)tmp;
 tmp = (tmp - fen)*60;
 miao = (int)tmp;
 if (tmp - miao>0.5)
  miao+=1;             //四舍五入
 CString duStr(_T("°")),fenStr(_T("′")),miaoStr(_T("″"));
 return str;

bool Scope(const CString& Input)
 int fenge=0;
 for (int i = 0;i<Input.GetLength();i++)
  if (Input.GetAt(i)=='-')
   fenge++;               //'-'号的数目
 if (fenge>1||fenge == 0)           //输入的字符串含有超过1个‘-’,或者没有这样的分隔符返回false
  return false;
 else if (fenge == 1)
  int index = Input.Find('-');
  CString Min,Max;
  Min = Input.Mid(0,index);
  Max = Input.Mid(index+1,Input.GetLength()-index-1);
  if (IsNum(Min)!=1&&IsNum(Min)!=0)
   return false;                       //'-'前的字符串不是数值
  if (IsNum(Max)!=0&&IsNum(Max)!=1)
   return false;                  //'-'后的字符串不是数值
  if (cstod(Min)>cstod(Max))
   return false;

 return true;

double GetMax(const CString& Input)  
 CString max;
 int index = Input.Find('-');
 max = Input.Mid(index+1,Input.GetLength()-index-1);
 return cstod(max);

double GetMin(const CString& Input)
 CString min;
 int index = Input.Find('-');
 min = Input.Mid(0,index);
 return cstod(min);

void SetSipBnStatus(INT show);
void FullScreen(CWnd* pWnd,BOOL _bMove)
 HWND hBar = ::SHFindMenuBar(pWnd->m_hWnd);
 ::CommandBar_Show( hBar, FALSE );

 RECT cliRect;

 if ( _bMove )
  //cliRect.top -= 26;
  cliRect.bottom += 26*heightScale;

}//end of FullScreen
void ExitFullScreen(CWnd* pWnd,BOOL _bMove)
 HWND hBar = ::SHFindMenuBar(pWnd->m_hWnd);
 ::CommandBar_Show( hBar, TRUE );


 HWND hTask = ::FindWindow(TEXT("HHTaskBar"),NULL);

 RECT cliRect;

 if ( _bMove )
  //cliRect.top -= 26;
  cliRect.bottom -= 26*heightScale;

void ExitFullScreenHideSip(CWnd* pWnd,BOOL _bMove)
 HWND hBar = ::SHFindMenuBar(pWnd->m_hWnd);
 ::CommandBar_Show( hBar, FALSE );

 HWND hTask = ::FindWindow(TEXT("HHTaskBar"),NULL);

 RECT cliRect;

 if ( _bMove )
  //cliRect.top -= 26;
  cliRect.bottom -= 26*heightScale;

int LastIndexOf(const CString &str,const char c)
 int i = str.GetLength()-1;
 while (i >= 0)    //查找字符串中的'_'字符
  if (str.GetAt(i) == c)
 return i;
#define   NUM_ZERO   1.0e-10  
bool Divisibility(const double dividend,const double divisor)
 bool re = false;
 if(dividend < divisor)   //被除数小于除数
  return re;
 double result = dividend/divisor;
 result = result - (int)result;           //获取小数部分

 if(fabs(result)<=NUM_ZERO)      //为零
  re = true;
 return re;
//获取当前系统的时间,返回yyyy-MM-dd HH:MM:SS字符串
CString GetCurTime()
 CTime time = CTime::GetCurrentTime();
 CString curTime;
 curTime.Format(_T("%.4d-%.2d-%.2d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d"),time.GetYear(),time.GetMonth(),time.GetDay(),time.GetHour(),time.GetMinute(),time.GetSecond());
 return curTime;
void SetSipBnStatus(INT show)
 HWND hWndSipButton = ::FindWindow(TEXT("MS_SIPBUTTON"), NULL);
 if (NULL != hWndSipButton)
  ::ShowWindow(hWndSipButton, show);                           

bool ExistFile(const CString &fileName)
 WIN32_FIND_DATA FindFileData;
 HANDLE hFind;
 hFind = FindFirstFile(fileName,&FindFileData);
  return true;
  return false;


void Splite(CString strContent, CArray<CString,CString> &arrString, int &nCount, const char &cToken)
 if (strContent.Trim() == _T(""))

 int nBegin;
 int nEnd;
 int conLength = strContent.GetLength();
 nBegin = 0;
 if (strContent.GetAt(conLength-1)!=cToken)
  strContent += cToken;
 nEnd   = strContent.Find(cToken, 0);
 nCount = 0;

 while (nEnd >= 0)
  arrString.Add(strContent.Mid(nBegin, nEnd - nBegin));
  nBegin = nEnd + 1;
  if (nBegin >= conLength)
  nEnd = strContent.Find(cToken, nBegin);

bool StrInArray(const CString &str,const CArray<CString,CString> &arrStr)
 int arrCount = arrStr.GetCount();

 for (int i=0;i<=arrCount-1;i++)
  if (arrStr.GetAt(i) == str)
   return true;
 return false;
bool StrInString(const CString &beContain,const CString &strContent)
 if (strContent == _T("")||beContain == _T(""))
  return false;
 if (beContain.GetLength()>strContent.GetLength())
  return false;
 int index = strContent.Find(beContain);
 if (index >=0)
  return true;
  return false;
void LoadBmp(CBitmap* pbitmap,UINT nID16,UINT nID32)

 if (heightScale>1.5||widthScale>1.5)

