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Class SVNWCClient

2013年08月26日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 10987字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭

  extended by org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc.SVNBasicClient
      extended by org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc.SVNWCClient

public class SVNWCClient
extends SVNBasicClient

The SVNWCClient class combines a number of version control operations mainly intended for local work with Working Copy items. This class includes those operations that are destined only for local work on a Working Copy as well as those that
are moreover able to access a repository.

Here's a list of the SVNWCClient's methods matched against corresponing commands of the SVN command line client:

SVNKit Subversion
doAdd() 'svn add'
doGetFileContents() 'svn cat'
doDelete() 'svn delete'
doCleanup() 'svn cleanup'
doInfo() 'svn info'
doLock() 'svn lock'
doUnlock() 'svn unlock'
doSetProperty() 'svn propset PROPNAME PROPVAL PATH'
'svn propdel PROPNAME PATH'
'svn propedit PROPNAME PATH'
doSetRevisionProperty() 'svn propset PROPNAME --revprop -r REV PROPVAL [URL]'
'svn propdel PROPNAME --revprop -r REV [URL]'
'svn propedit PROPNAME --revprop -r REV [URL]'
doGetProperty() 'svn propget PROPNAME PATH'
'svn proplist PATH'
doGetRevisionProperty() 'svn propget PROPNAME --revprop -r REV [URL]'
'svn proplist --revprop -r REV [URL]'
doResolve() 'svn resolved'
doRevert() 'svn revert'

See Also:

Field Summary
          Default implementation of ISVNAddParameters which onInconsistentEOLs(File
 always returns the ISVNAddParameters.REPORT_ERROR action.


Constructor Summary
SVNWCClient(ISVNAuthenticationManager authManager, ISVNOptions options) 
          Constructs and initializes an SVNWCClient object with the specified run-time configuration and authentication drivers.
SVNWCClient(ISVNRepositoryPool repositoryPool, ISVNOptions options) 
          Constructs and initializes an SVNWCClient object with the specified run-time configuration and repository pool object.


Method Summary
 void doAdd(java.io.File[] paths,
boolean force, boolean mkdir, boolean climbUnversionedParents, SVNDepth depth,
boolean depthIsSticky, boolean includeIgnored, boolean makeParents)
          Schedules working copy paths for addition to the repository.
 void doAdd(java.io.File path,
boolean force, boolean mkdir, boolean climbUnversionedParents, boolean recursive)
          Deprecated. use doAdd(File,
boolean, boolean, boolean, SVNDepth, boolean, boolean)
 void doAdd(java.io.File path,
boolean force, boolean mkdir, boolean climbUnversionedParents, boolean recursive, boolean includeIgnored)
          Deprecated. use doAdd(File,
boolean, boolean, boolean, SVNDepth, boolean, boolean)
 void doAdd(java.io.File path,
boolean force, boolean mkdir, boolean climbUnversionedParents, SVNDepth depth,
boolean includeIgnored, boolean makeParents)
          Schedules a working copy path for addition to the repository.
 void doAdd(java.io.File path,
boolean force, boolean mkdir, boolean climbUnversionedParents, SVNDepth depth,
boolean depthIsSticky, boolean includeIgnored, boolean makeParents)
          Schedules a working copy path for addition to the repository.
 void doCleanup(java.io.File path) 
          Cleans up a working copy.
 void doCleanup(java.io.File path, boolean deleteWCProperties) 
          Recursively cleans up the working copy, removing locks and resuming unfinished operations.
 void doCleanupWCProperties(java.io.File directory) 
          Recursively removes all DAV-specific "svn:wc:" properties from the directory and beneath.
 void doDelete(java.io.File path, boolean force,
boolean dryRun)
          Schedules a Working Copy item for deletion.
 void doDelete(java.io.File path, boolean force,
boolean deleteFiles, boolean dryRun)
          Schedules a Working Copy item for deletion.
 void doGetFileContents(java.io.File path, SVNRevision pegRevision, SVNRevision revision,
boolean expandKeywords, java.io.OutputStream dst)
          Outputs the content of file identified by path and revision to the stream dst.
 void doGetFileContents(SVNURL url, SVNRevision pegRevision, SVNRevision revision,
boolean expandKeywords, java.io.OutputStream dst)
          Outputs the content of file identified by url and revision to the stream dst.
 SVNPropertyData doGetProperty(java.io.File path,
java.lang.String propName, SVNRevision pegRevision, SVNRevision revision)
          Gets the value of the property propName for path.
 void doGetProperty(java.io.File path,
java.lang.String propName, SVNRevision pegRevision, SVNRevision revision,
boolean recursive, ISVNPropertyHandler handler)
          Deprecated. use doGetProperty(File,
String, SVNRevision, SVNRevision, SVNDepth, ISVNPropertyHandler, Collection)
 void doGetProperty(java.io.File path,
java.lang.String propName, SVNRevision pegRevision, SVNRevision revision, SVNDepth depth, ISVNPropertyHandler handler,
java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> changeLists)
          Invokes handler on paths covered by depth starting with the specified path.
 SVNPropertyData doGetProperty(SVNURL url,
java.lang.String propName, SVNRevision pegRevision, SVNRevision revision)
          Gets the value of the property propName for url .
 void doGetProperty(SVNURL url,
java.lang.String propName, SVNRevision pegRevision, SVNRevision revision,
boolean recursive, ISVNPropertyHandler handler)
          Deprecated. use doGetProperty(SVNURL,
String, SVNRevision, SVNRevision, SVNDepth, ISVNPropertyHandler)
 void doGetProperty(SVNURL url,
java.lang.String propName, SVNRevision pegRevision, SVNRevision revision, SVNDepth depth, ISVNPropertyHandler handler)
          Invokes handler on paths covered by depth starting with the specified path.
 long doGetRevisionProperty(java.io.File path,
java.lang.String propName, SVNRevision revision, ISVNPropertyHandler handler)
          Gets an unversioned revision property from a repository (getting a repository URL from a Working Copy) and passes it to a provided property handler.
 long doGetRevisionProperty(SVNURL url,
java.lang.String propName, SVNRevision revision, ISVNPropertyHandler handler)
          Gets an unversioned revision property from a repository and passes it to a provided property handler.
 java.lang.String doGetWorkingCopyID(java.io.File path,
java.lang.String trailURL)
          Returns the current Working Copy min- and max- revisions as well as changes and switch status within a single string.
 java.lang.String doGetWorkingCopyID(java.io.File path,
java.lang.String trailURL, boolean committed)
          Returns the current Working Copy min- and max- revisions as well as changes and switch status within a single string.
 SVNInfo doInfo(java.io.File path, SVNRevision revision) 
          Collects and returns information on a single Working Copy item.
 void doInfo(java.io.File path, SVNRevision revision,
boolean recursive, ISVNInfoHandler handler)
          Deprecated. use doInfo(File,
SVNRevision, SVNRevision, SVNDepth, Collection, ISVNInfoHandler)
 void doInfo(java.io.File path, SVNRevision pegRevision, SVNRevision revision,
boolean recursive, ISVNInfoHandler handler)
          Deprecated. use doInfo(File,
SVNRevision, SVNRevision, SVNDepth, Collection, ISVNInfoHandler)
 void doInfo(java.io.File path, SVNRevision pegRevision, SVNRevision revision, SVNDepth depth,
java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> changeLists, ISVNInfoHandler handler)
          Invokes handler to return information about path in revision.
 SVNInfo doInfo(SVNURL url, SVNRevision pegRevision, SVNRevision revision) 
          Collects and returns information on a single item in a repository.
 void doInfo(SVNURL url, SVNRevision pegRevision, SVNRevision revision,
boolean recursive, ISVNInfoHandler handler)
          Deprecated. use doInfo(SVNURL,
SVNRevision, SVNRevision, SVNDepth, ISVNInfoHandler)
 void doInfo(SVNURL url, SVNRevision pegRevision, SVNRevision revision, SVNDepth depth, ISVNInfoHandler handler) 
          Invokes handler to return information about url in revision.
 void doLock(java.io.File[] paths, boolean stealLock,
java.lang.String lockMessage)
          Locks file items in a Working Copy as well as in a repository so that no other user can commit changes to them.
 void doLock(SVNURL[] urls,
boolean stealLock, java.lang.String lockMessage)
          Locks file items in a repository so that no other user can commit changes to them.
 void doMarkReplaced(java.io.File path) 
          Schedules path as being replaced.
 void doResolve(java.io.File path, boolean recursive) 
          Deprecated. use doResolve(File,
SVNDepth, SVNConflictChoice)
 void doResolve(java.io.File path, SVNDepth depth,
boolean resolveContents, boolean resolveProperties, boolean resolveTree, SVNConflictChoice conflictChoice)
          Performs automatic conflict resolution on a working copy path.
 void doResolve(java.io.File path, SVNDepth depth,
boolean resolveContents, boolean resolveProperties, SVNConflictChoice conflictChoice)
          Performs automatic conflict resolution on a working copy path.
 void doResolve(java.io.File path, SVNDepth depth, SVNConflictChoice conflictChoice) 
          Performs automatic conflict resolution on a working copy path.
 void doRevert(java.io.File[] paths, boolean recursive) 
          Deprecated. use doRevert(File[],
SVNDepth, Collection)
 void doRevert(java.io.File[] paths, SVNDepth depth,
java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> changeLists)
          Restores the pristine version of working copy paths, effectively undoing any local mods.
 void doRevert(java.io.File path, boolean recursive) 
          Deprecated. use doRevert(File[],
SVNDepth, Collection)
 void doSetProperty(java.io.File path, ISVNPropertyValueProvider propertyValueProvider,
boolean skipChecks, SVNDepth depth, ISVNPropertyHandler handler,
java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> changeLists)
          Crawls the working copy at path and calls ISVNPropertyValueProvider.providePropertyValues(java.io.File,
 to get properties to be change on each path being traversed

If depth is SVNDepth.EMPTY, change the properties on path only; if SVNDepth.FILES,
change the properties on path and its file children (if any); if SVNDepth.IMMEDIATES,
on path and all of its immediate children (both files and directories); if SVNDepth.INFINITY,
on path and everything beneath it.

 void doSetProperty(java.io.File path,
java.lang.String propName, SVNPropertyValue propValue, boolean force,
boolean recursive, ISVNPropertyHandler handler)
          Deprecated. use doSetProperty(File,
String, SVNPropertyValue, boolean, SVNDepth, ISVNPropertyHandler, Collection)
 void doSetProperty(java.io.File path,
java.lang.String propName, SVNPropertyValue propValue, boolean skipChecks, SVNDepth depth, ISVNPropertyHandler handler,
java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> changeLists)
          Sets propName to propValue on path .
 SVNCommitInfo doSetProperty(SVNURL url,
java.lang.String propName, SVNPropertyValue propValue, SVNRevision baseRevision,
java.lang.String commitMessage, SVNProperties revisionProperties, boolean skipChecks,ISVNPropertyHandler handler)
          Sets propName to propValue on path .
 void doSetRevisionProperty(java.io.File path, SVNRevision revision,
java.lang.String propName, SVNPropertyValue propValue, boolean force, ISVNPropertyHandler handler)
          Set propName to propValue on revision revision in the repository represented by path.
 void doSetRevisionProperty(SVNURL url, SVNRevision revision,
java.lang.String propName, SVNPropertyValue propValue, boolean force, ISVNPropertyHandler handler)
          Set propName to propValue on revision revision in the repository represented by path.
 void doSetWCFormat(java.io.File directory, int format) 
