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2013年02月13日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 33866字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭

(a.) 辛辣的

This is the spiciest food I have ever eaten.

(n.) 观光客

Why do so many tourists go to Thailand?

calm somebody down


I talked to Nancy and tried to calm her down.

Just in case.

A: But Mommy, it's sunny today!
B: You should still take an umbrella, just in case.
A: 但是妈咪,今天是大晴天!
B: 你还是要带雨伞,以防万一。

I would like a window seat.
有些人在乘坐飞机时,喜欢坐在靠走道的座位,英文叫Aisle seat(走道旁座位),因为方便上洗手间或行动一下。有些则喜欢靠窗的座位(Window seat),因为可以瞭望飞机升降的过程及窗外的景致。还有人会选择坐在紧急出口旁的位置 (Emergency exit seat)。如果你对座位有特别要求,在办理登机手续时,可以预先说明:I would like a window seat.(我想坐靠窗的座位)。

对 话
Ground crew: Would you prefer a window or an aisle seat sir?
Bill: I would like a window seat please.
Ground crew: So you like to look at the view along the way do you?
Bill: Oh no, I'm too scared to look out the window. I just want to be able to get some air if it gets too hot.
地勤人员: 先生,请问你想要靠窗或是靠走道的座位呢?
比尔: 我想坐靠窗的座位,谢谢。
地勤人员: 那你喜欢沿途看风景吗?
比尔: 噢,不是。我其实很害怕望出窗外,我只想在太热时可呼吸多些空气。

买机票时,售票员有时会问:Would you prefer a window or aisle seat?(你想要靠窗还是靠走道的座位?)你可以说 I'd like a window / an aisle seat.(我想要靠窗 / 靠走道的座位)。 Aisle是两排座位之间的通道,课堂、戏院、礼堂、客轮等座位间通道都可以叫 aisle,不限于飞机,例如:I walked down the aisle to my seat in the examination hall.(我沿着试场里的通道,走往自己的座位)。For greater freedom of movement, I always ask for an aisle seat on long-distance flights. 即‘为了走动可以自由一点,搭长途飞机,我总是选择靠近走道的座位’。坐中间的座位,得挤过同排座位的其它乘客,才能走到通道上,去盥洗室很不不便:If you are in a middle seat, you have to climb over the other folks in your row in order to go to the toilet, which is most inconvenient。

要告诉人家自己坐在哪个座位,你可以说:I'm in seat 18A.(我的座位是18A)。假如别人坐了你的座位,可以告诉他:Excuse me, but you're in my seat.(不好意思,你坐了我的座位)。 飞机起飞、遇上强烈气流或降落时,你可不能离开座位。机员会告诉你:The plane is taking off. / We'll be flying through some turbulence. Please fasten your seat belt.(飞机准备起飞/我们将遇上强烈气流,请系好安全带)。Please keep your seat belt fastened till the seat belt sign is turned off.(安全带灯号关掉前,请勿解开安全带)。


(n.) 手工艺(品)

This shop sells some really nice handicrafts.

(a.) 英勇的,勇敢的

My dog is usually brave, but he is scared of cats.

spit it out


I tried to make him spit it out, but he just won't tell me.

There’s…going on.

A: Hey, there's a party going on over at Ray's house.
B: Cool! Let's go right now.
A: 嘿,阿雷家里正在举办派对。
B: 太好了!那我们马上去吧。

Can you please take a photo of me?
当你一个人去旅行需要拍照留念时,你得要麻烦人家帮忙,此时你可礼貌地问:Can you please take a photo of me?(请问你可以帮我拍照吗?)请别人帮忙,最怕所托非人,此时不妨加问一句:Do you know how to use my camera?(你懂得使用我的相机吗?)如果是全自动的‘傻瓜机’,可以说:It's automatic.(这是全自动的)。或者你需要拍个特写,可以告诉别人:Can you take a close-up of me?(可以帮我拍个特写吗?)如果要拍全身,可以说:Can you take a full body shot of me?(请问可以帮我拍张全身照吗?)

对 话
Marcus: Excuse me, sorry to trouble you. Can you please take a photo of me?
Andrew: Of course. No problem. Where would you like me to take it?
Marcus: Just under the departures sign thanks.
Andrew: You look like you're going somewhere tropical. Where are you going?
Marcus: Oh, nowhere. I just want my friends to think that I can afford a great holiday. Thank you.
马卡斯: 对不起,可以麻烦你帮我拍照吗?
安德鲁: 当然没有问题,你想在哪里拍呢?
马卡斯: 在‘离境’指示牌下拍便可,谢谢。
安德鲁: 你看来准备去热带地方,你要去哪里?
马卡斯: 噢,没有啦。我只想让朋友觉得我可以负担一个豪华假期,谢谢。

去旅游,往往得请别人帮自己拍照,英文可以说:Would you take a picture of us?、Can you take a photo for us? ‘相片’称为 picture 或 photograph 都可以,而 photograph 口头上多略作photo。

拍照时,照相者一般会说:Don't move and say cheese.(不要动,笑一个)、Are you ready?(准备好了吗?)、Here we go!(拍照了!)为什么say cheese等于‘笑一笑’?按cheese这个字,说时面部肌肉运动和笑容相似,一如我们说‘七’字那样。除了say cheese,你还可以说:Smile, please.(请笑笑)。

假如你拿着相机,看见不远处亲友无意中摆了个值得拍照的姿势,你可以说:Hold it! I'll take your photo.、Don't move.(或 Keep still)while I take your photo.(不要动,我帮你拍张照)。请亲友帮你自己拍照,则可以说:I'd like to have a picture of myself here.(我想在这着里拍张照)、How about taking a photo of me and my wife?(帮我们夫妇拍张照片好吗?)

请人帮自己拍照,你可能想把背后某些景物拍入相片中,那你可以用以下说法:Could you get that temple in the background?(可以拍到那座庙宇作背景吗?)

英文叫‘姿势’做pose,作动词是‘摆姿势(以供拍照)’的意思,例如:(1) Would you mind posing with me?(你介意和我一起拍照吗?)(2) Let's pose for a group photo.(我们来拍张大合照吧)。


(v.) 呼叫,喊叫

My teacher never shouts at the students, even if he is very angry.

(a.) 有名的

I want to be famous and have lots of money.

put down

(v.) 批评,奚落

This guy at work always puts down the way I dress.

Do we ever.

A: Do you guys want to get pizza for dinner?
B: Do we ever!
A: 你们大伙想叫披萨来吃吗?
B: 当然想啦。

Is it in the guide book?
去旅行之前最好做足准备功夫,例如参考旅游手册或上网搜寻数据。如果别人向你介绍旅游数据,而你又不想记下来,可以问他:Is it in the guide book?(在旅游指南内有记录吗?)著名旅游景点多设有游客中心 (Tourist center),不妨去逛逛并拿些旅游资料。现在的旅客指南愈来愈专业,有旅游手册 (Travel guide)、饮食手册 (Restaurant guide)、购物指南 (Shopping guide)、剧院指南 (Theater guide) 等等可供选择。

Marcus: Do you want me to show you the sights?
Kate: Sure. Why not? I'd love to see something historic.
Marcus: We can start the tour back at my place.
Kate: Why? Is it in the guide book? Is it historic?
Marcus: Not really. But it's been ages since a girl's been there.
马卡斯: 要不要我带你去参观旅游名胜?
凯伊: 当然想。为何不?我想参观历史名胜。
马卡斯: 我们可以从我家开始。
凯伊: 为什么?在旅游手册内有介绍吗?有历史价值吗?
马卡斯: 其实不是,但已经很久没有女人到过那儿。

凯伊要马卡斯做旅游向导,说 I'd love to see something historic.(我想参观历史名胜)。马卡斯乘机邀凯伊到他家里:It's been ages since a girl's been there。

Age是‘时代’,例如 the stone / atomic / computer age 是‘石器 / 原子 / 计算机时代’。口头上,an age 或 ages 就是‘很久’的意思。They took ages / an age to answer our complaint. 即‘他们很久才回复我们的抱怨’。马卡斯是说他的家很久没有女人到过,久到可以成为历史名胜了。

留意 historic 一字。到外国旅游,要参观古迹,可以问:what historic / historical sites are there? Historic、historical两字,意思颇有不同:historic指‘历史上重要的’,historical则指‘历史上的’或‘和历史有关的’。比如说,教皇回故乡,历史上不重要,但历史学家却会感到兴趣,你可以说:The Pope's return to his homeland was not a historic occasion, but is of historical interest. 诺曼底登陆战既是历史事件也是历史大事,你就可以说:The Normandy Landings were a historical as well as a historic event. 有时historic和historical可以通用,上述的historic / historical site就是例子,但通用的情况不多。不可以说 The Normandy Landings were of historic importance.(诺曼底登陆战历史上十分重要),因为historic已有‘重要’(important)的意思,不能再用来形容 importance, historic importance必须改为 historical importance。

(n.) 运动球衣

Is your basketball jersey clean?

(v.) 打败

You will never beat us at basketball.

take something personally


Should I take what he said personally?

What’s happening?

A: What's happening, guys?
B: We're just talking about the new movie.
A: 大伙还好吧?
B: 我们只是在聊这部新电影。

Where's the bathroom?
到英语国家旅行,有两句说话一定要学会,第一是 Thank you very much.(谢谢),第二句就是 Where's the bathroom?(洗手间在哪儿?)洗手间有很多名称,例如:W.C. (Water Closet)、Bathroom、Washroom、Restroom等,或可称作 Toilet(厕所),不过比较粗俗。不管怎样,去完洗手间后别忘要冲水和经常洗手。 (Don't forget to flush and always wash your hands)

Marcus: Oh I'm sorry but this is urgent. Where's the bathroom?
Rita: Well you go upstairs, walk to the end of the corridor to catch the elevator to the 4th floor, then walk halfway down the hall, turn right, knock on the 3rd door you come to and ask the lady there for a key. She'll direct you from there.
Marcus: I don't think I can make it that far. Do you have a bucket?
Rita: No, but there's a toilet right behind you.
马卡斯: 噢,对不起,但我很急。请问浴室在哪里?
莉达: 嗯,你往楼上走,到走廊尽头搭电梯到四楼,然后走到中间大厅,再右转,推开第三道门,问那边的一位女士拿钥匙,她会指示你往哪去。
马卡斯: 我想我走不了这么远,你有马桶吗?
莉达: 没有,但有一间厕所就在你背后。

马卡斯要上厕所,不说 toilet 而委婉称为 bathroom(浴室),令人家以为他真的要洗澡,最后他只有直接要马桶了:Do you have a bucket?名作家奥威尔(George Orwell)也写过父子争厕所的类似笑话:“Dadda! I wanna go somewhere.” “Go somewhere else, then. I'm having my bath.”(‘爸爸,我要去某处!’ ‘去另一处某处吧。我正在沐浴呢。’)To go somewhere 和 to have my bath 其实都是指大小便。

‘委婉’英文叫euphemism。马桶,可委婉称为article(物品),例如马卡斯可以说:I want an article to sit on.(我可以要坐上去的物品)。夜壶英文通称为chamber pot,这当然也是婉转的说法:chamber是卧室,pot是壶, 卧室里的壶,理论上装什么都可以。小孩子的尿壶叫 potty,是典型的双声儿语 (baby talk)。

Euphemisms的特色就是意思含糊。例如喝酒(to drink alcohol),只说drink字:He drinks heavily.(他常常痛饮);服刑 (to suffer imprisonment) 变成 to do time(做时间),He's doing time for assault on a police officer. 即‘他因袭击警察,正在服刑’;人家年纪不轻,不直言He is no longer young. 而说 He is of a certain age.(他到某个年纪了);女人过去生活淫荡,不说 She has a dishonorable sexual history. 而说 She has a past.(她有一段过去)等等。总之,学习英文,你必须熟知许多euphemisms,否则你即使懂得别人说的每一个字,也未必知道他的意思。


(n.) 失败者,输家

The loser of the game has to buy dinner for everybody.

(n.) 相机,摄影机

John’s camera takes really good pictures.

change one’s mind


He’s against it and I don’t think I can change his mind.

You’re on.

A: Want to play me in basketball?
B: You're on.
A: 要跟我打篮球一决胜负吗?
B: 来啊。

I'm flying coach.
航班的座位一般分成几个等级,分别是头等舱(First class)、商务舱(Business class)和经济舱(Economy class)。如果乘搭经济舱,其实也可说成:I'm flying coach. Coach可当作‘教练’、‘长程巴士’或‘经济客舱’。此外,经济舱又俗称 Cattle class,Cattle class 原是载运牛只的卡车,比较挤拥,用以比喻经济舱的空间同样狭窄。此外,购买特价经济舱机票时,要留意票上是否写上Non-refundable(不能退款)、Non-reroutable(不能更改路线)等限制,如果是购买 Full fare ticket(全额机票)就没有这些限制了。

Shawn: Hey, I thought you were too poor to fly.
Brian: I am. But my girlfriend bought me the ticket. She's really kind.
Shawn: What class are you in?
Brian: I'm flying coach. Look! It says so right here.
Shawn: You're not flying coach. You're in a coach. She bought you a bus ticket.
Brian: What?
Shawn: Wanna trade? Nah!
尚伟: 嘿,我以为你穷得连坐飞机的能力都没有。
布莱恩: 的确是,但我的女朋友买了一张机票给我,她真好。
尚伟: 你坐哪个客舱?
布莱恩: 我坐经济舱。看!票是这样写的。
尚伟: 你不是坐经济舱的位置。你是坐巴士,她买了一张巴士车票给你。
布莱恩: 什么?
尚伟: 想交换吗?不行!

买机票,首先要懂得说机舱的英文。经济舱英文叫coach、economy class或tourist class,俗称cattle class;商务舱叫business class,票价高一点;头等舱叫first class,票价最高。 买票时,自然要问票价:How much is first class / business class / economy class(或coach)?(头等舱 /商务舱 / 经济舱的机票价钱是多少?)提早订票,会获得折扣,所以不妨问问:How many weeks in advance do I have to buy a ticket to get a discount?(要提早几星期买机票,才可获得折扣?)

知道了价钱,就可以决定买什么等级的机票:I'd like to travel / fly / go economy class.(我要买经济舱的机票)、Please book me an economy class one-way ticket to Taipei for 30 October.(请给我一张十月三十日往台北的经济舱单程票)。

来回票英文叫 round-trip ticket 或 return (ticket),例如: I want two economy class returns / return tickets to New York.(我要两张去纽约的经济舱来回票)。回程没有定期的来回票,叫open return,例如:I'd like a first-class open return.(我要一张回程没有定期的来回票)。 最后,你还得告诉售票员:I'd prefer a morning /afternoon / night flight.(我想搭上午 / 下午 / 夜间的班机)。这样,售票员自然会把最适合的时间说出来,供你选择。


(a.) 好运的,幸运的

James was lucky to get a car on his birthday.

(v.) 得分相同,不分胜负

I couldn’t beat him, but we tied three games.

stressed out


I'm so stressed out because of my new job!

In your face!

A: I can't believe you hit that shot!
B: In your face, brother! I am the king of the basketball court today.
A: 我不敢相信你那球进了!
B: 给你好看,小子!我是今天的球场之王。

The flight's taking off soon.
飞机起飞的动词叫做 Take off,降落叫 Land。如果要说飞机快要起飞,英文是:The flight's taking off soon. 在临降落前,通常会听到机长广播说:We will be landing in twenty minutes(我们将在20分钟后降落)。飞行时间一般用24小时制,亦即‘军用时间’(Military time)。在机场的电子看板会显示SDT (Scheduled Departure Time)(预计起飞时间)和 ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival)(预计到达时间)。

Noel: Will you hurry up? The flight's taking off soon.
Helen: Just chill out. We've got plenty of time.
Noel: But they've made the final call and everybody's on board.
Helen: The airlines always hurry you up and then they make you sit on the plane for hours. Look, the plane's leaving at 13:00 and it's only ten to one now.
诺尔: 你可以快点吗?飞机快要起飞了。
海伦: 放轻松,我们还有充足时间。
诺尔: 但他们已作最后呼叫了,每个人都登机了。
海伦: 航空公司常常催促你,然后要你坐在机上好几个小时。你看,飞机下午1点才起飞,现在才12时50分。

搭飞机,不准时到达机场,你将损失不匪。为了保障乘客,航空公司一般会请他们早点到达,例如飞机上午七点起飞,就请乘客:Please check in by 6:00 am.(请于上午六时,办理登机手续)。假如你参加旅行团,旅行社也会告诉你:Please arrive at the airport at least an hour before the take - off time.(最少请于起飞一小时前到达机场)。

乘客不可迟到,飞机迟开有时却是不可避免的。你也可能听过这样的机场广播:All flights have been put off / cancelled because of bad weather.(由于天气恶劣,所有航班都要延迟起飞 / 取消)。

飞机将起飞时,会呼叫乘客准备登机:We'll begin boarding soon.(乘客请准备登机)。Board作动词,有‘上(飞机、船、车)’的意思。有时,航空公司职员会安排行动不便者先登机,这叫做 pre-board,例如:Now we're going to pre-board those passengers in need of special assistance.(我们现在先请须要特别协助的乘客登机)。待他们登机后,其它乘客也可陆续登机:We are now beginning general boarding.(现在开始正常登机程序)。

飞机即将起飞时,会发出最后的登机呼叫:This is the final call for passengers traveling on CAL Flight 128 to New York.(往纽约的华航128班机,最后一次登机呼叫)。最后呼叫之后还不登机,当然是后果自负。

(n.) 球员

Shawn is the best player on our team.

(n.) 动作,技巧

He made a great move to go around the other player.
work things out


I will do this job if we can work everything out.

That's fair enough.

A: If you help me do my homework, I'll buy you dinner.
B: That sounds fair enough.
A: 如果你帮我做功课,我就请你吃晚餐。
B: 那样听起来很公平。

Please have your boarding pass ready.
出门旅行心情是既紧张又兴奋,但依旧要保持头脑清醒,带齐所需证件,包括护照(Passport)、机票 (Air ticket)、签证 (Visa) 和登机证 (Boarding pass)。在登机门 (Boarding gate) 等候登机时,地勤人员会再三提醒乘客说:Please have your boarding pass ready.(请准备好你的登机证)。登机叫做 Boarding;下飞机叫做 Disembark。通常进入登机门之前,必须经过移民局(Immigration)和安检 (Security check) 的查核。

Ground crew: Please have your boarding pass ready. We will commence boarding soon.
Bill: I'll stand here then, I like to be at the front of the line.
Ground crew: Which class are you flying ? This is the first class queue.
Bill: Ah…economy. But I thought if I make a “pass” at you, then my boarding pass would pass for first class.
Ground crew: Cheeky monkey!
比尔: 我会站在这里,我喜欢排在队伍的最前面。
地勤人员: 你坐那个等级的机舱?这里是头等舱的队伍。
比尔: 嗯……经济舱,但我想如果我得到你的允许,我就可升级到头等舱。
地勤人员: 真厚颜无耻!

上飞机时必须出示的登机证,英文叫boarding pass或boarding card。地勤人员问:May I see your boarding card?(请出示登机证好吗?)你可以回答说:Here you are.(在这里。)

比尔拿着经济舱登机证对地勤人员说:I thought if I make a “pass” at you, then my boarding pass would pass for first class. 这一句用了两个pass的成语。

Make a pass at somebody. 一般是指用眼神、说话、触摸等方式情挑女性,例如:He made one pass after another at the girl sitting next to him on the plane(在飞机上,他多次挑逗邻座那个女郎)。比尔大概以为自己是天下第一美男子,向女人稍示殷勤,她们就会由他拿着经济舱的登机证,坐到头等舱去。

Pass for则是‘冒充’或‘被视为’,例如:(1)Do you think that, thus disguised, I can pass for him?(你认为化了妆的我,可以冒充他吗?)(2) In Japan, he passes for a language expert.(在日本,他算是语言专家了)。比尔那句话,pass一字有三个意思,是典型的文字游戏 (play on words)。

除了boarding card,还有landing card(入境申报卡),飞机将到达目的地时,由机上人员发送。他们会告诉你:Please fill in your landing card. It's for the immigration officer.(请填写入境申报卡,交给入境处职员)。申报卡上一般须填写姓名、国籍、航机编号、下榻地点等。

(v.) 到达,到来

Let's try to arrive early so we can get a good seat.

(n.) 理由,借口

Late again? What's your excuse this time?

catch up with somebody


Get some work done before it catches up with you.

Save it for the boss.

A: I didn't finish my work because I had to go to see the doctor.
B: Don't tell me; save it for the boss.
A: 我没把工作完成,是因为我得去看医生。
B: 别跟我说,留着跟老板说呗。

Can I see your itinerary?
有许多人喜欢直接打电话到航空公司订机票,在确认机位后他们会给你一张行程表 (Itinerary)。当你到达机场办理登机手续时,地勤人员或会问你: Can I see your itinerary?(我可以看看你的行程表吗?)Flight itinerary 是针对飞机飞行的行程表,旅行社安排的每天行程,可称为 Day to day itinerary,而个人行程记录表就是 Personal itinerary。

Ground crew: I'm sorry, we just don't seem to have a reservation for today's flight in your name.
Bill: But you must do. My travel agent booked this a long time ago.
Ground crew: I'm sorry, but you're not on this flight and it's full. Can I see your itinerary?
Bill: Of course, here you are.
Ground crew: Well here’s the problem. You're flying to Taiwan not Thailand.
Bill: Oh!
地勤人员: 对不起,我们今天的航机上似乎没有你名字订的座位。
比尔: 但是你们一定有的,旅行社很久以前便替我预订了。
地勤人员: 对不起,但你不是坐这班机,而且它已经客满了。我可以看看你的行程表吗?
比尔: 当然可以,这个就是。
地勤人员: 嗯,问题就在这里,你是飞去台湾而不是泰国。
比尔: 噢!

旅行路线,英文叫itinerary。航机的行程,也是用这个字。所以,买机票后想更改行程,可以问航空公司:May I change / reschedule my itinerary? 或 Will there be a penalty if I change my itinerary?(假如我更改行程,要罚款吗?)当然,不用itinerary一字也可以:May I change my flight schedule?

比尔误认 Thailand(泰国)作 Taiwan(台湾),难怪去泰国班机的地勤人员说:We don't seem to have a reservation for today's flight in your name.(我们今天航班上,似乎没有你名字订的座位)。

We don't seem to have it. 这说法,你也许会感到奇怪:don't seem to是‘不似乎’,意思实在不太妥当。事实上,seem not to(似乎不)是比较正式的说法:We seem not to have a reservation in your name.不过,随便一点的口头英语习惯以not seem to来说‘似乎不’,语意上虽然有问题,但说起来比较自然。和seem同样解作‘似乎’的appear也是一样。She did not appear to have noticed me. 等于 She appeared not to have noticed me.(她似乎没有注意到我)。

‘比尔误认Thailand作Taiwan’一语,英文怎么说呢?你可以用mistake for这个动词词组(phrasal verb):Bill mistook Thailand for Taiwan。Mistake for 即‘把……误为’,这里且再举一例:He mistook me for my brother(他错认把我当作我弟弟)。改用被动语态,就是 I was mistaken for my brother。

(n.) 怪兽,怪物

My little boy thinks monsters live under his bed.

(v.) 锁,锁上

She didn't lock her motorcycle, so somebody took it.

cope with something


I can't cope with all the work I need to do this week.

Thank God you're here!

A: Thank God you're here!
B: Why? What's the big problem?
A: 谢天谢地你来了!
B: 为何这么说?有什么问题吗?

Would you prefer a non-stop flight?
当要乘搭长途飞机到远方时,我们一般可选择不停站航机(Non-stop flight)、直航机(Direct flight)或转机(Connecting flight)。Non-stop flight当然是最省时,有些人因为想节省金钱便选择转机。有时候有些直航机中途也会停站数小时,所以在订位时要询问清楚,通常人家都会问你Would you prefer a non-stop flight?(你较喜欢不停站的航班吗?)这句话的背后即是问你是否愿意多付些金钱。

Ground crew: So, Mr. Ted.E.Bear. You want to fly to New York?
Mr. Bear: That's right. This is the first time we've flown and to be honest he's a little bit nervous. (Holding a teddy bear)
Ground crew: In that case, would you prefer a non-stop flight?
Mr. Bear: Of course, if the plane stops running along the way he'll be terrified.
地勤人员: 泰迪熊先生,你要飞往纽约吗?
熊先生: 对,这是我们第一次坐飞机,老实说,他有点儿紧张。(抱着一只泰迪熊)
地勤人员: 那么,你会比较喜欢不停站的航班吗?
熊先生: 当然,假如飞机中途停下来,他会很害怕的。

搭飞机,直达的航程叫nonstop flight或direct flight;假如不是直达而须转机,那中途的滞留叫layover,转机则叫to change planes。There is a two-hour layover in Melbourne between flights. 即 ‘乘客须在墨尔本停留两小时,然后继续航程’。买机票时你应该问清楚:Is it non-stop / direct?(是直达的吗?)、Is there a layover?(中途要停留吗?)、How long is the layover?(要停留多久?)、Do I have to change planes?(我需要转机吗?)

留意change planes必须用复数形式的planes,因为由一架飞机转往另一架,说的不止一架飞机。同样,转火车是to change trains,转手是to change hands(The house changed hands many times 即‘那栋房子已经转手很多次’),转换座位是to change seats,转换工作是to change jobs等。当然,不说He has changed jobs.(他换了工作),可说 He has changed his job.;不说You have to change planes.(你必须转机),可说You have to change to another plane.(你须改搭另一架飞机),‘另一架飞机’当然不需使用复数形式。

现在要谈谈飞机的英文名称。飞机英式英文叫 aeroplane,美式叫 airplane,都可简称为 plane。但plane不包括直升机(helicopter)。Aircraft则兼指各类飞机,Aircraft一字颇为特别,单复数写法相同,即one aircraft(一架飞机)、two aircraft(两架飞机),不少初学英语者会说two aircrafts等,那就错了。



All of my sister's kids are brats.

(a.) 亲切的

I think people should always be kind to animals.
cut down


My doctor told me to cut down on junk food.

I'll cover for you.

A: I'm feeling hungry.
B: If you cover for me, I'll go buy us some ice cream.
A: 我觉得饿了。
B: 你若帮我代班,我会去帮我们买些冰淇淋。

 bring home the bacon.

长久以来,社会上都存在着‘男主外、女主内’的观念,男人负责在外面赚钱养活家庭,女人则在家里打理家务。在以前连赚片猪肉都是不容易的,所以说I bring home the bacon.(我带腌熏猪肉回家),即表示‘我是负责养家活口的人’。在外国,面包的重要性等同中国人的米饭,所以I'm the breadwinner. 亦有类似意思,其它意思相近的句子还有:I support my family.(我是家庭支柱)/ I'm the wage earner.(我是负责赚钱的人)。体力劳动者的工资叫做Wage,多按周计。非体力劳动者(如律师) 的薪资则叫做Salary ,通常按月计。

对 话
Husband:Honey, I'm home.
Wife:Would you please help me out and clean up after yourself?
Husband:I bring home the bacon. That's all I should worry about.
Wife:Well that's fine but I worry about the pig that brings it home.
丈夫回家说:I bring home the bacon. 妻子说:Clean up after yourself. 这两句话都可以谈谈。To bring home the bacon. 直译是‘我把腌熏猪肉带回家’。这成语的来源,有两个说法。一说是从前乡间市集有捕猪游戏。猪身上涂了油,要捉住尤其困难,但只要能够捉住,就可把猪当做奖品带回家去。

另一说法则是,十二世纪初,英国贵妇犹加(Juga)为了提倡夫妻和谐,宣布国内任何人假如跪在艾塞克斯郡(Essex)大邓莫市的教堂前,诚心发誓过去十二个月零一天,家里从来没有不和,即可获赠腌熏猪肉。自公元一二四四年到一七七二年,得奖者只有八人。今天,the Dunmow Flitch Trials(邓莫腌熏猪肉审讯)还是当地四年一次的盛事,经‘公审’后被认为及格的夫妇,即可赢得猪肉。

以上两个说法哪个正确,颇难断言,但都可解释为什么to bring home the bacon有‘获胜’或‘赚钱赡养家庭’的意思,例如:(1) The boxer declared that he would bring home the bacon.(那拳师宣誓将会获得胜利)。(2) Tom is no romantic husband, but is a reliable bringer home of the bacon.(汤姆并不是个浪漫的丈夫,却能确实挑起养家的责任)。

至于clean up after(清理某某遗下的污秽东西);可见于以下句子:Please clean up after your dog.(请清理你的狗所遗的粪便)。妻子叫丈夫Clean up after yourself,够刻薄了。这样的夫妻不配赢得邓莫腌熏猪肉。


(v.) 撒谎

He lied about his age.

(n.) 加班,加班时间

Does this company pay more for overtime?
at one time or another


We all get sick at one time or another.

Could I take the day off?

A: Yes, Charles? What did you want?
B: Could I take the day off to go see my wife at the hospital?
A: 嗯,查尔斯吗?有事吗?
B: 我能请假一天去医院看我老婆吗?

Cut it out.

Cut it out. 可以指‘把东西剪下来’,也可解释为‘停止’。例如别人对你做了骚扰的行为,你可喝止说:Cut it out.(停止)。其它意思相近的句子还有:Stop it. / Quit it. / Knock it off. 要注意,Knockoff这个字,它名词指的是翻印本或廉价假货。

对 话
Boss:Holly, I have a job for you.
Holly:Yes Boss. What can I do to help? (Doing make-up)
Boss:Cut it out !
Holly:But Boss I'm not doing anything.
Boss:I know that. Cut this coupon out. I can save $25 on shampoo and you know how important my hair is to me.
霍莉:是的,老板!请问有什么需要我效劳的? (化妆中)
Cut it out! 或Cut that out! 除可按字义解释成‘把它剪下来’,在俗语中还有‘停止’、‘别再这样’的意思,例如:(1) Now, cut that out. We don’t want those big words.(好了,不要再说那样的大话了)。(2) Cut that noise out. / Cut out that noise! It's getting on my nerves.(停止那噪音,吵得我心都烦了)。

另一句叫人‘停止’的俗语是knock off。这两个字可解作‘停止工作’,例如:We did not knock off till 6:00pm.(我们下午六时才停止工作)。I knocked off washing the car and went for a walk with her. 即‘我放下洗车的工作,和她一起去散步’。Knock it off! 和Cut it out! 一样,多用祈使语气 (the imperative),例如:Knock it off, Tom, or I'll throw you out of the window.(汤姆,别再这样,否则我会把你抛出窗外)。

此外,你还可以说Lay off !或Quit it !例如:Lay off! / Quit it! Whatever you say, he won't listen.(不要再说了。无论你说什么,他都不会听)。I decided to lay off / quit smoking.即‘我决定戒烟’。

当然,‘停止’的最简单、最正式英文说法是stop。你可以说 He stopped smoking,也可以说He stopped to smoke 。但两句意思不同:第一句是说‘他停止抽烟’或‘他戒烟了’,第二句则是说‘他停下来,开始抽烟’。可见‘stop + to + 动词’和‘stop + 动名词(gerund,即ing形式动词)’,意思完全不同,用时不可不慎。


(n.) 恩惠,帮忙

Can you do me a favor?


There are some very unusual monsters in the Harry Potter stories.

get rid of


I want to get rid of my old clothes.

I'm so tired of this job.

A: I'm so tired of this job.
B: Me too. It's always the same, day after day.
A: 我真的对这份工作感到厌烦了。
B: 我也是。工作都一样,日复一日。

She's crying her eyes out.
有人说女人是水造的,或许是女人特别爱哭的关系。如果某个女孩子哭得很厉害,差点儿把眼珠都哭出来,可以说:She's crying her eyes out.(她哭得很厉害)。现在多介绍几个‘哭’的说法,Sobbing是呜咽,Bawling是大声叫喊;突然间哭起来可以说Burst into tears,形容女人是爱哭鬼则是She's crying like a baby或She's a cry-baby。

Kate: What's up with Katie? She's crying her eyes out.
Rita: Her husband, Bob, went on a job yesterday and he kicked the bucket.
Kate: You mean he died?
Rita: No, he kicked a bucket on the way into work and broke his toe. He's a builder!
Kate: Ouch!
凯伊: 凯蒂怎么了? 她哭得很厉害。
莉达: 她的丈夫,鲍伯,昨天上班时踢到桶子。
凯伊: 你是说他死了吗?
莉达: 不,他在上班路上踢到个桶子,弄伤脚趾,他是个建筑工人!
凯伊: 哎呦!

凯伊说,凯蒂哭得很厉害:She's crying her eyes out。莉达解释原因:Her husband kicked the bucket,凯蒂丈夫只是踢伤了脚趾,她不必那样悲伤。 不过,to kick the bucket一般的确是可哀的事:那是‘死’的意思。‘踢桶’为什么等于‘死亡’?有人说,上吊自杀者往往会站到水桶上,上吊时再把桶子踢倒,于是一命呜呼。另一说法是,从前杀猪,割破猪咽喉之后,会把猪两条后腿绑在木块上吊起来,吊起的过程颇像用木桶(bucket)打水,所以那木块叫bucket,而猪死前挣扎,后腿自然会踢在bucket上。这就是‘踢桶’和‘死亡’的关系,例如:He kicked the bucket at the age of 62(他六十二岁归西)。

凯蒂因小事而cries her eyes out(她的眼睛都快哭出来了),未免夸张;同样夸张的说法是to cry one's heart out(把心都哭出来)。She cried her heart out when her husband died即‘她丈夫去世时,她哭得心都碎了’。

‘哭泣’英文俚语还有一个颇有趣的说法:To turn on the waterworks,直译是‘打开供水设备’。这往往是博取同情的哭泣,例如:He is a born actor and can turn on the waterworks whenever he wants to(他是个天生演员,随时都可以哭起来)。

你伤心时会给你慰藉的人,可称为a shoulder to cry on(可倚着哭的肩膀),例如:She did not even have a shoulder to cry on(她甚至没有一个可以诉说伤心事的人)。

(v.) 邀请,招待

Richard invited Tanya to a movie.

(a.) 自制的,家里做的

Have you ever tried homemade ice cream?
pick up


My dog picks up new tricks very quickly.

It's great to be here.

A: We haven't seen each other for so long!
B: I know. It's great to be here again.
A: 我们好久不见了!
B: 是啊。很高兴又来到这里。

I'm full of beans.
卡通片中的‘大力水手’吃了一瓶波菜之后,会变得力大无穷,现实生活中如果充满力量,英文可以说:I'm full of beans.(我充满活力),或者直接说I'm full of energy.(我充满能量)/ I'm lively.(我精力充沛)。要说某人生气勃勃,讲话时很活泼,可以说She's very animated,而 She's very bubbly. 即是形容那个人热情奔放兼有朝气。

Brian: How are you enjoying work?
Shawn: Great. I'm learning the ropes and ready to get onto a real job.
Brian: Well here's your chance. We've got a big job planned for you next month.
Shawn: Fantastic. I'm prepared and I'm full of beans.
Brian: I hope that they're jumping beans because you're joining our sky-diving team. That's right, you're going up there.
布莱恩: 你享受你的工作吗?
尚伟: 棒呆了。我正在学习工作规则,准备正式工作。
布莱恩: 那你的机会来了,我们下个月有项重要工作是为你而设的。
尚伟: 太棒了。我已经准备就绪,而且充满能量。
布莱恩: 我希望他们是跳豆,因为你将要加入我们的特技跳伞队。没错,你将要飞上青天。

尚伟找到工作,说I'm learning the ropes and I'm full of beans。由于尚伟要参加特技跳伞,所以布莱恩说 I hope they are jumping beans。Jumping beans是‘跳豆’,有幼虫寄居,所以会跳动。

Full of beans(满是豆)本来是指马匹饱吃。莎士比亚戏剧《仲夏夜之梦》就有a fat and bean-fed horse(一匹饱食且精神饱满的肥马)这说法。后来,精神饱满的马匹往往形容为beany或full of beans;用以喻人,是‘活力充沛’的意思,例如:After a good sleep, he is full of beans today(经过一夜好觉,他今天精神焕发)。留意not have a bean不可解作‘毫无精力’,而是‘一文不名’,例如:Once immensely rich, he now hasn't got a bean(他曾经非常富有,现在却一文不名)。

尚伟说I'm learning the ropes,这也是成语。从前,做水手必须了解船上绳索(ropes)的结构、运用,所以,‘了解绳索’等于学习办事规则。‘熟悉办事规则’是to know the ropes,‘教人办事规则’则叫to show someone the ropes,例如:(1) At first I did not know what to do, but he patiently showed me the ropes(最初我不知道该怎么样,幸而他耐心教导)。(2) We want someone who knows all the ropes of the trade(我们要一位完全熟悉行内规矩的人)。


(v.) 分享

I got a large pizza, but I'm not going to share it with you.

(a.) 好吃的,美味的

Want some cake? It's yummy.

be tough on


Her father is really tough on her boyfriend.

I'll introduce A to B.

A: Sandra doesn't have anybody to go to the dance with.
B: Really? I'll introduce her to my friend, Leon.
A: 没有人和珊卓去舞会。
B: 真的吗?我会把她介绍给我朋友李欧认识。

I'll introduce A to B.

A: Sandra doesn't have anybody to go to the dance with.
B: Really? I'll introduce her to my friend, Leon.
A: 没有人和珊卓去舞会。
B: 真的吗?我会把她介绍给我朋友李欧认识。



I can draw anything, but faces are my specialty.


Can you cook some traditional Taiwanese food for dinner tomorrow?
cut out


Are you sure you're cut out for working in a hospital?

I'll have some for sure!

A: Have you tried this wonderful salad yet?
B: No, but I'll have some for sure.
A: 你尝过这道超棒的色拉了吗?
B: 还没,不过我一定会尝尝看的!

You'd better play ball.
学习英文有时不能只看其字面的意思,例如:You'd better play ball.字面解‘你最好玩球’,但真正的意思是‘你最好合作’。 另外一些相同的说法有 :You'd better play the game.(你最好跟随游戏规则)就是叫对方按规矩办事 / You'd better go along with us.(你最好跟我们同一阵线)/ Don't be a maverick.(别当持异见者)则是劝说别人不要唱反调,最好乖乖地合作。

Marcus: Listen Joe, the boss says you'd better play ball.
Joe: I don't understand. I…I do everything he wants me to. What's the problem?
Marcus: All I know is that he says you'd better play ball or else.
Joe: Ok, but what does he want me to do?
Marcus: Play ball! You know, swing the bat, hit the ball. Be at practice at 4 O'clock sharp.
马卡斯: 听着,乔,老板叫你最好合作一点。
乔: 我不明白,他要我做的,我……我都照着做,还有什么问题?
马卡斯: 我只知道他叫你最好合作点。
乔: 好吧,但他想要我做什么呢?
马卡斯: 玩球!你懂吗?挥动球棒,击球,四点钟准时开始练习。

马卡斯告诉乔:The boss says you'd better play ball(老板叫你最好打棒球),乔吃了一惊,直问为什么? 原来to play ball也可解做‘合作’。乔以为老板说他不合作。小孩子相约打棒球,会说Let's play ball,答应的当然算是‘合作’,这就是to play ball成语的由来,例如:(1) If he won't play ball with us, we'll have to look for someone else(假如他不跟我们合作,我们就得找别人)。(2) The police told him that if he would play ball, they would get him a shorter prison term(警方告诉他说,如果他肯合作,就可以缩短刑期)。

划龙船,我们都知道最重要的是同心协力;西方人划龙船虽然循例要翻船,但也知道pull together最为重要:pull是‘划’,例如The boat pulled towards the shore即‘小舟向岸边划去’;pull together即‘一起划’或‘同心协力’:We must pull together, or we'll never succeed(我们必须同心协力,否则决难成功)。

此外,‘合作’还可叫做to join hands(连手)或to join forces(合力、会师),例如:We joined hands/forces with another company, and so won the contract(我们和另一家公司合作,结果取得合约)。

合作除了可以连手,还可以并肩:shoulder to shoulder,例如:“I once worked shoulder to shoulder with Ronald Reagan,” he boasted(他夸口说:‘我曾经和里根紧密合作呢。’)


Are you going to bake a cake for Jimmy's birthday?


This looks like chocolate ice cream, but it doesn't taste like it.
Who wants to have (dessert) now?

A:Who wants to have dessert now?
B:I'm not sure I can eat any more.

He's got sticky fingers.
以前教过大家有关手脚的词语:Itchy feet(很想去旅行)和Itchy palm(贪财),今天教大家另一个Sticky fingers 。那么He's got sticky fingers. (他有黏黏的手指)是什么意思呢?其实这句话的意思是‘他是个小偷,会顺手牵羊’。除了用Sticky fingers形容外,也可直说:He's a thief.(他是个小偷)/ He's a shoplifter.(他是在商店偷东西的人)。有些人患有盗窃癖,不能自我控制地偷东西,这种人叫做Kleptomaniac。
Boss: Helen. Bring Brian to me now.
Helen: Sure. But what's he done? You look pretty angry.
Boss: He's got sticky fingers. I need to teach him a lesson.
Helen: You mean he's been stealing from us?
Boss :No silly! I mean he never washes his hands properly, and I hate that. Yuk!
老板: 海伦,马上带布莱恩来见我。
海伦: 没问题,但他做了什么?你看来很气愤。
老板: 他手指黏黏的,我要教训他一顿。
海伦: 你是说他偷我们东西吗?
老板: 不,蠢材!我是说他从来不把双手洗干净,讨厌极了。恶心!

孙悟空有一次问太上老君要金丹救人,老君怕他拿不到就偷,惟有乖乖奉上,叹口气说: ‘你这猴子手脚不干净!’ 把‘惯偷东西’称为‘手脚不干净’,是婉转其言;英文也有类似的言辞:sticky-fingered(有黏性手指的)、light-fingered(手指轻快的);说得不好听则是thieving:some thieving / light-fingered neighbor must have removed the two bottles of milk delivered to our door(送到我们门前的两瓶牛奶,一定是被个手脚不干净的邻居拿走了)。

说‘偷’的英文动词甚多,常见的是steal、pinch、pilfer;说得婉转一点是lift(举起)、acquire(取得)、borrow(借)、find(找到)、obtain(得到)、appropriate(收归己用)等,婉转的不看上下文恐怕难以明白,例如:He hurried away after “finding” a wallet at the mall(他在购物中心‘找到’一个钱包之后,匆匆离去)。此外,还有deprive someone of something(剥夺某人一些东西)、relieve somebody of something(减轻某人一些负担)、help oneself to something(自助式取走某些东西)、make away / off with something(取了某些东西走)等。Half-inch(半英吋)则是上述pinch的谐音。“I half-inched it,” laughed the Monkey King即‘猴王笑道:『我顺手拿走了。』’

偷窃的行为,英文叫theft,小偷则是thief。Thief的谐音说法是tea leaf(茶叶),例如:The tea leaf was prosecuted for the theft of a handbag (那个三只手被控偷窃手提包)。


If you are sweet to your wife, she'll cook better food for you.


I couldn't watch all of the movie because it was so cheesy.

serve someone right


I don't feel sorry for you; it serves you right.

None for me, thanks.

A: Would everybody like to try the cake?
B: None for me, thanks. I'm on a diet.

I'm flattered.
当别人对你夸奖或奉承,令你感到高兴的时候,可以响应:I'm flattered.(你过奖了,我受宠若惊)。或者也可表示感谢说:I appreciate that.(我很感谢你这么说)/ Thank you for the compliment.(谢谢你的赞赏)/ That's nice of you to say.(你这么说真好)/ You have made me blush.(你让我脸红了)。

Joe: Excuse me. It's such an honor to meet you.
Brian: Well thank you. Please have a seat.
Joe: You are the best chairman we have ever had. Your actions have saved the company millions. You are a genius. Now about my raise.
Brian: I'm flattered but I think you've made a mistake. I am the chair man of the company. I repair all the chairs here. The chairman is presently out of town.
Joe: Oops.
乔: 打扰了,很荣幸能和你会面。
布莱恩: 谢谢,请坐。
乔: 你是我们历来最棒的主席,你的作为替公司节省了数以百万元,你真是个天才。现在谈谈我升职加薪的事。
布莱恩: 你过奖了,但我想你搞错啦。我是公司修理椅子的人,负责修理全公司的椅子,主席目前不在城里。
乔: 哎呀。

乔误认布莱恩是公司主席,大送高帽,布莱恩惟有告诉他:The chairman is presently out of town(主席目前不在城里)。 Present是‘现在’;presently这个字大概很多人都想不到原来不是指‘现在’,而是soon或‘即将’的意思。英式英文至今还保留这用法,例如:The chairman will be here presently(主席快来了)。老一辈英国人有些至今还坚持presently只可说‘即将’,不过,年轻一辈受美式英语影响,已经普遍用presently来说‘现在’,例如:I'm pretty busy presently(我目前很忙)。

‘现在’或‘目前’的另一些英文说法是now、 at this / the moment、at present等。以at present说‘现在’,英美都不会有人反对。We have no job opening at present / at the moment即‘我们目前没有空缺’。

此外,还有for the present这说法,意思则和at present有点不同。For the present强调的是‘暂时如此’,例如:For the present, we can't do anything(我们暂时什么事都不能做)。英国近代作家Laurie Lee在Cider with Rosie 一书里记载了小时候一件趣事:他第一天上学,有人叫他Just you sit here for the present(你暂时坐在这里吧),他以为是‘你就坐在这里等礼物(present)吧’,回到家里跟爸妈诉说学校骗他:I sat there all day but I never got it (我坐了一整天,根本没有礼物是给我的)。



We will be serving lunch in twenty minutes.


Do you want to eat this leftover pizza for dinner?

Keep someone's cool


Fred gets angry easily, he should keep his cool.

I will fix you up.
Fix有‘修理、整顿’的意思,I will fix you up. 不是指‘我会修理你’,而是‘我会帮你搞定’。朋友有事相求,你若答应相助,可说:I will fix you up. / Leave it to me.(交给我去办)/ I got you covered.(我会为你代劳)等。要注意另一句I will sort you out. 除了有上述的含意外,也可解释作 ‘我会整治你’,所以如果黑道份子跟你这样说,你得要小心。

对 话
Gordon: I need your help. You've got to help me out.
Shawn: What is it? Tell me what you need.
Gordon: I need a piece.
Shawn: No problem. I will fix you up. I've got every type of gun you will ever need.
Gordon: Gun? I'm a lover not a fighter Shawn. I mean I need a piece of cake. I'm starving.
戈登: 我需要你帮忙,你一定要帮我。
尚伟: 什么事?尽管告诉我你需要什么。
戈登: 我要一件东西。
尚伟: 没问题,我会帮你搞定,我什么枪都有,都可以提供给你。
戈登: 枪?尚伟,我是个情圣,不是战士。我意思是要一块蛋糕,我很饿。

戈登想吃蛋糕,不说I need a piece of cake而省略成I need a piece,结果尚伟回答说会给他一枝枪:I'll fix you up. I've got every type of gun(我什么枪都有,都可以提供给你)。尚伟误解了戈登的意思,是因为piece在美国俚语中可当作‘枪’,例如:A cop must always keep his piece in good condition(警察必须保持他佩枪的良好状态)。

‘枪’的俚语叫法甚多,包括iron(铁)、rod(杆)、Betsy / Bessy / Betsey(Elizabeth或‘伊莉萨白’的昵称),例如:I hurriedly loaded my iron / rod / betsey and fired away(我匆匆把子弹上了膛,连开很多枪)。留意betsey等可用小写。

此外还有equalizer(使平等者)一字,多是指左轮手枪,取‘死亡令人人平等’的意思,例如:I pointed my equalizer at him(我用手枪指着他)。

尚伟说的fix someone up是动词词组(phrasal verb),指‘为人家提供或安排一些东西’,其后可用with带出所提供或安排的是什么,例如:(1) I fixed him up with a job(我帮他找到工作)。(2) The grocer fixed up the old man with what he wanted(那老人要的东西,杂货店员都收拾好给他)。

为人介绍社交伴侣或结婚对象,也可说fix up,例如: Can you fix him up with one of your unmarred friends? (你可以在未婚朋友之中,介绍一个给他作伴吗?)



You forgot to put the milk back in the fridge.


Please don't try to impress me with your money.

pet peeve


I hate people who talk too loud; that's my pet peeve.

Hands off.
有些人不喜欢被别人随便触摸自己,如果想叫别人住手或不要碰你,可以说:Hands off.(住手),或者说:Don't touch.(别碰)/ Keep away.(离开远一点)。顺道介绍另一词 Hands-on的用法,在I have hands-on experience. 一语中,hands-on不是指‘把手放上’,而是指‘我有实际的经验’。另外,当警察拿着枪指向你说:Hands up,你最好乖乖地举起双手,不要乱动。

对 话
Gordon: Hey! Hands off. That's Brian's girl. He won't be happy.
Joe: Sorry. Sorry. I didn't know. Please don't tell him. What about her?
Gordon: No way. She's Brian's girl too.
Joe: And her?
Gordon: Uh-uh. Brian's girl.
Joe: Her?
Gordon: Fine, that's no problem. She's Brian's sister.
戈登: 喂!住手。那是布莱恩的女朋友,他会不高兴的。
乔: 对不起,对不起。我不知道,请不要告诉他。那她呢?
戈登: 不行,她也是布莱恩的女朋友。
乔: 那么她呢?
戈登: 啊哈,布莱恩的女朋友。
