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2018年05月24日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 1059字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭


Level Precedence group Operator Description Grouping
1 Scope :: scope qualifier Left-to-right
2 Postfix (unary) ++ -- postfix increment / decrement Left-to-right
() functional forms
[] subscript
. -> member access
3 Prefix (unary) ++ -- prefix increment / decrement Right-to-left
~ ! bitwise NOT / logical NOT
+ - unary prefix
& * reference / dereference
new delete allocation / deallocation
sizeof parameter pack
(type) C-style type-casting
4 Pointer-to-member .* ->* access pointer Left-to-right
5 Arithmetic: scaling * / % multiply, divide, modulo Left-to-right
6 Arithmetic: addition + - addition, subtraction Left-to-right
7 Bitwise shift << >> shift left, shift right Left-to-right
8 Relational < > <= >= comparison operators Left-to-right
9 Equality == != equality / inequality Left-to-right
10 And & bitwise AND Left-to-right
11 Exclusive or ^ bitwise XOR Left-to-right
12 Inclusive or | bitwise OR Left-to-right
13 Conjunction && logical AND Left-to-right
14 Disjunction || logical OR Left-to-right
15 Assignment-level expressions = *= /= %= += -=
>>= <<= &= ^= |=
assignment / compound assignment Right-to-left
?: conditional operator
16 Sequencing , comma separator Left-to-right
