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Immutable Model


public class UserModel: NSObject { public var userId: NSNumber public var name: String? public var email: String? public var age: Int? public var address: String? init(userId: NSNumber) { self.userId = userId super.init() }}


let userModel = UserModel(userId: 1)user.email = "335050309@qq.com"user.name = "roy"user.age = 27user.address = "上海市杨浦区"

这样创建一个User对象好处是弹性很大,我可以随意选择设定某个property的值,但是背后同样带有很大的缺点,就是这个Model变得异常开放,不安分,这种Model我们一般叫Mutable Model。有的时候我们需要Mutable Model,但大部分的时候出于数据安全和解耦考虑我们不希望创建的property在外部可以随意改变,在初始化后不可变的Model叫做Immutable Model,在开发中我的建议尽量使用Immutable Model。我们通过把property设置成readonly,在Swift可以用let或者private(set)。也就是这样:

public class UserModel: NSObject { public let userId: NSNumber public private(set) var name: String? public private(set) var email: String? public private(set) var age: Int? public private(set) var address: String?}


Initializer mapping arguments to properties


public class User: NSObject { public var userId: NSNumber public var name: String? public var email: String? public var age: Int? public var address: String? init(userId: NSNumber, name: String?, email: String, age: Int, address: String) { self.userId = userId super.init() self.name = name self.email = email self.age = age self.address = address }}


let user = User.init(userId: 1, name: "335050309@qq.com", email: "roy", age: 27, address: "上海市杨浦区")



Initializer taking dictionary


public class UserModel: NSObject { public let userId: NSNumber public private(set) var name: String? public private(set) var email: String? public private(set) var age: Int? public private(set) var address: String? init(dic: NSDictionary) { self.userId = (dic["userId"] as? NSNumber)! super.init() self.name = dic["name"] as? String self.email = dic["email"] as? String self.age = dic["age"] as? Int self.address = dic["address"] as? String }}



Mutable subclass

我们看看Improving Immutable Object Initialization in Objective-C关于这个是怎么描述的

We end up unsatisfied and continue our quest for the best way to initialize immutable objects. Cocoa is a vast land, so we can – and should – steal some of the ideas used by Apple in its frameworks. We can create a mutable subclass of Reminder class which redefines all properties as readwrite:

@interface MutableReminder : Reminder <NSCopying, NSMutableCopying>@property (nonatomic, copy, readwrite) NSString *title;@property (nonatomic, strong, readwrite) NSDate *date;@property (nonatomic, assign, readwrite) BOOL showsAlert;@end

Apple uses this approach for example in NSParagraphStyle and NSMutableParagraphStyle. We move between mutable and immutable counterparts with -copy and -mutableCopy. The most common case matches our example: a base class is immutable and its subclass is mutable.

The main disadvantage of this way is that we end up with twice as many classes. What's more, mutable subclasses often exist only as a way to initialize and modify their immutable versions. Many bugs can be caused by using a mutable subclass by accident. For example, a mental burden shows in setting up properties. We have to always check if a mutable subclass exists, and if so use copy modifier instead of strong for the base class.



Builder pattern

Builder pattern 模式需要我们使用一个Builder来创建目标对象,目标对象的property依旧是readonly,但是Builder的对应property却可以选择为readwrite。依旧用UserModel为例,我们需要为其进行适当的改造,改造之后:

typealias UserModelBuilderBlock = (UserModelBuilder) -> UserModelBuilderpublic class UserModel: NSObject{ public let userId: NSNumber public private(set) var name: String? public private(set) var email: String? public private(set) var age: Int? public private(set) var address: String? init(userId: NSNumber) { self.userId = userId super.init() } convenience init(userId: NSNumber ,with block: UserModelBuilderBlock){ let userModelBuilder = block(UserModelBuilder.init(userId: userId)) self.init(userId: userModelBuilder.userId) self.email = userModelBuilder.email self.name = userModelBuilder.name self.age = userModelBuilder.age self.address = userModelBuilder.address }}


class UserModelBuilder: NSObject { public let userId: NSNumber public var name: String? public var email: String? public var age: Int? public var address: String? init(userId: NSNumber) { self.userId = userId super.init() }}


let userModle = UserModel(userId: 1) { (builder) -> UserModelBuilder in builder.email = "335050309@qq.com" builder.name = "roy" builder.age = 27 builder.address = "上海市杨浦区" return builder}



#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>@interface RUserModelBuilder : NSObject@property (nonatomic, strong, readwrite, nonnull) NSNumber *userId;@property (nonatomic, copy, readwrite, nullable) NSString *name;@property (nonatomic, copy, readwrite, nullable) NSString *email;@property (nonatomic, copy, readwrite, nullable) NSNumber *age;@property (nonatomic, copy, readwrite, nullable) NSString *address;@endtypedef RUserModelBuilder *__nonnull(^RUserModelBuilderBlock)(RUserModelBuilder *__nonnull userModelBuilder);@interface RUserModel : NSObject@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSNumber *userId;@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly, nullable) NSString *name;@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly, nullable) NSString *email;@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly, nullable) NSNumber *age;@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly, nullable) NSString *address;+ (nonnull instancetype)buildWithBlock:(nonnull RUserModelBuilderBlock)builderBlock;@end

#import "RUserModel.h"@implementation RUserModelBuilder@end@interface RUserModel ()@property (nonatomic, strong, readwrite, nonnull) NSNumber *userId;@property (nonatomic, copy, readwrite, nullable) NSString *name;@property (nonatomic, copy, readwrite, nullable) NSString *email;@property (nonatomic, copy, readwrite, nullable) NSNumber *age;@property (nonatomic, copy, readwrite, nullable) NSString *address;@end@implementation RUserModel#pragma mark - NSCopying+ (nonnull instancetype)buildWithBlock:(nonnull RUserModelBuilderBlock)builderBlock { RUserModelBuilder *userModelBuilder = builderBlock([[RUserModelBuilder alloc] init]); RUserModel *userModel = [[RUserModel alloc] init]; userModel.userId = userModelBuilder.userId; userModel.name = userModelBuilder.name; userModel.email = userModelBuilder.email; userModel.age = userModelBuilder.age; userModel.address = userModelBuilder.address; return userModel;}@end



Improving Immutable Object Initialization in Objective-C

iOS 创建对象的姿势



以上就上有关iOS中创建Model的最佳实践记录的相关介绍,要了解更多创建, ios, Model内容请登录学步园。
