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T、he OpenWrt Flash Layout


There are hard discs, which are considered block devices, and there is flash memory. There types of flash, like NOR flash, SLC NAND flash and MLC NAND flash.
If the flash chip (no matter what type) is connected directly with the SoC and has to be addressed directly by Linux, we call it
"raw flash". If the flash chip cannot be addressed directly by the
OS (because there is an additional controller chip between flash chip and the SoC), we call it
"FTL (Flash Translation Layer) flash". Embedded systems almost exclusively use "raw flash", while USB memory sticks, almost exclusively use FTL flash!

Partitioning of SquashFS-Images

The flash chip on embedded systems is not accompanied by a controller chip, and thus are not
"FTL"-devices but "raw flash"-devices. Storage space is treated and addressed as an

MTD (Memory Technology Device)
and special
are used. The available storage is not partitioned in the traditional way, where you store the data about the partitions in the

s, but it is done in the Linux Kernel (and sometimes independently in the
as well!). You simply define, that "partition kernel starts at offset x and ends at offset y". The advantage is, that later we can address these partitions by name, rather then specifying the precise start point of the

:!: The following table documents the layout of the

and is merely one example! Another, slightly different, example can be found on the wiki-page for the

. So the layout does differ between the devices! Please see the wiki-page for a device, for information about its particular layout and simply check it yourself on your device.

TP-Link WR1043ND Flash Layout
Layer0 m25p80
0.0: m25p64 8192KiB
Layer1 mtd0 u-boot 128KiB mtd5 firmware 8000KiB mtd4 art 64KiB
Layer2   mtd1 kernel 1280KiB mtd2 rootfs 6720KiB  
mountpoint     /  
filesystem     mini_fo/overlayfs  
Layer3       mtd3 rootfs_data 5184KiB  
Size in KiB 128KiB 1280KiB 1536KiB 5184KiB 64KiB
Name u-boot kernel   rootfs_data art
mountpoint none none /rom /overlay none
filesystem none none SquashFS JFFS2 none


Since the partitions are nested we look at this whole thing in layers:

  1. Layer0: So we have the Flashchip, 8MiB in size, which is soldered to the PCB and connected to the

    SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface Bus)
  2. Layer1: We "partition" the space into mtd0 for the bootloader, mtd5 for the firmware and, in this case, mtd4 for the ART (Atheros Radio Test) - it contains mac addresses and calibration data for the wifi (EEPROM). If it is missing or corrupt,
    ath9k (wireless driver) won't come up anymore.
  3. Layer2: we subdivide mtd5 (firmware) into mtd1 (kernel) and mtd2 (rootfs); In the generation process of the firmware (see

    ) the Kernel binary file is first packed with
    , then the obtained file is packed with
    and then this file will be written onto the raw flash (mtd1) without being part of any filesystem!
  4. Layer3: we subdivide rootfs even further into mtd3 for rootfs_data and the rest for an unnamed partition which will accommodate the SquashFS-partition.


Mount Points

  • / this is your entire root filesystem, it comprises
    /rom and /overlay. Please ignore /rom and
    and use exclusively / for your daily routines!
  • /rom contains all the basic files, like
    busybox, dropbear or iptables including default configuration files. Does not contain the kernel. Files in this directory are on the SqashFS partition, and thus cannot be deleted. But, because we use mini_fo filesystem,
    so called overlay-whiteout-symlinks can be created on the JFFS2 partition.
  • /overlay is the writable part of the file system that gets merged with
    /rom to create a uniform /-tree. It contains anything that was written to the router after

    , e.g. changed configuration files, additional packages installed with
    opkg, etc. It is formated with JFFS2.

Rather than deleting the files, insert a whiteout, a special high-priority entry that marks the file as deleted. File system code that sees a whiteout entry for file F behaves as if F does not exist.

# shows all overlay-whiteout symlinks
find /overlay -type l | while read FILE
    [ -z "$FILE" ] && break
    if ls -la "$FILE" 2>&- | grep -q '(overlay-whiteout)'; then
    echo "$FILE"



NOTE1: If the Kernel was part of the SquashFS, we could not control where exactly on the flash it is written to (on which blocks its data is contained). Thus we could not tell the bootloader to simply load and execute
certain blocks on the flash storage, but would have to address it with path and filename. Now this would not be bad, but in order to that the bootloader would have to understand the SquashFS filesystem, which it does not. The embedded bootloaders we utilize
with OpenWrt generally have no concept of filesystems, thus they cannot address files by path and filename. They pretty much assume that the start of the
trx data section is executable code.
NOTE2: The denomination "firmware" usually is used for the entire data on the flash comprising the boot loader and any other data necessary to operate the device, such as ART, NVRAM, FIS, etc, but we also
use it to name only the parts that are being rewritten. Don't let this confuse you

Partitioning of JFFS2-Images


Discovery (How to find out)

cat /proc/mtd
dev:    size   erasesize  name
mtd0: 00020000 00010000 "u-boot"
mtd1: 00140000 00010000 "kernel"
mtd2: 00690000 00010000 "rootfs"
mtd3: 00530000 00010000 "rootfs_data"
mtd4: 00010000 00010000 "art"
mtd5: 007d0000 00010000 "firmware"

The erasesize is the
block size
of the flash, in this case 64KiB. The size is little or big

hex value in Bytes. In case of little endian, you switch to hex-mode and enter 02 0000 into the calculator for example and convert to decimal (by switching back to decimal mode again). Then guess how they are nested into each other. Or execute
dmesg after a fresh boot and look for something like:

Creating 5 MTD partitions on "spi0.0":
0x000000000000-0x000000020000 : "u-boot"
0x000000020000-0x000000160000 : "kernel"
0x000000160000-0x0000007f0000 : "rootfs"
mtd: partition "rootfs" set to be root filesystem
mtd: partition "rootfs_data" created automatically, ofs=2C0000, len=530000
0x0000002c0000-0x0000007f0000 : "rootfs_data"
0x0000007f0000-0x000000800000 : "art"
0x000000020000-0x0000007f0000 : "firmware"

These are the start and end offsets of the partitions as hex values in Bytes. Now you don't have to guess which is nested in which. E.g. 02 0000 = 131.072 Bytes = 128KiB.



The flash chip can be represented as a large block of continuous space:

start of flash …………….. end of flash

There is no ROM to boot from; at power up the CPU begins executing the code at the very start of the flash. Luckily this isn't the firmware or we'd be in real danger every time we reflashed. Boot is actually handled by a section of code we tend to refer
to as the
(the BIOS of your PC is a bootloader).

  Boot Loader Partition Firmware Partition Special Configuration Data
Atheros U-Boot firmware ART
Broadcom CFE firmware NVRAM
Atheros RedBoot firmware FIS recovery RedBoot config boardconfig

The partition or partitions containing so called Special Configuration Data differ very much from each other. Example: The
ART-partition you will meet in conjunction with Atheros-Wireless and U-Boot, contains only data regarding the wireless driver, while the
NVRAM-partition of broadcom devices is used for much more then only that.

broadcom with CFE

If you dig into the "firmware" section you'll find a
. A trx is just an encapsulation, which looks something like this:

HDR0 length crc32 flags pointers data

"HDR0" is a magic value to indicate a trx header, rest is 4 byte unsigned values followed by the actual contents. In short, it's a block of data with a length and a checksum. So, our flash usage actually looks something like

CFE trx containing firmware NVRAM

Except that the firmware is generally pretty small and doesn't use the entire space between CFE and NVRAM:

CFE trx firmware unused NVRAM

(NOTE: The <model>.bin files are nothing more than the generic *.trx file with an additional header appended to the start to identify the model. The model information gets verified by
the vendor's upgrade utilities and only the remaining data – the
– gets written to the flash. When upgrading from within OpenWrt remember to use the *.trx file.)

So what exactly is the firmware?

The boot loader really has no concept of filesystems, it pretty much assumes that the start of the
trx data section is executable code. So, at the very start of our firmware is the kernel. But just putting a kernel directly onto flash is quite boring and consumes a lot of space, so we compress the kernel with a heavy compression
known as
. Now the start of firmware is code for an LZMA decompress:

lzma decompress lzma compreszsed kernel

Now, the boot loader boots into an LZMA program which decompresses the kernel into memory and executes it. It adds one second to the bootup time, but it saves a large chunk of flash space. (And if that wasn't amusing enough, it turns out the boot loader
does know gzip compression, so we gzip compressed the LZMA decompression program)

Immediately following the kernel is the filesystem. We use SquashFS for this because it's a highly compressed readonly filesystem – remember that altering the contents of the
trx in any way would invalidate the crc, so we put our writable data in a JFFS2 partition, which is outside the
trx. This means that our firmware looks like this:

trx gzip'd lzma decompress lzma'd kernel (SquashFS filesystem)

And the entire flash usage looks like this -

CFE trx gz'd lzma lzma'd kernel SquashFS JFFS2 filesystem NVRAM

That's about as tight as we can possibly pack things into flash.


What is an Image File?

An image file is byte by byte copy of data contained in a file system. If you installed a Debian or a Windows in the usual way onto one or two harddisc partitions and would afterwards copy the whole content byte by byte from the hard disc into one file:

dd if=/dev/sda of=/media/sdb3/backup.dd

the obtained backup file /media/sdb3/backup.dd, could be used in the exact same manner like an OpenWrt-Image-File.

The difference is, that OpenWrt-Image-File are not created that way ;-) They are being generated with the
Image Generator (former called Image Builder). You can read about the:
