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[1] (Liu)润清. 外语教学中的科研方法[M]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 1999: 3442.


作者. 文题[A]. 主编. 论文集名[C]. 出版地:出版者, 出版年: 起止页码.


[2] (Wu)铁平. 术语的模糊性和语言规律[A]. 杨自俭, 李瑞华. 英汉对比研究论文集[C]. 上海:上海外语教育出版社,1990: 179188.


作者. 文题[N]. 报纸名,出版日期(版次).


[3] (Xie)希德. 创造学习的新思路[N]. 人民日报,1998-12-25(10).


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[4] (Hua)维芬. 试论外语教师在自主学习模式中的定位[J]. 外语研究. 2001, 69 (3): 76-79.


作者. 题名[D]. 保存地点:保存单位,年份。


[5] (Liu)新慧. FL/L2 Teachers’ Role in CALL [D]. 成都:电子科技大学,2002.



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[6] Searle, J. Speech Acts [M]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1975: 25-28.


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[7] Olsen, M. B. Translated texts and relevance theory [J]. Northwestern University Working Papers in Linguistics. 1992 (4): 125-163.


作者. 文题[A]. In 论文集名[C]. ed. 主编. 出版地:出版者,出版年: 起止页码.



[8] Grice, H.P. Logic and conversation [A]. In Syntax and Semantics: Speech Acts [C]. eds. Cole & Morgan. New York: Academic Press, 1975: 41-58.


作者. 文题[Z]. Internet. XX XX XX, Available: URL.



[9] Britain, S. & Liber, O. A Framework of Pedagogical Evaluation of Virtual Learning Environments [Z]. Internet. 30 Dec. 2003, Available: http://www.jtap.ac.uk/reports/htm/jatp-041.html.

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韶 关 学 院






毕业论文题目:The Application of Cyberculture in College English Teaching

学生姓名:    刘斯慧

   号:     000354517

系(院):     外语系

   业:     英语(教育)

   级:     00级本科(5)班




 起止时间:      200610月—20074




  Shaoguan University


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I promise that the thesis contains no material which has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma in any institutes of higher learning and that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the thesis contains no material previously published or written by another person, except when due reference is made in the text of the thesis.

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Date: April 14, 2004


The Application of Cyberculture in College English Teaching


Abstract: With the rapid development of the information technology, “cyberculture” has spontaneously appeared in recent years. Especially on campus, cyberculture has become one of the very important parts in learning, working, and living. To deal with this brand new concept, in the first two parts the author describes the backgrounds and the trends of “cyberculture”, and then gives a definition of it. Furthermore, online education is the main part of using cyberculture. Also it is the trend of future college English teaching. However, the traditional learning theory and teaching method cannot meet the needs of the modern education. But the constructivist learning theory is generally approved in the educational circles, and it is the fundamental foundation of the college English teaching innovation. According to the present-day college English teaching condition, the author made a questionnaire in order to find the weak points of college English teaching and think about the solutions. So in the third part, based on the constructivist learning theory, the author comes up with some learning and teaching strategies in cyber environments.


Key words: cyberculture, online learning, constructivist learning theory, Internet-based environments







1 Introduction…………………………………………………………………1

2 Cyberculture and Online Learning……………………………………1

2.1 Some features of online education……………………………………….2

2.2 Some elements in cyberspace……………………………………………..3

2.2.1 Email………………………………………………………………….4

2.2.1 BBS…………………………………………………………………...4

2.2.3 Real-time conferencing……………………………………………….4

2.3 Cyberculture on campus………………………………………………...5

3 College English Teaching in Future……………………………………6

3.1 College English teaching in present-day China………………………6

3.2 Constructivist learning theory and online learning…………………7

3.2.1 Constructivist learning strategies in the online environment………7

3.2.2 Constructivist teaching strategies in the online environment………8

3.3 Some online education problems and solutions………………………10

4 Conclusion………………………………………………………………….11






The Application of Cyberculture in College English Teaching

1 Introduction

Nowadays, with the development of information technology, cyberculture is getting into the campus rapidly, and it plays a more and more important role in our living and learning. In cyberspace, students are enjoying themselves in chat rooms, BBS or all kinds of forums. They are sharing the information on the Internet. A great number of students keep in touch with each other via the Internet. In China, however, most teachers still use the traditional ways in college English teaching, which are unexpected by students. So it is necessary to have a careful research into the application of cyberculture in college English teaching. This paper will focus on constructivist learning theory, because a constructivist approach allows both students and teachers to take advantage of cyberculture, and it can not only increase interaction between students and faculty, but also promote learners’ autonomy, and then improve their learning.

2 Cyberculture and Online Learning

“Culture describes a special life style, it not only includes arts, thoughts, and other classical aspects, but also includes our attitude and concept of value to life” (Meng, 2002). With no doubt, cyberculture helps people to create virtual communities in cyberspace, where they can do what they want to. Culture is a life style, so we can say cyberculture is a manner of life in the Internet environment. In this paper, the meaning of cyberculture is dealt with in a narrow scope. Based on the Internet technology, the college staff is getting used to logging on the Internet, where, community members come together ----not face to face, but rather online in a virtual state---- to discuss local issues, read news from all over the world, share their learning or teaching methods, order fast-food or something else. When this kind of behavior appears more and more frequently and become an important part of our life, we can say, we have established a new type of culture----cyberculture.

As to students and instructors, learning and teaching online is the main part of using cyberculture. (Wang, 2002)

2.1 Some features of online education

There is a big difference between the earlier and current forms of online learning. The earlier type focused on the interaction between the students and computer skills, but today we usually emphasize the interaction between the students and instructors, between students and their partners, mediated by the computer. Four features of online education nowadays will be discussed as follows.

Firstly, it helps people to keep connective. On the Internet, students can easily keep in touch with each other and their tutors or even their parents by email or conferencing. (Wan, 2000) Indeed, a lot of colleges have created some types of chat rooms or BBS, where students can interact directly with experts in their fields of study, who are famous in some research areas. So do the teachers themselves. Teachers can exchange their points of view with some experts much more easily. These activities help us to promote both teaching and learning. It is often said that online education provides learners classrooms with no wall. And it gives students all over the world a chance to directly participate in some projects, which are related to their study.

Secondly, it provides people a larger space to share knowledge. Sharing knowledge is one of the most important parts in education. Books are the traditional channels for doing this, but not all human knowledge can be published, and the library source is limited as well. On the contrary, cyberspace is unbounded. It offers participants access to information and makes the latest information immediately available to everyone in the world. Everybody, whether they are famous or not, can be a publisher on the Internet.

Thirdly, it helps us to create a student-centered environment. Another feature of online education is student-centeredness. Being student-centered usually provides students with a great deal of autonomy. They can decide when, where, and how to learn by themselves, so they are given a lot of freedom to do what they are interested in. In that case, teachers just need to define the goals or direct the learning process, and then students will finish the assignments or projects on their own.

Fourthly, it’s much more flexible than the traditional classes. As we all know, students in different levels of learning will be arranged in the same class. Generally speaking, it’s very hard for teachers to keep balance between the higher level and the lower level students in the traditional classrooms. Teaching online offers teachers a much larger and flexible environment to accomplish different teaching plans according to different level students. “We also know that individuals have different sensory preferences.” (Kearsley, 2003) Multi-media technology provides learners more vivid pictures or experiences, which are much better than traditional teaching activities.

Finally, online education involves the use of computer networks for learning and teaching. Both students and teachers are lacking in technical competence in using the cyberspace in some areas. Imagine about the students whose experience with computers was very limited: can they get useful information from the Internet easily? Imagine about the teachers whose experience with computers was very limited: can they make their online syllabus attractive to the students? If the teachers and learners haven’t been well trained in computer skills, all the advantages of online education are empty words. A solution is to place those learners who know less with those who know more, and the latter are the willing and patient helpers. The most efficient measure is to make sure the computer training courses are available in the college at any time.

2.2 Some elements in cyberspace

Cyberculture orients itself towards the constitution of a new order, which we cannot yet fully conceptualize but we try our utmost to understand----through the transformation of the range of possibilities for communicating, working and being. (Escobar, 1994) In order to make ourselves more free on the Internet, but, at the same time, make the Internet more useful in educating, we should pay attention to the following elements in cyberspace.

2.2.1 Email

So far, email is the foundation for all forms of online learning and teaching. “Indeed it is quite possible to use nothing more than email in a course and still highly valuable learning experience.” (Kearsley, 2003) It works with minimal equipment, software and facilities. It is much more convenient and flexible for a student to send email to his or her instructors. For one thing, students can ask some academic questions or private affairs for their tutors’ suggestions via email. Using email will be much better than face-to-face talking in classroom. For another, teachers are busy with their research, and we’d better not interrupt them using telephone or something else but email--- if they receive your email, they will give you a reply in their spare time.

2.2.2 BBS

BBS is short for bulletin board system. In china, many universities have created more than one BBS on their campus net in order to improve interaction from outside or inside the campus. A BBS message includes the sender’s name, a subject title for the message, and the text of the message. To read messages, you can select the topic/subtopic of interest and click on the message available. With the help of BBS, news will go broadly in a very short time, and people can share their opinions from all over the world in a minute. Moreover, participants will be updated every day from the latest information, thoughts, and knowledge in BBS.

2.2.3 Real-time conferencing

Real-time conferencing covers any forms of online synchronous interaction. (Kearsley, 2003) In this paper, the author will introduce the three commonly used forms. The simplest one of real-time conferencing is a chat session where many people share a virtual world, usually set up as “rooms”. Participants exchange various messages with everyone being in this “room”. Each message is provided with the sender’s name so it is possible to identify who said what. Another form of real-time conferencing is desktop video systems. A desktop video system is basically a chat system that uses video images instead of text message. It can serve a group of people who use the same IP address. Also it can make a point-to-point connection for a two-person video session. The final category of real-time conferencing system is that allowed audio interaction and shared graphic images or applications. People in the conference can hear what everyone else say and watch the same screens.

2.3 Cyberculture on campus

In recent years, more and more students have their own computers. In our college, we can freely log-on the Internet in our library, our multi-media rooms, or our dormitories. Computer courses are given as soon as the students enter the campus. So everybody knows how to use a computer, and how to log-on the Internet. Obviously, cyberspace provides us with a rich environment to learn, to teach, and to live in. Some people seriously said: “I cannot live without cyber.” That’s not exaggerating. It’s reported that most students spend more than two hours a day on the Internet. Ironically, how much time do they spend in their learning? I made a questionnaire in order to make it out. There are seventy students taking part in this activity. The subjects are non-English major students. (See Appendix on page 13)

From the result of this questionnaire, we can learn something. Firstly, more than 55% students own their personal computer, more than 70% students log-on the Internet every day. The data tell us that we have enough facilities for students to log-on the Internet, and cyberculture is playing a very important role in campus life. Secondly, according to question 4 and 5, we found that students get used to communicating with others via OICQ/ICQ, the traditional form of interaction is fading away. Thirdly, we are sorry to see that more than half of the students never or seldom use cyberspace for their learning, based on question 6 to 8. Finally, most students have realized that cyber resources are important for their learning.

As we all know, every coin has two sides. Cyberspace also has its ill side. For instance, there are many pornography or violent films on the Internet, in which students with lower self-control ability will be lost. How should we improve the situation? How should we lead the students to use cyberculture for their learning? The author argues that cyberculture can and will play a very important role in college English teaching and learning in the near future.

3 College English Teaching in Future

 Clearly, a large number of college students are fascinated by the computer, and they would regard computing skills along with the acquisition of English as “essential for survival in the modern world” (Sergeant, 2001:241) With the fast-paced changes brought about by the Internet technological development, and, with the help of the constructivist learning and teaching strategies, the situation of college English teaching will have an incredible change in the near future.

3.1 College English teaching in present-day China

As China strengthens its economy and successfully joined the WTO, English, with its unique status as a worldwide language, is given more and more attention. Even in hunting for a job today, employers will consider the communicative competence in English to be a crucial factor in hiring, no matter what kind of job (maybe English is useless in that field) you will be given. English is just like a passport in hunting for a good job. How should you demonstrate your English ability? Employers usually talk to you in English while interviewing, and ask you to show your certificate about English that you’ve got. So it is not enough to be good at “testing”, instead you must improve your social skills in English.

In contrast, non-major college English teaching in present-day China aims at developing students’ reading ability, in order to ensure student can smoothly pass CET4/6 (the most popular English Tests in China). Listening and speaking skills in English are not given enough attention. Indeed, it’s more important for students to improve their oral and listening ability nowadays. It is high time we should say goodbye to “deaf and dumb” English.

What is more, non-major college English teaching cannot meet the needs of all kinds of students whose English levels are different. Some students who did well in English during high school complained that they gained little from college English teaching, because almost all the teachers teach English in the traditional teaching way and use the same teaching plan to various students.

Constructivist learning theory in the online environment will help solve these problems.

3.2 Constructivist learning theory and online learning

Constructivist learning theory has been giving wide attention in pedagogy field. It holds that “learners actively construct and reconstruct knowledge out of their experiences in the world” (Kafai & Resnik, 1996:3) Knowledge construction takes place when learners actively construct knowledge and find multiple ways to link new information to previous experience. Constructivists believe that learners have different skill levels and learning styles. But who can provide a rich learning environment for learners to absorb, create, share, and discuss knowledge? Cyberspace can make it. Based on the fact that cyberculture is broadly used in college, and the Internet technology is advancing every day, why don't we change our mind and find a new way to promote our college English teaching?

3.2.1 Constructivist learning strategies in the online environment

Lambert et al (1995:17) refers to constructivism as the epistemological process of knowing and coming to know. “Constructivist learning theory can be applied in the online environment by providing opportunities for learners to engage in creative and collaborative activities that encourage knowledge construction.” (Daley, 2000)

Learning is an active process in which the learner constructs meaning. People are always learning to learn while they are learning. Online learning usually provides the learners with a great deal of autonomy. In that case, learners are given a lot of freedom to choose when, where, and how to study. Meanwhile, students must have higher initiative and self-control ability to study in such an environment. Also, some common communication skills, such as writing, speaking, and listening are badly needed in online learning, because they are the basic skills to interact with others via the Internet.

Learning is a social activity. Our learning activities are associated with the connection with our teachers, our families, our classmates and other human beings. A lot of traditional education, as Dewey pointed out, is directed towards isolating the learner from all social interaction, and towards seeing education as one-on-one relationship between the learner and the objective material to be learned. However, Constructivist learning theory demands us to make conversation and interaction with others as much as possible, which needs some social skills. Most students are poor in how to successfully interact or work with others, so learners who lack these skills should pay more attention to improve them.

Learning is contextual. We cannot divorce our learning from our lives. (Hein, 1991) The more we know the more we can learn. Constructivists believe that learning activities should foster an integration of thinking, feeling, and acting (Novak, 1998). Experience, knowledge, thoughts, feelings and actions can assist us in the process of developing meaning, which involves not only our books, but rather cyberspace and our daily life. The purpose of learning is for an individual to construct his or her own meaning, not just memorize the correct answer or recite someone else’s meaning without any creation.

Motivation is a key component in constructing meaning, especially when students are learning online. Motivation not only helps learning, but is also essential for learning. Students who are well acquainted with computer operation will get more knowledge from cyberspace, for better or for worse. At that moment, correct motivation will help learners to distinguish what they should absorb and what they shouldn’t touch.

3.2.2 Constructivist teaching strategies in the online environment

The use of online learning strategies has fostered student and teacher communication, individualized the learning to the student’s needs, supported and nourished learners’ construction of knowledge. “Teachers should not focus on transmitting plans to the learner, but rather in developing skills of the learner to construct (and reconstruct) plans in response to situational demands and opportunities. (Daley, 2000) To facilitate the constructivist learning approach in an online environment, instructors should pay attention to the aspects mentioned below.

Firstly, ensuring that there is a high degree of interactivity and participation is the most important role of the teacher in online classes. But the higher the level of interactivity and participation in a course, the more work involved for the teacher. So online teachers need to develop strategies to manage it properly. Some teachers complained that students were just in front of the computer when they were having an online class and that was it. To change the situation, teachers have to take the responsibility, and make great efforts to improve your own computer skills, be ready to provide alternative activities to stimulate students’ curiosity. Another factor that strongly affects greater student interaction and participation is the level of teacher involvement. If the teacher actively sends message in BBS or gives comments to students via email, students will exert more enthusiasm on learning.

Secondly, abundant feedback is an important task for teachers in online classes. It is just like the teacher correcting the answer for students in traditional teaching method. From the homework or a test, we can easily find that how firmly the student grasps the knowledge. According to this situation, teachers can immediately adjust their teaching plan to improve teaching quality. As to online teaching, it is much convenient to provide feedback in cyberspace, which includes individual feedback and group feedback. To provide individual feedback, we can use email. But to provide group feedback, we’d better make comments in a discussion forum or conference which can be shared by the whole group of students.

An online course offers students many opportunities to interaction as well as many chances for collaboration among teachers. We know Internet technology is updated every day, so the knowledge and information will become richer and richer in cyberspace. If you want to encourage students to take part in the discussion forums or conferences, you have to make your teaching more attractive to students, and provide more information that will help students complete their assignments. So to improve collaboration among teachers is beneficial for them to improve their teaching skills and reduce workload that online teaching brings to them.

The last crucial part for online teaching is to evaluate student’s performance. Some people worry that it is harder to give evaluation of student performance in online environments. On the contrary, it’s much easier for teachers to create online tests and do correcting online. From the result of the test, students will know which is his or her weaker part, and then try to improve it.

3.3 Some online education problems and solutions

Actually, online education is still a new thing in educational circles, even in some developed countries. Especially based on the constructivist learning theory, educators are getting on the research to the learning and teaching strategies in online environment. So it is reasonable that there should be some problems remaining in this field. But the author tries to think about the solutions.

Firstly, more money and attention should be put into college English teaching. As a rule, this is not a problem in the urban areas. However, it is the different situation in the poor suburban where there may be few computers and very limited or no network connections. For such students and teachers, online education is impossible at the current time. In this case, the government should consider giving more funds to suburban colleges so that they can create more language labs and multi-media classrooms. Another problem in our present-day college English teaching is the quality and quantity of English teachers needs to be improved. Nowadays, English teachers are mostly young postgraduates who need to improve their teaching methods and quality. So colleges should pay more attention to teachers’ training.

Secondly, technical competence should be cultivated among teachers and learners. Obviously, online education only works well if students and teachers have mature computer skills with network connection. Yet a large number of teachers and learners are lacking in these skills. At any rate, it is the education institutes that have to take responsibility for this situation. Colleges should create such online learning environments as computer training course during the summer and winter vacations to improve their capability of using computer.

What is more, learner autonomy should be promoted. It is true that students who are in advanced level might have been expected to manage their learning activities more independently. But, students in advancing level seem to prefer teacher-directed mode to self-directed mode. They have no confidence to achieve a project or assignment individually, and, they are not good at cooperating with other learners. What happened to them? Lack of English social communicative ability is the key point. So, to promote learner autonomous would involve firstly improving their writing, listening, speaking and reading abilities.

Finally, the significance of teachers’ roles in online education has been acknowledged so far. A critical problem is that there is a great deal of good as well as evil in cyberspace. Logging-on the Internet, learners will face more options and temptation, and without a correct instruction, they will be lost easily. So it is the duty for teachers to tell the students how to distinguish between the good and evil. From another angle, a good syllabus online will stimulate students’ learning.

4 Conclusion

Just like a sea, cyberspace contains all kinds of things that we can learn from the reality and even we cannot learn or we cannot see in our daily life. It’s significant for college English teaching. According to the author’s investigationit is true that cyberculture is playing a very important role on campus. On the other hand, the constructivist learning theory is fit for us to learn in online environments. A further study of the application of cyberculture in college English teaching is promising and will play a vital role in today’s college English teaching reform.


(Word count total: 3,687)



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A Questionnaire and Result Statistics of







1. Do you have a personal computer?






2. How often do you log-on the Internet?

More than once daily

More than once weekly

More than once monthly

More than once yearly


3. Where do you log-on the Internet?


Campus multi-media rooms

Outside the campus



4. How often do you use OICQ/ICQ?






5. How often do you send email?

More than once daily

More than once weekly

More than once monthly

More than once yearly


6. How often do you communicate with your teachers via email?






7. How often do you share your learning experience with your teachers or classmates via the Internet?






8. How often do you search learning information in cyberspace?






9. What do you think of the importance of cyber in your learning?



More or less






I would like to give my greatest respect to my tutor----Professor Guo Qiang. Thanks for his patience, encouragement, and professional instructions during my thesis writing. Also, I would like to thank Miss Wen Pingzhen and Miss Li Wenying, who kindly gave their hands to me when I was making the questionnaire among the college English learners.


Needless to say, all the remaining errors are my own responsibilities.



