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TurboGears 2.1工程目录详解

2013年08月19日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 3718字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭

在使用paster quickstart命令创建了TurboGears 2.1工程目录后,让我们来看quickstart为我们创建了哪些文件和目录。






root.py 是我们第一个要介绍的文件,这个文件默认会接受所有的HTTP请求,然后根据请求的内容调用相应的函数。你可以通过设置特定的路由修改默认设置,不过通常情况下不需要这么做。



When the TurboGears server receives an HTTP request, the requested URL is mapped as a call to your controller code located in controllers.py. Page names map to functions within the controller class.

For example:

URL Maps to
http://localhost:8080/index Root.index()
http://localhost:8080/mypage Root.mypage()

Quick Example

Here’s a simple example of the TG2.

Suppose using tg-admin quickstart you generate a TurboGears project named “HelloWorld”. Your default controller code would be created in the fileHelloWorld/helloworld/controllers/root.py.

Modify the default controllers.py to read as follows:


"""Main Controller"""
from helloworld.lib.base import BaseController
from tg import expose, flash
from pylons.i18n import ugettext as _
#from tg import redirect, validate
#from helloworld.model import DBSession

class RootController(BaseController):

     def index(self):
         return "<h1>Hello World</h1>"

     def default(self, *args, **kw):
         return "This page is not ready"


When you load the root URL http://localhost:8080/index in your web browser, you’ll see a page with the message “Hello World” on it.


Let’s take a look at the RootController:

class RootController(BaseController):
    The root controller for the my-intranet application.

    All the other controllers and WSGI applications should be mounted on this
    controller. For example::

        panel = ControlPanelController()
        another_app = AnotherWSGIApplication()

    Keep in mind that WSGI applications shouldn't be mounted directly: They
    must be wrapped around with :class:`tg.controllers.WSGIAppController`.

    secc = SecureController()
    admin = Catwalk(model, DBSession)
    error = ErrorController()

    def index(self):
        """Handle the front-page."""
        return dict(page='index')

    def about(self):
        """Handle the 'about' page."""
        return dict(page='about')

    def auth(self):
        """Display some information about auth* on this application."""
        return dict(page='auth')

    @require(predicates.has_permission('manage', msg=l_('Only for managers')))
    def manage_permission_only(self, **kw):
        """Illustrate how a page for managers only works."""
        return dict(page='managers stuff')

    @require(predicates.is_user('editor', msg=l_('Only for the editor')))
    def editor_user_only(self, **kw):
        """Illustrate how a page exclusive for the editor works."""
        return dict(page='editor stuff')

    def login(self, came_from=url('/')):
        """Start the user login."""
        login_counter = request.environ['repoze.who.logins']
        if login_counter > 0:
            flash(_('Wrong credentials'), 'warning')
        return dict(page='login', login_counter=str(login_counter),

    def post_login(self, came_from=url('/')):
        Redirect the user to the initially requested page on successful
        authentication or redirect her back to the login page if login failed.

        if not request.identity:
            login_counter = request.environ['repoze.who.logins'] + 1
            redirect(url('/login', came_from=came_from, __logins=login_counter))
        userid = request.identity['repoze.who.userid']
        flash(_('Welcome back, %s!') % userid)

    def post_logout(self, came_from=url('/')):
        Redirect the user to the initially requested page on logout and say
        goodbye as well.

        flash(_('We hope to see you soon!'))

There are a couple obvious differences from the simplistic example above:

Most of the expose() calls point to a specific template file.

We mount the SecureController, AdminController, etc in secc, admin, by instantiating them in RootController
