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SAP is What You Need

2013年10月01日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 1901字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭

网上圈内圈外都有些朋友喜欢一首号称是SAP公司主题曲的英文歌曲, 名字叫“SAP is What You Need”。  这首男声“Me and the Heat”演唱的歌曲荡气回肠,非常好听。  但由于其内容包含一些IT和商业的内容, 国内所有网上贴出的歌词都有好多句似是而非,完全没有搞对,甚至连美国网上都是如此。

    如前六句歌词除第二句外居然每句都是错的。第三局讲互联网的应该说挺普通,也没记对。 请以下面的有误的歌词对比后面的正确歌词:

You're talking about known new we've got to meet% z& K* E. N' s$ ~
You tell a lot about your e-business history) M# @2 S- G; ?+ t' [& l4 O
You are so proud to be in a inner world wide way
But what the hell could be your matched important steps2 w( y' G. J$ d
You listen to your worker every night and day' n; d0 i% k' e
The willing employees of our company have nearly blew away

    下面是我为大家记下的歌词,正确的歌词听着味儿就更足了。 这歌的确是首在商圈和IT圈难得的好歌,听着能练听力,唱着朗朗上口。 例如,第一句“new” new economy 是“新”新经济, 有点嘲讽2000前后所谓新经济学者的意思, 第5、6句是将股票挣的点都跌没了, 等等。



SAP Is What You Need (Lyrics)


You’re talking about the “new” new economy
You tell a lot about your e-business history
You are so proud to be now in the world wide web
But what the hell could be your next important steps
You listen to your broker every night and day
The winning points of your company have nearly blown away
You love your customers you want to keep them
But what the hell you ask yourself is real time CRM

Don’t hesitate don’t worry
You can count on us at all
We’ve got the answer to your questions
Together we can make that go
SAP is what you need
SAP is the best run
Everyone who's joining us gets solid business done


You’re still talking about the global evolutions
And you try hard to find your business solutions
You want the attack you hate the defense
But where the hell you get your business intelligence
You say your players stating to your employees
They are working hard until they get done all their needs
You love them all you want to keep them
But what the hell you ask yourself is perfect HRM

Don't hesitate don't worry
You can count on us today
We can work it out together
We’ll find a better way
SAP is what you need
SAP is what we are
and among the global players you’ll be a super star
SAP is what we need
SAP is what we are
and among the global players we’ll be a super star

and among the global players we’ll be a super star



