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kernel helper for NPTL support on ARM

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User space atomic ops on ARMv5 and earlier

Posted Jan 12, 2009 19:58 UTC (Mon) by npitre
(subscriber, #5680)
In reply to: ARM SoC launched with Linux support (Linux Devices)
by robert_s
Parent article: ARM SoC launched with Linux support (Linux Devices)

> This sums up ARMv5 well in this respect:
> http://0pointer.de/blog/projects/atomic-rt.html

This page is not completely accurate.

I'm the author of the __kernel_cmpxchg facility. I simply disagree with
the claim that true and efficient atomic operations are not possible on

The trick is very simple: you do your cmpxchg operation in user mode
using standard instructions, without any lock, syscall, exception trap,
etc. However this should be a controlled set of instruction at a fixed
location. Those instructions are provided by the kernel for this purpose
and made read-only to user space.

So what you have on pre-ARMv6 at 0xffff0fc0 is this:

1:      ldr     r3, [r2]        @ load current val
subs r3, r3, r0 @ compare with oldval
2: streq r1, [r2] @ store newval if eq
rsbs r0, r3, #0 @ set return val and C flag
bx lr @ or "mov pc, lr" if no thumb support

This is about the fastest you can get, even when comparing this to ARMv6
with its ll-sc instructions.

Then, upon entry in the kernel which has the potential to schedule another
thread, only suffice to perform a simple test on the saved user space pc.
value. If it is above 0xc0000000 then execution was possibly interrupted
while executing that code, and that may be only due to an interrupt, or a
page fault when attempting to dereference the provided pointer. So in
those exception handlers, this simple test is added:

        cmp     r2, #TASK_SIZE  @ saved user space pc value
blhs kuser_cmpxchg_fixup

The out-of-line kuser_cmpxchg_fixup code determines if pc actually
corresponds to the code located between 1: and 2: labels above, meaning
that the atomicity cannot be guaranteed. In that case the saved user
space pc value is simply rewound to 1: so to restart the operation
entirely the next time this thread is scheduled. Suffice to say that
this has extremely low probability to happen therefore having next to
zero overhead, but when it happens then full "atomicity" is preserved.

This works on non SMP system only, of course. But none of the existing
ARMv5 implementations out there are SMP anyway. And on SMP capable ARM
systems, the kernel replaces the above code by another version which is
SMP safe by using ARMv6 ldrex/strex instructions, making this interface

All this to say that perfect atomic operations are possible and even fast
on ARMv5 and earlier with no problem at all. This works even for RT
tasks, is signal safe, and if currently this trick is not implemented on
uClinux, there is no inherent limitation preventing this to be usable there
as well.

This interface may look awkward for user space programs, but the purpose
of standard libraries is actually to encapsulate and hide those things.
Here's for example an optimized atomic_add() implementation based on the

#define atomic_add(ptr, val) /
({ register unsigned int *__ptr asm("r2") = (ptr); /
register unsigned int __result asm("r1"); /
asm volatile ( /
"1: @ atomic_add/n/t" /
"ldr r0, [r2]/n/t" /
"mov r3, #0xffff0fff/n/t" /
"add lr, pc, #4/n/t" /
"add r1, r0, %2/n/t" /
"add pc, r3, #(0xffff0fc0 - 0xffff0fff)/n/t" /
"bcc 1b" /
: "=&r" (__result) /
: "r" (__ptr), "rIL" (val) /
: "r0","r3","ip","lr","cc","memory" ); /
__result; })

And so on.




tree 822f62adf59f2e6302a16289cc99b0f9b873cfb4

parent 3a1e501511a1e2c665c566939047794dcf86466b

author Nicolas Pitre <nico@org....
.(none)> Fri, 29 Apr 2005 22:08:33 +0100

committer Russell King <rmk+kernel@arm....
> Fri, 29 Apr 2005 22:08:33 +0100

[PATCH] ARM: 2651/3: kernel helpers for NPTL support

Patch from Nicolas Pitre

This patch entirely reworks the kernel assistance for NPTL on ARM.

In particular this provides an efficient way to retrieve the TLS

value and perform atomic operations without any instruction emulation

nor special system call.  This even allows for pre ARMv6 binaries to

be forward compatible with SMP systems without any penalty.

The problematic and performance critical operations are performed

through segment of kernel provided user code reachable from user space

at a fixed address in kernel memory.  Those fixed entry points are

within the vector page so we basically get it for free as no extra

memory page is required and nothing else may be mapped at that

location anyway.

This is different from (but doesn't preclude) a full blown VDSO

implementation, however a VDSO would prevent some assembly tricks with

constants that allows for efficient branching to those code segments.

And since those code segments only use a few cycles before returning to

user code, the overhead of a VDSO far call would add a significant

overhead to such minimalistic operations.

The ARM_NR_set_tls syscall also changed number.  This is done for two


1) this patch changes the way the TLS value was previously meant to be

   retrieved, therefore we ensure whatever library using the old way

   gets fixed (they only exist in private tree at the moment since the

   NPTL work is still progressing).

2) the previous number was allocated in a range causing an undefined

   instruction trap on kernels not supporting that syscall and it was

   determined that allocating it in a range returning -ENOSYS would be

   much nicer for libraries trying to determine if the feature is

   present or not.

Signed-off-by: Nicolas Pitre

Signed-off-by: Russell King <rmk+kernel@arm....

arm/kernel/entry-armv.S |  213 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-

arm/kernel/traps.c      |   58 +++++++++++--

arm/mm/Kconfig          |   14 +++

asm-arm/unistd.h        |    3

4 files changed, 277 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

Index: arch/arm/kernel/entry-armv.S


6803ebc7e2bfd6c9cdc6b4752d79da72cdd6088d/arch/arm/kernel/entry-armv.S  (mode:100644

822f62adf59f2e6302a16289cc99b0f9b873cfb4/arch/arm/kernel/entry-armv.S  (mode:100644

@@ -269,6 +269,12 @@ __pabt_svc:

add r5, sp, #S_PC

ldmia r7, {r2 - r4} @ Get USR pc, cpsr

+#if __LINUX_ARM_ARCH__ < 6

+ @ make sure our user space atomic helper is aborted

+ cmp r2, #VIRT_OFFSET

+ bichs r3, r3, #PSR_Z_BIT




@ We are now ready to fill in the remaining blanks on the stack:


@@ -499,8 +505,12 @@ ENTRY(__switch_to)

mra r4, r5, acc0

stmia   ip, {r4, r5}



+ mcr p15, 0, r3, c13, c0, 3 @ set TLS register


mov r4, #0xffff0fff

- str r3, [r4, #-3] @ Set TLS ptr

+ str r3, [r4, #-15] @ TLS val at 0xffff0ff0


mcr p15, 0, r6, c3, c0, 0 @ Set domain register


@ Always disable VFP so we can lazily save/restore the old

@@ -519,6 +529,207 @@ ENTRY(__switch_to)

ldmib r2, {r4 - sl, fp, sp, pc} @ Load all regs saved previously




+ * User helpers.

+ *

+ * These are segment of kernel provided user code reachable from user space

+ * at a fixed address in kernel memory.  This is used to provide user space

+ * with some operations which require kernel help because of unimplemented

+ * native feature and/or instructions in many ARM CPUs. The idea is for

+ * this code to be executed directly in user mode for best efficiency but

+ * which is too intimate with the kernel counter part to be left to user

+ * libraries.  In fact this code might even differ from one CPU to another

+ * depending on the available  instruction set and restrictions like on

+ * SMP systems.  In other words, the kernel reserves the right to change

+ * this code as needed without warning. Only the entry points and their

+ * results are guaranteed to be stable.

+ *

+ * Each segment is 32-byte aligned and will be moved to the top of the high

+ * vector page.  New segments (if ever needed) must be added in front of

+ * existing ones.  This mechanism should be used only for things that are

+ * really small and justified, and not be abused freely.

+ *

+ * User space is expected to implement those things inline when optimizing

+ * for a processor that has the necessary native support, but only if such

+ * resulting binaries are already to be incompatible with earlier ARM

+ * processors due to the use of unsupported instructions other than what

+ * is provided here.  In other words don't make binaries unable to run on

+ * earlier processors just for the sake of not using these kernel helpers

+ * if your compiled code is not going to use the new instructions for other

+ * purpose.

+ */


+ .align 5

+ .globl __kuser_helper_start




+ * Reference prototype:

+ *

+ * int __kernel_cmpxchg(int oldval, int newval, int *ptr)

+ *

+ * Input:

+ *

+ * r0 = oldval

+ * r1 = newval

+ * r2 = ptr

+ * lr = return address

+ *

+ * Output:

+ *

+ * r0 = returned value (zero or non-zero)

+ * C flag = set if r0 == 0, clear if r0 != 0

+ *

+ * Clobbered:

+ *

+ * r3, ip, flags

+ *

+ * Definition and user space usage example:

+ *

+ * typedef int (__kernel_cmpxchg_t)(int oldval, int newval, int *ptr);

+ * #define __kernel_cmpxchg (*(__kernel_cmpxchg_t *)0xffff0fc0)

+ *

+ * Atomically store newval in *ptr if *ptr is equal to oldval for user space.

+ * Return zero if *ptr was changed or non-zero if no exchange happened.

+ * The C flag is also set if *ptr was changed to allow for assembly

+ * optimization in the calling code.

+ *

+ * For example, a user space atomic_add implementation could look like this:

+ *

+ * #define atomic_add(ptr, val) /

+ * ({ register unsigned int *__ptr asm("r2") = (ptr); /

+ *    register unsigned int __result asm("r1"); /

+ *    asm volatile ( /

+ *        "1: @ atomic_add/n/t" /

+ *        "ldr r0, [r2]/n/t" /

+ *        "mov r3, #0xffff0fff/n/t" /

+ *        "add lr, pc, #4/n/t" /

+ *        "add r1, r0, %2/n/t" /

+ *        "add pc, r3, #(0xffff0fc0 - 0xffff0fff)/n/t" /

+ *        "bcc 1b" /

+ *        : "=&r" (__result) /

+ *        : "r" (__ptr), "rIL" (val) /

+ *        : "r0","r3","ip","lr","cc","memory" ); /

+ *    __result; })

+ */


+__kuser_cmpxchg: @ 0xffff0fc0


+#if __LINUX_ARM_ARCH__ < 6


+#ifdef CONFIG_SMP  /* sanity check */

+#error "CONFIG_SMP on a machine supporting pre-ARMv6 processors?"



+ /*

+ * Theory of operation:

+ *

+ * We set the Z flag before loading oldval. If ever an exception

+ * occurs we can not be sure the loaded value will still be the same

+ * when the exception returns, therefore the user exception handler

+ * will clear the Z flag whenever the interrupted user code was

+ * actually from the kernel address space (see the usr_entry macro).

+ *

+ * The post-increment on the str is used to prevent a race with an

+ * exception happening just after the str instruction which would

+ * clear the Z flag although the exchange was done.

+ */

+ teq ip, ip @ set Z flag

+ ldr ip, [r2] @ load current val

+ add r3, r2, #1 @ prepare store ptr

+ teqeq ip, r0 @ compare with oldval if still allowed

+ streq r1, [r3, #-1]! @ store newval if still allowed

+ subs r0, r2, r3 @ if r2 == r3 the str occured

+ mov pc, lr




+ ldrex r3, [r2]

+ subs r3, r3, r0

+ strexeq r3, r1, [r2]

+ rsbs r0, r3, #0

+ mov pc, lr




+ .align 5



+ * Reference prototype:

+ *

+ * int __kernel_get_tls(void)

+ *

+ * Input:

+ *

+ * lr = return address

+ *

+ * Output:

+ *

+ * r0 = TLS value

+ *

+ * Clobbered:

+ *

+ * the Z flag might be lost

+ *

+ * Definition and user space usage example:

+ *

+ * typedef int (__kernel_get_tls_t)(void);

+ * #define __kernel_get_tls (*(__kernel_get_tls_t *)0xffff0fe0)

+ *

+ * Get the TLS value as previously set via the __ARM_NR_set_tls syscall.

+ *

+ * This could be used as follows:

+ *

+ * #define __kernel_get_tls() /

+ * ({ register unsigned int __val asm("r0"); /

+ *         asm( "mov r0, #0xffff0fff; mov lr, pc; sub pc, r0, #31" /

+ *         : "=r" (__val) : : "lr","cc" ); /

+ *    __val; })

+ */


+__kuser_get_tls: @ 0xffff0fe0




+#ifdef CONFIG_SMP  /* sanity check */

+#error "CONFIG_SMP without CONFIG_HAS_TLS_REG is wrong"



+ ldr r0, [pc, #(16 - 8)] @ TLS stored at 0xffff0ff0

+ mov pc, lr




+ mrc p15, 0, r0, c13, c0, 3 @ read TLS register

+ mov pc, lr




+ .rep 5

+ .word 0 @ pad up to __kuser_helper_version

+ .endr



+ * Reference declaration:

+ *

+ * extern unsigned int __kernel_helper_version;

+ *

+ * Definition and user space usage example:

+ *

+ * #define __kernel_helper_version (*(unsigned int *)0xffff0ffc)

+ *

+ * User space may read this to determine the curent number of helpers

+ * available.

+ */


+__kuser_helper_version: @ 0xffff0ffc

+ .word ((__kuser_helper_end - __kuser_helper_start) >> 5)


+ .globl __kuser_helper_end





  * Vector stubs.


Index: arch/arm/kernel/traps.c


6803ebc7e2bfd6c9cdc6b4752d79da72cdd6088d/arch/arm/kernel/traps.c  (mode:100644

822f62adf59f2e6302a16289cc99b0f9b873cfb4/arch/arm/kernel/traps.c  (mode:100644

@@ -450,13 +450,17 @@ asmlinkage int arm_syscall(int no, struc

case NR(set_tls):

thread->tp_value = regs->ARM_r0;


+ asm ("mcr p15, 0, %0, c13, c0, 3" : : "r" (regs->ARM_r0) );



- * Our user accessible TLS ptr is located at 0xffff0ffc.

- * On SMP read access to this address must raise a fault

- * and be emulated from the data abort handler.

- * m

+ * User space must never try to access this directly.

+ * Expect your app to break eventually if you do so.

+ * The user helper at 0xffff0fe0 must be used instead.

+ * (see entry-armv.S for details)


- *((unsigned long *)0xffff0ffc) = thread->tp_value;

+ *((unsigned int *)0xffff0ff0) = regs->ARM_r0;


return 0;


@@ -493,6 +497,41 @@ asmlinkage int arm_syscall(int no, struc

return 0;


+#if defined(CONFIG_CPU_32v6) && !defined(CONFIG_HAS_TLS_REG)



+ * We might be running on an ARMv6+ processor which should have the TLS

+ * register, but for some reason we can't use it and have to emulate it.

+ */


+static int get_tp_trap(struct pt_regs *regs, unsigned int instr)


+ int reg = (instr >> 12) & 15;

+ if (reg == 15)

+ return 1;

+ regs->uregs[reg] = current_thread_info()->tp_value;

+ regs->ARM_pc += 4;

+ return 0;



+static struct undef_hook arm_mrc_hook = {

+ .instr_mask = 0x0fff0fff,

+ .instr_val = 0x0e1d0f70,

+ .cpsr_mask = PSR_T_BIT,

+ .cpsr_val = 0,

+ .fn = get_tp_trap,



+static int __init arm_mrc_hook_init(void)


+ register_undef_hook(&arm_mrc_hook);

+ return 0;







void __bad_xchg(volatile void *ptr, int size)


printk("xchg: bad data size: pc 0x%p, ptr 0x%p, size %d/n",

@@ -580,14 +619,17 @@ void __init trap_init(void)


extern char __stubs_start[], __stubs_end[];

extern char __vectors_start[], __vectors_end[];

+ extern char __kuser_helper_start[], __kuser_helper_end[];

+ int kuser_sz = __kuser_helper_end - __kuser_helper_start;


- * Copy the vectors and stubs (in entry-armv.S) into the

- * vector page, mapped at 0xffff0000, and ensure these are

- * visible to the instruction stream.

+ * Copy the vectors, stubs and kuser helpers (in entry-armv.S)

+ * into the vector page, mapped at 0xffff0000, and ensure these

+ * are visible to the instruction stream.


memcpy((void *)0xffff0000, __vectors_start, __vectors_end - __vectors_start);

memcpy((void *)0xffff0200, __stubs_start, __stubs_end - __stubs_start);

+ memcpy((void *)0xffff1000 - kuser_sz, __kuser_helper_start, kuser_sz);

flush_icache_range(0xffff0000, 0xffff0000 + PAGE_SIZE);



Index: arch/arm/mm/Kconfig


--- 6803ebc7e2bfd6c9cdc6b4752d79da72cdd6088d/arch/arm/mm/Kconfig  (mode:100644 sha1:5b670c9ac5ef1d531c960967853a90195bca8442)

+++ 822f62adf59f2e6302a16289cc99b0f9b873cfb4/arch/arm/mm/Kconfig  (mode:100644 sha1:007766a0644cc20bbf0a0f17b8f921608b246712)

@@ -409,3 +409,17 @@ config CPU_BPREDICT_DISABLE

depends on CPU_ARM1020


  Say Y here to disable branch prediction.  If unsure, say N.


+config HAS_TLS_REG

+ bool

+ depends on CPU_32v6 && !CPU_32v5 && !CPU_32v4 && !CPU_32v3

+ help

+   This selects support for the CP15 thread register.

+   It is defined to be available on ARMv6 or later.  However

+   if the kernel is configured to support multiple CPUs including

+   a pre-ARMv6 processors, or if a given ARMv6 processor doesn't

+   implement the thread register for some reason, then access to

+   this register from user space must be trapped and emulated.

+   If user space is relying on the __kuser_get_tls code then

+   there should not be any impact.


Index: include/asm-arm/unistd.h


6803ebc7e2bfd6c9cdc6b4752d79da72cdd6088d/include/asm-arm/unistd.h  (mode:100644

822f62adf59f2e6302a16289cc99b0f9b873cfb4/include/asm-arm/unistd.h  (mode:100644

@@ -359,8 +359,7 @@

#define __ARM_NR_cacheflush (__ARM_NR_BASE+2)

#define __ARM_NR_usr26 (__ARM_NR_BASE+3)

#define __ARM_NR_usr32 (__ARM_NR_BASE+4)


-#define __ARM_NR_set_tls (__ARM_NR_BASE+0x800)

+#define __ARM_NR_set_tls (__ARM_NR_BASE+5)

#define __sys2(x) #x

#define __sys1(x) __sys2(x)

