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2013年10月02日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 589字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭

Would be a good idea to extract (String) mVelContext.get("ord_state") in a variable and then make the invokeOrderExtension call on line 365. 

In fact, this is already done on line 189. It would have to be moved out of the if block.

Would have been a good idea to group these initializations in one place to avoid confusion. The servlet as it is looks quite messy. Also makes it consistent

Order.invokeOrderExtension((String)mVelContext.get("ord_id"), ctl_nbr, (String) mVelContext.get("ord_state"), new_ord_state, true, env);

Two of these arguments are variables, rest are returns from function calls. Minor issue, but helps in the long run in terms of readability.


