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Test Design Studio尝鲜

2013年10月10日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 832字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭

Test Design Studio可以编辑Quality Center、QuickTest Pro、WinRunner三种项目的脚本。

在Test Design Studio中编辑QTP的VBScript脚本确实方便很多,但是发现不能编辑对象库文件,查找帮助才知道,原来不支持QTP9.2的对象库文件编辑:


Test Design Studio features a built-in Object Repository Editor that allows you to view Object Repository files used in conjunction with QuickTest® Profressional tests.
Note:   The ability to open a TSR or BDB file is limited to machines that have QuickTest® Profressional version 9.2 or higher installed since an API is required to access those files. The XML export of those files to a TSRX or BDBX file allows the object repository data to be opened on any machine.
Test Design Studio可编辑QTP的脚本,但是运行还是要由QTP来运行。这样一个专门针对QC、QTP、WinRunner的项目编辑工具,你猜猜要多少钱买?不看不知道,一看吓一跳:

Test Design Studio - Seat License

Cost Per License*

1 License


2 - 5 Licenses


6 - 10 Licenses


11 - 15 Licenses


16 - 25 Licenses


26+ Licenses


