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解答:该问题的解基于如下的最优子结构。对于容量为volume斤的背包,编号为1到itemAmount的itemAmount个物品,假定i为最优解S中编号最大的物品。那么S' = S - {i}肯定是背包容量为volume - weight[i]斤,编号1到n-1的n-1个物品这种情况下的最优子结构。并且最优解S的价值等于value[i]加上子问题最优解S'的价值。

我们可以使用下面的公式表示这种关系:定义sum[i, j]为,背包容量为j斤,有编号1到i的i个物品这种情况下,最优解的价值,那么

最后一种情况表示,对于i个物品,其最优解的价值有可能包含物品i,这种情况下,它的价值为value[i]加上,背包容量为j - weight[i],有编号1到i - 1的i - 1个物品的这种情况下,最优解的价值;或者不包含物品i,这种情况下,它的价值就是,背包容量为j,有编号1到i - 1个物品这种情况下,最优解的价值。也就是说,如果盗贼选择物品i,那么他就获得了value[i]的价值,然后他能够从i - 1个物品中选择,不过这时候,背包容量只剩下j - weight[i],即他可以获得另外sum[i
- 1, j - weight[i]]的价值;另一方面,如果他不选择物品i,那么它能够从i-1个物品中选择,背包容量还是j,即他能够得到sum[i - 1, j]的价值。他需要在这两种方案中选择最好的一种。


#include <cassert>

 * The 0-1 knapsack problem 
 * @arg value - value[i] is the value of item i 
 * @arg weight - weight[i] is the weight of item i      
 * @arg itemAmout - the amount of items  
 * @arg volume - the volume of knapsack 
int knapsack01(int value[], int weight[], int itemAmount, int volume)
	// check if the arguments are valid
	assert(value != NULL && weight != NULL && itemAmount > 0 && volume > 0);
	/* construct a 2D array whose dimensions are (itemAmount + 1) and (volume + 1) 
	 * define sum[i][j] to be the value of the solution for items 1,...,i and maximum 
	 * weight j. 
	int **sum = new int*[itemAmount + 1];
	for(int i = 0; i <= itemAmount; ++ i)
		sum[i] = new int[volume + 1];
	/* obviously, if there is no item exists or the volume of knapsack is 0, 
	 * the value also is 0 
	for(int i = 0; i <= volume; ++ i)
		sum[0][i] = 0;
	for(int i = 0; i <= itemAmount; ++ i)
		sum[i][0] = 0;
	for(int i = 1; i <= itemAmount; ++ i)
		for (int j = 1; j <= volume; ++ j)
			sum[i][j] = sum[i - 1][j];
			/* if we choose item i and the result value of the solution is larger than 
			 * the value of solution in which we don't choose item i, then we choose item i 
			if(weight[i] <= j && sum[i][j] < (sum[i - 1][j - weight[i]] + value[i]))
				sum[i][j] = sum[i - 1][j - weight[i]] + value[i];
	/* the final result is the value of the solution for items 1,...,itemAmount and 
	 * maximum weight volume 
	int result = sum[itemAmount][volume];
	// remember to release the resources
	for(int i = 0; i <= itemAmount; ++ i)
		delete [](sum[i]);
	delete []sum;
	return result;


  • 其中O(itemAmount*volume)用于给sum[itemAmount+1][volume+1]赋值:共有(itemAmount+1)(volume+1)项,每项需要O(1)的时间。


int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
	// the item 0 doesn't exist, so assign value[0] and weight[0] to 0
	int value[4] = {0, 60, 100, 120};
	int weight[4] = {0, 10, 20, 30};
	cout << knapsack01(value, weight, 3, 50) << endl;
	return 0;
