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RedHat Linux安装Informix ISA UC6(图文详解)_绝对原创

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OS操作系统:Red Hat Linux AS 3(或Red Hat Linux AS4 update4)
1.2 ISA安装
A.      使用informix用户登录,在$INFORMIXDIR下新建目录isa
B.      将安装文件拷贝到isa目录
C.     解压安装文件,等到cpi文件,再使用cpio解压,如下:
$cd /bank/informix/isa
$tar xvf Informix.ISA.1.60.UC3.LINUX.tar
$cpio -idmv < isa.cpi
$cpio -idmv < isa.1.60.UC3.cpio
bin         images     JRE                     LI        uilist
doc        incl         known_defects_1.6.html lib       VERSION
etc         installils   known_defects_1.6.txt   perl.new
html       installisa    l10n                    sbin
httpd.new ismp        LAP                     test
D.     切换到root用户,注意使用su root(不要加-)
$su root
Software Licensing Agreement
1. Czech
2. English
3. French
4. German
5. Italian
6. Polish
7. Portuguese
8. Spanish
9. Turkish
Please enter the number that corresponds to the language
you prefer.
2     (输入2回车)
1     (输入1,同意license,回车)
E.      选择isa语言,输入10,回车
     (1) English            (7) Czech
     (2) German             (8) Slovak
     (3) French             (9) Japanese
     (4) Spanish            (10) Simp Chinese
     (5) Russian            (11) Trad Chinese
     (6) Polish             (12) Korean
     (13) Exit
Please select a language :   10
F.       安装步骤如下:
1. ISA Apache HTTP server
ISA will install and configure an Apache HTTP server automatically.
Continue ISA installation? [yes]:     (直接回车)
2. ISA Perl environment
ISA can install and configure Perl automatically.
To use another Perl environment, see the PERL-CONFIG file.
Use the ISA Perl environment? [yes]: (直接回车)
3. Hostname
If the default hostname is incorrect, specify the
correct name of this machine.
Hostname [LinuxAsima]:            (直接回车)
4. Port number for ISA server
The default port number for the ISA server is available
according to your /etc/services file. Check with your
system administrator if your environment does not use /etc/services.
Port number [1025]: 7888       (输入一个isa的访问端口号)
5. Email address
ISA requires a valid email address for problem reports.
ISA stores this email address in the ServerAdmin parameter
in the <isadir>/httpd/etc/httpd.conf file.
Email address [root@LinuxAsima]:    (直接回车)
5a. Confirm email address
The ISA installer can send a confirmation email to this address
to help you verify that it is valid.
Send a confirmation email? [yes]: no    (输入no
6. HTTP server password for user "informix"
When ISA prompts for a username and password,
log in as user "informix" and this HTTP server password.
Note: Anyone who accesses ISA with this username and password
      can do anything that user "informix" can do from the
      database server command line.
The username and password are stored in the file
New password:          (输入informix,登录isainformix的密码)
Re-type new password: (输入informix)
Adding password for user informix
7. Read-only users
Users with read-only access to ISA can monitor the server
but cannot perform administrative tasks, such as changing
the mode of the server or adding or removing storage.
ISA read-only users are not related to operating system user
accounts; they exist only in the ISA HTTP server.
Add a read-only user? [yes]:    (输入yes建立一个只读用户,或输入no不创建)
Read-only username: isa    (输入isa,一个只能读取isa信息的用户)
New password:         isa用户的密码)
Re-type new password: isa用户的密码)
Adding password for user isa
Add another user? [no]: no
8. Java-enabled features
To use the Java-enabled ISA features (Server Setup and Remote Monitoring),
you must have a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 1.2.2 or higher
already installed.
Install Java-enabled features? [yes]:
8a. JRE executable path
Specify the complete file path to the JRE bin directory. For example,
/usr/java/bin. (To skip Java configuration, enter '-')
Path to the Java runtime directory [/usr/bin]: /usr/local/j2sdk1.4.2/bin
8b. Port number for ISA servlet engine
The default port number for the ISA servlet engine is available
according to your /etc/services file. This number must be
different from the ISA Apache HTTP server port number (7888).
Port number [7889]:
Modifying configuration files...........done
9. Update /etc/services file
The ISA installer can add the port numbers for the ISA server and ISA
servlet engine (if applicable) to your /etc/services file
automatically. IBM recommends that you do so to prevent accidental
reuse of the ports reserved for ISA.
Update /etc/services? [yes]:
Adding "isa" to /etc/services...        done
Adding "isa-jserv" to /etc/services... done
9a. Update isacfg file
The installer found the following Informix variables in your environment:
INFORMIXDIR: /informix
ONCONFIG: onconfig.cmsserver
Configure ISA to manage this database server instance? [yes]:
Updating the isacfg file...             done
10. Start the ISA Apache HTTP server
You must start the ISA Apache HTTP server before you can access ISA.
Start the ISA Apache HTTP server? [yes]:
/informix/isa/sbin/isactl start: httpd started
To start the ISA Apache HTTP server manually, use:
        /informix/isa/sbin/isactl start
11. Run ISA
To run ISA and finish configuration, open a web browser
and access the following:
Log in as user "informix" (or as a read-only user) using the password
you provided during the installation.
See the /informix/isa/html/README file for more information.
G.    打开IE,地址栏输入http://ip:7888,输入informix,密码informix
H.     安装完成
1.3 启动ISA和关闭ISA
$cd isa/sbin
$./isactl start    (stop, restart)

