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Some Classical Books on Programming

2013年10月12日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 2049字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭

1Operating Systems

Inside Windows 2000  David A.Solomon,Mark E.Russinovich

Windows Internals  Mark E. Russinovich,David A. Solomon

UNIX internalsUresh Vahalia

The Design of the UNIX Operating System  Maurice J.Bach

Inside Linux Michael J.Tobler

Computer Architecture  Parhami, Behrooz


Operating System ConceptsAbraham Silberschatz

Operating systems : a systematic view William S. Davis, T. M. Rajkumar

Operating systems : a design-oriented approach  Charles Crowley

Modern operating systems Andrew S. Tanenbaum

Operating systems : internals and design principlesWilliam Stallings

Operating Systems : Design and ImplementationAndrew S. Tanenbaum,Albert S. Woodhull

Operating systems : concurrent and distributed software design Jean Bacon, Tim Harris

计算机操作系统   汤子瀛&哲凤屏&汤小丹


2.C Programming

Beginning Cprogramming Ivor Horton

C Traps And Pitfalls  Andrew Koenig

Pointers On C  Kenneth A.Reek

C the complete reference  Herbert Schildt



3.C++ Programming

1C++ standard and classic tutorial

The Design and Evolution of C++ Bjarne Stroustrup

The C++ Programming Language  Bjarne Stroustrup

Standard C++  ISO/IEC 14882 1998-09-01

C++ Standard Library Nicolai M.Josuttis


Designing And Coding Reusable C/C++  Martin D. Carroll

Absolute C++ Walter Savitch

Accelerated C++ Andy Koenig,Babara Moo

(More)Effective C++ Scott Meyers

Essential C+++  Stanley B. Lippman

Exceptional C++  Herb Sutter

Thinking in C++  Eckel,Bruce/Allison

c++ inside&out Eckel,Bruce/Allison

Ruminations on C++  Andrew Boeing,Barbar Moo

C++ Primer(Plus)  Stanley B. Lippman, JosOEe Lajoie, Barbara E. Moo

CC++物件导向革命 陈建维

高质量C++编程指南  林锐

(2) Templates ,model and design

Modern C++ Design   Alexandrescu, Andrei

Inside The C++ Object Model  Stanley B.Lippman

C++ Templates  David Vandevoorde,Nicolai M.Josuttis

Effective STL   Scott Meyers


4.Data Structures and Algorithm

Introduction to Algorithms   Thomas H. Cormen

Algorithms i n C    Robert Sedgewick

Numerical recipes in C++   William H. Press

The Art of Computer Programming  Knuth, Donald Ervin

Algorithm Design    Jon Kleinberg, Eva Tardos

Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis   Weiss, Mark Allen.

数据结构C语言版   陈峰棋

C常用算法程序集   徐士良


5. Windows Programming

(1)Programming windows
