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Android Tutorial 1

2013年10月20日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 1075字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭

Here are steps how to develop your first app for andorid-based phone.

  • Download and install JRE or JDK . You can download from oracle website since Sun has been purchased by Oracle and doesn't support Java any more. 

                  Here is the links: JRE Download. Note the version of your operating system.

  • Download Android Bundle (eclipse + android SDK + Plugin for Eclipse), you can find more from here: http://developer.android.com/training/. In fact, android Bundle is an zipped file,just unzip it and run eclipse. If every is ok, you can start write your
    first project.  However, I got following error in the console: The connected host is closed... 
Google it, and I find it's problem of DDMS (
Dalvik Debug Monitor Service
), which is a debug tools for your emulation(such as SMS, incoming call). You can read baike for more information. 
  • I connected my phone(MB525, or Defy, Android 2.2) to my laptop and set the type of USB is: Synchronization of windows media.  Then I start the eclipse again and can see my device from DDMS.
Note that, before that, you have to install USB Driver. For me, it's Motohelper package including USB Driver. I tried other options: such as Only charger, USB Storage, etc. They are not ok.
  • Now, I begin to develop my first app by following the steps on FirstAPP.
