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2013年05月02日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 1174字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭
  Uppercase = 'A'..'Z';
  Letters = set of Uppercase;  //基于子界定义

  TBorderIcon = (biSystemMenu, biMinimize, biMaximize, biHelp);
  TBorderIcons = set of TBorderIcon;  //基于枚举定义

//应用 type Uppercase = 'A'..'Z'; Letters = set of Uppercase; //基于子界定义 var L1, L2, L3: Letters; begin L1 := ['A', 'B', 'C']; L2 := ['K']; L3 := []; if 'A' in L1 then ShowMessage('true'); //true if L2=['K'] then ShowMessage('true'); //true if L3=[] then ShowMessage('true'); //true end;
//判断是否属于集合 type TSet = set of (A,B,C); var set1: TSet; begin set1 := [A,B]; if A in set1 then ShowMessage('集合 set1 包含 A'); end;
//集合元素的增减 type TSet = set of (A,B,C); var set1: TSet; begin set1 := [A]; set1 := set1 + [B]; //增加一个元素 Include(set1,B); //增加一个元素 set1 := set1 - [B]; //排除一个元素 Exclude(set1,B); //排除一个元素 end;
//集合添加元素举例 type TCharSet = set of char; var character: 'a'..'z'; charSet: TCharSet; word: string; begin charSet := []; for character in [Low(character) .. High(character)] do begin if character in ['d', 'e', 'l', 'p', 'h', 'i'] then begin Include(charSet, character); end; end; for character in charSet do begin word := word + character; end; ShowMessage(word); //dehilp end; //交集 procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); type TSet = set of (A,B,C,D,E,F,G); var set1,set2,set3: TSet; begin set1 := [A,B,C]; set2 := [C,D,E]; set3 := set1 * set2; {现在 set3 应该是 [C], 测试下} if set3 = [C] then ShowMessage('Ok'); end;
