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Trouble shooting steps for Custom email Template Notification in BPM.

2013年01月29日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 2654字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭
Trouble shooting steps for Custom email Template Notification in BPM.
1. If none of your email templates are being used, check the mail- related attributes in the server config object (dm_server_config).
Email template-based notification depends on four configuration attributes:
mail_method = dm_event_template_sender
(可通过update语句进行更新 update dm_server_config object set mail_method='dm_event_template_sender' ;)
smtp_server (可通过DA-->Basic Configuration-->content Server -->app server-->smtp server进行配置)
app_server_uri : This repeating attribute must have the URI for the do_mail servlet in the same position as do_mail in the app_server_name attribute; for example:
These attributes are not displayed through Documentum Administrator, so you need to use the Content Server API to view the dm_server_config object.
2. If none of your email templates are being used, restart the Documentum Java Method Server (on the Content Server host) to ensure that the DmMail servlet has been deployed.
? On Microsoft Windows, restart the Documentum Java Method Server service.
? On UNIX, run the shutdown.sh and startup.sh scripts in the directory
3. If a particular email template is not being used, check its syntax.
If an email template file has a syntax error, Content Server uses the standard Documentum notification message in its place; that is, it sends the same message as the dm_event_sender method does. Content Server installs a servlet named TestTemplate on
the same application server as the do_mail servlet. You can use it to detect syntax errors in a JSP email template file.
a. Open a Web browser and enter the URI for the TestTemplate servlet. The URI is the same as the URI for the do_mail servlet (see step 1) with TestTemplate in place of DoMail. For example:
The Test Email Template Web page appears.
b. Copy and paste the contents of the JSP email template into the text area, then click the Test button at the bottom of the page. The servlet reports any syntax errors.
c. Correct any reported errors in the email template object.
4. Turn on tracing for the dm_event_template_sender method.
Set the trace_launch attribute of the method object to T. The trace information will be written into the standard Tomcat log file for the Documentum Java Method Server unless another file name is specified in the method object.
To turn on trace, retrieve the method 'dm_event_template_sender' and set method_args attribute to:
API> retrieve,c,dm_method where object_name = 'dm_event_template_sender'
API> set,c,l,method_args[0]
SET> -trace_level 2
API> set,c,l,method_args[1]
SET> -trace_file C:\dm_event_template_sender.trace
API> save,c,l
Setting the trace_file is optional, which means, if you donot set the method_args[1], then the trace will go to the catalina.out.
When you have debugged the problem, turn off tracing for dm_event_template_sender.
