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Remote Tools and CETK over activesync

2013年10月24日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 932字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭

I will explain on how to connect development pc to a board running windows ce 6.0 os image using Activesync. The development board that I used is similar to the Mainstone III development platform (based on a Marvell PXA 270 processor) and activesync is configured to connect over the USB client port.

Previously when I was trying to connect to my development board using activesync from remote tools, i was getting error message that " Unable to load device side components". The samething happens while I was using CETK. But Sctivesync was connceting properly. Then I started digging into discussion forums for finding a solution to this problem. Here is what I found:

  1. Open C:/Program Files/Common Files/Microsoft Shared/Windows CE Tools/Platman/target/wce600.
  2. Create a folder armV4 and copy the contents of armV4i into this one.
  3. Now Open Kernel Tracker or any remote tools.
  4. Then follow the same steps specified by Sue in her blog post.

Presto!!!... There you have your remote tools working over Activesync.

NOTE: Special Thanks to Sue Loh (Windows CE Base Team Blog) and Yan Sun (CE 6.0 and PlatMan remote tools)
