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OOP vs Procedure

2012年10月22日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 1535字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭

     In my experience, performance problems are more often than not the result of bad database access code, bad database structure, or other such things. One common reason for all this is that no effort at all has been spent on tuning the database, only on object-orientation purity. This in its turn has led to an extreme number of roundtrips, inefficient and even incorrect transaction code, bad indexing schemes, and so on.--过分强调OOP

     They are often efficient (as I said) during runtime. They are very inefficient during maintenance. They will give you lots of code to maintain by hand. What's more, stored procedures in Transact SQL (T-SQL, the SQL dialect used for Sybase SQL Server and Microsoft SQL Server), for example, don't lend themselves well to ordinary techniques for avoiding code duplication, so there will be quite a lot of duplicate code.---若是采用procedure,代码重复,难以维护

    If I only have to choose one "ability" as the most important one, these days I would choose maintainability. Not that it's the only one you need, it absolutely is not, but I think it's often more important than scalability, for example. With good maintainability, you can achieve the other abilities easily and cost-effectively. Sure, this is a huge simplification, but it makes an important point.--代码可维护性和伸缩性更为重要。

     To conclude this, my current belief is that it is worth giving some attention to the database. You should see it as your friend and not your enemy. At the same time, however, hand writing all the code that deals with the database is most often not the "right" approach. It has little or nothing to do with the model that I want to focus on. To use a common quote by Donald Knuth, "Premature optimization is the root of all evil." It's better to avoid optimizations until you have metrics saying that you have to do them.----数据库也不能忽略
