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Themida [] (03-Sep-2008)

2013年11月05日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 673字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭
Themida [] (03-Sep-2008) 
[+] Improved VM anti-dump technology 
[+] Improved compatibility with specific .NET applications 
[+] Improved compatibility with Application Verifier 
[+] Improved clean up in protected DLLs (linked with Visual Studio runtime libraries) 
[+] Improved protection log generation 
[+] Minor improvements in User Interface 
[+] XBundler: Improved handling of LoadLibraryExW 
[!] Fixed compatibility issue with "Hide Pe Scanners" option in some .NET applications 
[!] Fixed compatibility with option "Hide PE scanners" in some applications 
[!] Fixed compatibility issue compressing resources in specific .NET applications 
[!] Fixed compatibility issue with specific applications under Windows 2003 Server (no Service Pack) 
[!] Minor bugs fixed
