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2013年10月12日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 2400字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312">
<BODY bgColor=#F3F2F1 leftMargin=0  marginwidth="0" onload=tp()>
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript> 
var i=0; 
var ie=(document.all)?1:0; 
var ns=(document.layers)?1:0; 
function generate() /* Generation of "Compilation" */ 
  code = document.pad.text.value; 
  if (code) 
    document.pad.text.value='Compiling...Please wait!'; 
  else alert('First enter something to compile and then press CompileIt') 
function compile() /* The "Compilation" */ 
  alert("Page compiled "+i+" times!"); 
function selectCode() /* Selecting "Compilation" for Copying */ 
  else alert('Nothing for be selected!') 
function preview() /* Preview for the "Compilation" */ 
    pr=window.open("","Preview","scrollbars=1,menubar=1,status=1,width=480 height=320,left=10,top=10"); 
  else alert('Nothing for be previewed!') 
function uncompile() /* Decompiling a "Compilation" */ 
  if (document.pad.text.value.length>0) 
  else alert('You need compiled code to uncompile it!') 
// --> 
function tp()
function savetxt() {
var newwin=window.open('about:blank','','top=10000');
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<p align="center"><TEXTAREA cols=120 name=text rows=22 style="background-color: #336699; color: #FFFFFF"></TEXTAREA><BR><p align="center">
<INPUT name=select onclick=tp()  type=button value=粘贴>  
<INPUT name=select onclick=selectCode()  type=button value=选定>    
<INPUT name=view onclick=preview()  type=button value=预览(w) accesskey=w>    
<INPUT name=compileIt onclick=generate()  type=button value=加密> 
<INPUT name=retur onclick=uncompile()  type=button value=解密>    
<INPUT name=retur onclick=savetxt() type=button value=保存(s) accesskey=s>    
<INPUT name=clear type=reset value=清除></FORM> 
