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翻译自:Microsoft DirectX 8.1 VB Document

1.        使用DirectPlay


像其它DirectX组件一样,DirectPlay可以被用于CC++Microsoft Visual Basic



1.1.      DirectPlay8.1的新特性

DirectPlay 8.1的新特性

Microsoft® DirectX 8.1® is a major release primarily for DirectX graphics. The improvements for Microsoft DirectPlay® are primarily performance enhancements.

To find out more about the new features in DirectX, see What's New in DirectX 8.1.


DirectPlay 8.0的新特性

The networking component of DirectX has undergone a major revision. DirectPlay introduces a new set of interfaces that enable games to have more direct access to the hardware, providing better performance.

The following list describes some of the new DirectPlay features.

Objects have been completely rewritten.

The complexity of creating a networked application has been dramatically simplified by separating the interfaces for creating peer-to-peer and client/server sessions. The objects for creating DirectPlay transport sessions are now:


Provides methods for creating peer-to-peer sessions.


Provides methods for creating the client-side portion of a client/server application.


Provides methods for creating the server-side portion of a client/server application.

Lobbying is now independent from the rest of DirectPlay.

DirectPlay has removed the requirement that a lobby client work only with a DirectPlay application. This will allow for either the lobby service provider or the application to implement DirectPlay without concern for the other. Lobby implementation is now separated into two simplified objects.


This object is used to manage a lobby client and for enumerating and launching lobby-aware applications.


This object is used to register a lobby launchable application with the system so it can be lobby launched. It also is used to get the connection information from the lobby to enable game launching without querying the user.


DirectPlay Voice提供的一系列对象使应用程序能具有即时语音通信的能力。以下对象都在Dvoice.h头文件中被定义。


提供方法在一个DirectPlay Voice会话中创建和管理客户端。


提供方法在一个DirectPlay Voice会话中创建和管理主机端(服务器端)。

Used to test DirectPlay Voice audio configurations.

Addressing information has moved from GUID-based data to URL-based data format.

Previous versions of DirectPlay used binary chunks of data with GUID addresses that were difficult to implement and that humans could not read. In DirectX 8.1, DirectPlay introduces the representation of addresses in URL format. DirectPlay provides an object that is used to create and manipulate the new addressing format.


Provides generic addressing methods used to create and manipulate DirectPlay addresses.

Higher scalability and better memory management have been added.

Increases in consumer bandwidth have dramatically affected network game design and implementation. Improved DirectPlay thread-pool management makes it easier to for the developer to design scalable, more robust applications that can support massive multiplayer online applications.

Better support for firewalls and network address translators has been added.

Writing network games that traverse network address translators (NATs), firewalls, and other Internet connection sharing (ICS) methods can be difficult, particularly for non-guaranteed (UDP) traffic. Because DirectPlay 8.1 has been developed with these issues in mind, it will support NAT solutions where possible. The DirectPlay 8 TCP/IP service provider uses a single, developer-selectable UDP port for game data, making it possible to configure firewalls and NATs appropriately. Additionally, DirectPlay makes use of UDP so that, for client/server games, clients behind some NATs will be able to connect to games without additional configuration.

Test your application under a variety of network conditions with DP8Sim

You can now use a network simulator tool, DP8Sim, to help you predict how your application will perform under network conditions such as high latency or packet loss. DP8Sim is a simulated TCP/IP service provider applied on top of your existing network characteristics. A simple user interface (UI) allows you to easily change the simulated network settings and monitor your application's performance.


1.2.      DirectPlay简介


¨         有两个或两个以上的用户,每个用户在他们各自的计算机上运行客户端程序。

¨         网络链接使用户的计算机能够互相通信,可能会通过一个集中的服务器。


¨         创建和管理对等网或客户机/服务器模式的会话。

¨         在一个会话中管理用户和组。

¨         在不同的网络链路和变化的网络环境中管理会话中各成员间的通信。

¨         使应用程序能与Lobby(游戏厅)交互。

¨         使用户间可以通过语音交谈。


¨         创建和管理会话。

¨         DirectPlay的网络通信。

¨         DirectPlay对象的通信。

¨         DirectPlayLobby支持。

¨         DirectPlay语音通信。

注意:如果你想通过DirectPlay的语音接口来开发电信设备的话,推荐你先决定你的产品是否要遵循47 U.S.C. Sec. 255标准,以确保你的产品的兼容性。具体请参考www.fcc.gov/cib/dro/,你也可以访问www.microsoft.com/enable以获得更多的可用信息和微软产品信息。


1.2.1.    创建和管理会话



¨         许多游戏以Lobby方式(注:即游戏厅,某个用户创建一个“游戏厅”,然后其他用户加入进来)运行在一台远程计算机上,常见于大多数Internet游戏。

¨         也可以通过各个单独的计算机间的通信来管理游戏,这要求所有的用户必须处在一个局域网中。



有两种基本方法定义网络的拓扑结构:对等网和客户机/服务器模式。两种结构各有优劣,因此你需要选择其中合适的一种。   对等网模式




¨         一个Lobby客户能够直接与其他Lobby客户通信,常用于当所有的玩家都处在局域网中的同一个子网中时。

¨         一个Lobby作为客户而另一个Lobby作为服务器运行在远程计算机上,常用于基于Internet的游戏。



对等网具有简单的特点,只需要游戏玩家的计算机有网络连接和管理会话的方式。其主要缺点是可靠性差,当用户数量上升时,用于处理计算机间的通信量呈几何级数增长,最多用户数量取决于游戏本身和网络带宽。典型的对等网游戏玩家不超过2030个。   客户机/服务器模式



¨         在会话中扮演集线器的角色。每个客户端计算机仅仅需要向服务器发送信息,服务器负责使所有玩家保持同步。这种安排能充分地减少网络信息堵塞,尤其是在大型游戏中。

¨         充当游戏主机。服务器承担在对等网中担任主机的计算机的类似的管理任务。

¨         支持游戏的多种特性。相对于管理游戏玩家,服务器通常要处理更多的任务。在许多游戏中,尤其是大型游戏中,服务器的许多时间被用于处理游戏世界的任务,而客户端计算机只负责绘制游戏界面。



¨         非常高效,尤其是在大型游戏中。通常它优于对等网游戏,因为任意一个玩家只存在一条网络链路通向服务器,这种客户机/服务器拓扑结构更适合非常大型的多人游戏。

¨         游戏的运行不受客户端计算机处理能力的限制。你可以将游戏运行在一台处理能力非常强大的服务器上,客户端只需要绘制游戏界面。




1.2.2.    DirectPlay的网络通信



要在Windows95上使用Modem,你必须安装2.0版的TAPI(电话应用程序接口)。你可以从http://www.microsoft.com下载TAPI 2.0



¨         可靠的和不可靠的消息传递。可靠的消息将由接收方返回确认信息。你可以定义一种基本的消息传书模型。

¨         顺序的和无序的数据报传输。顺序的信息传送将按照它们发送的顺序。

¨         数据分组-组装。如果数据大小超过了特定的网络协议的规定,DirectPlay自动的分组传送它们并在接收端重新组装。

¨         阻塞控制。DirectPlay自动控制你要发送的数据在目标计算机的接受范围内。这个特性阻止你向目标发送超过其接受能力范围的数据。

¨         优先发送。为确保最重要的数据被首先发送,DirectPlay能让你指定信息的优先级,如低,中和高优先级。高优先级的信息将首先从消息队列中发送,紧接着是中优先级和低优先级的信息。

¨         消息超时。为阻止在消息队列中消息的堵塞引起新消息的延迟发送,DirectPlay能让你指定一个消息超时时间。当一个消息超时后,它将从消息队列中移去,不管它是否已经发被发送。




x-directplay:/[data string]

数据串包含许多元素以指定发送方和接收方间实现通信的所有信息。在使用中,URL字符串已经包含在DirectPlay地址对象中以在DirectPlay API方法中传递。你可以直接操纵URL字符串,或者使用地址对象提供的方法来控制数据串中的每一元素。


1.2.3.    DirectPlay对象的通信

Microsoft DirectPlay主要由一些COM对象组成。每个对象都提供一个或多个接口使你能够控制DirectPlay的各个方面。例如,DirectPlay peer对象被用来管理一个对等网游戏。

You communicate with a DirectPlay object by calling the methods exposed by its interfaces. For instance, to send some data to another user in a peer-to-peer game, you would send a message by calling the DirectPlay8Peer.SendTo method. DirectPlay then takes care of getting the message to its target.

DirectPlay communicates with your application through one or more message handlers. A message handler is an object that DirectPlay calls to notify your application of various events. The documentation describes the methods that are exposed by the object, but you must implement all of the objects methods in your application. You then register the object during startup, and DirectPlay will call the object's methods to notify you when an event has occurred. Additional information about the event is passed through the method's parameters.


1.2.4.    DirectPlayLobby支持

A lobby is an application whose primary purpose is to enable players to meet and arrange games. It is typically located on a remote computer, and accessed over the Internet. Lobby servers often also perform a variety of other functions, such as hosting chat rooms, posting news and information, and selling merchandise. While lobby servers are convenient and commonly used to arrange multiplayer games, they aren't required. Multiplayer games can also be arranged by direct communication between lobby clients.

There are normally three components that are needed to enable a game to interact with a lobby:

¨         A lobby server

¨         A lobby client

¨         A lobbyable game.

