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2013年10月13日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 3387字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭

API_EXPORT(char *) ap_cpystrn(char *, const char *, size_t);
int ap_slack(int, int);
int ap_execle(const char *, const char *, ...);
int ap_execve(const char *, const char *argv[], const char *envp[]);

/* small utility macros to make things easier to read */

#ifdef WIN32
#define ap_killpg(x, y)
#ifdef NO_KILLPG
#define ap_killpg(x, y)  (kill (-(x), (y)))
#define ap_killpg(x, y)  (killpg ((x), (y)))
#endif /* WIN32 */

/* ap_vformatter() is a generic printf-style formatting routine
 * with some extensions.  The extensions are:
 * %pA takes a struct in_addr *, and prints it as a.b.c.d
 * %pI takes a struct sockaddr_in * and prints it as a.b.c.d:port
 * %pp  takes a void * and outputs it in hex
 * The %p hacks are to force gcc's printf warning code to skip
 * over a pointer argument without complaining.  This does
 * mean that the ANSI-style %p (output a void * in hex format) won't
 * work as expected at all, but that seems to be a fair trade-off
 * for the increased robustness of having printf-warnings work.
 * Additionally, ap_vformatter allows for arbitrary output methods
 * using the ap_vformatter_buff and flush_func.
 * The ap_vformatter_buff has two elements curpos and endpos.
 * curpos is where ap_vformatter will write the next byte of output.
 * It proceeds writing output to curpos, and updating curpos, until
 * either the end of output is reached, or curpos == endpos (i.e. the
 * buffer is full).
 * If the end of output is reached, ap_vformatter returns the
 * number of bytes written.
 * When the buffer is full, the flush_func is called.  The flush_func
 * can return -1 to indicate that no further output should be attempted,
 * and ap_vformatter will return immediately with -1.  Otherwise
 * the flush_func should flush the buffer in whatever manner is
 * appropriate, re-initialize curpos and endpos, and return 0.
 * Note that flush_func is only invoked as a result of attempting to
 * write another byte at curpos when curpos >= endpos.  So for
 * example, it's possible when the output exactly matches the buffer
 * space available that curpos == endpos will be true when
 * ap_vformatter returns.
 * ap_vformatter does not call out to any other code, it is entirely
 * self-contained.  This allows the callers to do things which are
 * otherwise "unsafe".  For example, ap_psprintf uses the "scratch"
 * space at the unallocated end of a block, and doesn't actually
 * complete the allocation until ap_vformatter returns.  ap_psprintf
 * would be completely broken if ap_vformatter were to call anything
 * that used a pool.  Similarly http_bprintf() uses the "scratch"
 * space at the end of its output buffer, and doesn't actually note
 * that the space is in use until it either has to flush the buffer
 * or until ap_vformatter returns.

typedef struct {
    char *curpos;
    char *endpos;
} ap_vformatter_buff;

API_EXPORT(int) ap_vformatter(int (*flush_func)(ap_vformatter_buff *),
    ap_vformatter_buff *, const char *fmt, va_list ap);

/* These are snprintf implementations based on ap_vformatter().
 * Note that various standards and implementations disagree on the return
 * value of snprintf, and side-effects due to %n in the formatting string.
 * ap_snprintf behaves as follows:
 * Process the format string until the entire string is exhausted, or
 * the buffer fills.  If the buffer fills then stop processing immediately
 * (so no further %n arguments are processed), and return the buffer
 * length.  In all cases the buffer is NUL terminated.
 * In no event does ap_snprintf return a negative number.  It's not possible
 * to distinguish between an output which was truncated, and an output which
 * exactly filled the buffer.
API_EXPORT(int) ap_snprintf(char *buf, size_t len, const char *format,...)
API_EXPORT(int) ap_vsnprintf(char *buf, size_t len, const char *format,
        va_list ap);



