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  1. /* 2008/9/6 
  2. 代码功能:光栅化
  3. 多边形的一般方法*/
  4. #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN   //不使用MFC
  5. #define INITGUID      //使用GUID
  6. #include <windows.h>
  7. #include <windowsx.h>
  8. #include <mmsystem.h> //多媒体API
  9. #include <iostream.h>
  10. #include <conio.h>    //控制台IO支持
  11. #include <stdlib.h>   //声明定义的一些常用标准函数库
  12. #include <malloc.h>   //声明或定义一些内存的函数
  13. #include <memory.h>   //提供了内存操作相关的一些函数及声明
  14. #include <string.h>   //字符串的一些功能
  15. #include <stdarg.h>   //defines ANSI-style macros for variable argument functions
  16. #include <stdio.h>    //efinitions/declarations for standard I/O routines
  17. #include <math.h>     //一些数学方法
  18. #include <io.h>       //declarations for low-level file handling and I/O functions
  19. #include <fcntl.h>    //file control options used by open()
  20. #include <ddraw.h>
  21. //windows类名
  23. //宽,高,色深(像素)
  24. #define  SCREEN_WIDTH   640
  25. #define  SCREEN_HEIGHT   480
  26. #define  SCREEN_BPP     8
  27. #define  MAX_COLORS_PALETTE   256
  28. #define  PI 3.1415926535
  29. typedef unsigned short USHORT;
  30. typedef unsigned short WORD;
  31. typedef unsigned char UCHAR;
  32. typedef unsigned char BYTE;
  33. typedef struct VERTEX2DF_TYP 
  34. {
  35.   float x,y;
  37. typedef struct POLYGON2D_TYP 
  38. {
  39.   int state;
  40.   int num_vert;
  41.   int x0,y0;
  42.   int xv,yv;
  43.   DWORD color;
  44.   VERTEX2DF* vlist;
  46. //GDI文字函数
  47. int Draw_Text_GDI(char* text,int x,int y,int color,LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7 lpdds);
  48. //填充表面
  49. int DDraw_Fill_Surface(LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7 lpdds,int color);
  50. //旋转图形
  51. int Rotate_Polygon2D(POLYGON2D_PTR poly,int theta);
  52. //填充2D图形
  53. int Draw_Filled_Polygon2D(POLYGON2D_PTR poly,UCHAR* vbuffer,int mempitch);
  54. //设置调色板入口
  55. int Set_Palette_Entry(int color_index,LPPALETTEENTRY color);
  56. //键盘按键宏
  57. #define  KEYDOWN(vk_code) ((GetAsyncKeyState(vk_code)&0x8000)?1:0)
  58. #define  KEYUP(vk_code)   ((GetAsyncKeyState(vk_code)&0x8000)?0:1)
  59. //初始化结构体
  60. #define  DDRAW_INIT_STRUCT(ddstruct) { memset(&ddstruct,0,sizeof(ddstruct));ddstruct.dwSize=sizeof(ddstruct); }
  61. HWND main_window_handle =NULL;
  62. int  window_closed =0;
  63. HINSTANCE hinstance_app =NULL;
  65. LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7 lpddsprimary =NULL;  //主缓存
  66. LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7 lpddsback =NULL;     //后备缓冲
  67. LPDIRECTDRAWPALETTE  lpddpal =NULL;       //调色板接口
  68. LPDIRECTDRAWCLIPPER  lpddclipper =NULL;   //裁剪器
  69. PALETTEENTRY         palette[256];        //调色板
  70. DDSURFACEDESC2       ddsd;
  71. DDBLTFX              ddbltfx;
  72. DDSCAPS2             ddscaps;
  73. /*裁剪区域*/
  74. int min_clip_x = 0,
  75.     max_clip_x =SCREEN_WIDTH-1, 
  76.     min_clip_y = 0,
  77.     max_clip_y = SCREEN_HEIGHT-1;
  78. char buffer[80];
  79. float cos_look[360],
  80.       sin_look[360];
  81. POLYGON2D object;
  82. int Draw_Text_GDI(char* text,int x,int y,int color,LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7 lpdds)
  83. {
  84.   HDC xdc;
  85.   if(FAILED(lpdds->GetDC(&xdc)))
  86.     return(0);
  87.   SetTextColor(xdc,RGB(palette[color].peRed,palette[color].peGreen,palette[color].peBlue));
  88.   SetBkMode(xdc,TRANSPARENT);
  89.   TextOut(xdc,x,y,text,strlen(text));
  90.   lpdds->ReleaseDC(xdc);
  91.   return(1);
  92. }
  93. int DDraw_Fill_Surface(LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7 lpdds,int color)
  94. {
  95.   DDRAW_INIT_STRUCT(ddbltfx);
  96.   ddbltfx.dwFillColor=color;
  97.   lpdds->Blt(NULL,
  98.              NULL,
  99.              NULL,
  100.              DDBLT_COLORFILL|DDBLT_WAIT,
  101.              &ddbltfx);
  102.   return(1);
  103. }
  104. int Set_Palette_Entry(int color_index,LPPALETTEENTRY color)
  105. {
  106.   lpddpal->SetEntries(0,color_index,1,color);
  107.   memcpy(&palette[1],color,sizeof(PALETTEENTRY));
  108.   return(1);
  109. }
  110. int Rotate_Polygon2D(POLYGON2D_PTR poly, int theta)
  111. {
  112. // this function rotates the local coordinates of the polygon
  113. // test for valid pointer
  114. if (!poly)
  115.    return(0);
  116. // loop and rotate each point, very crude, no lookup!!!
  117. for (int curr_vert = 0; curr_vert < poly->num_vert; curr_vert++)
  118.     {
  119.     // perform rotation
  120.     float xr = (float)poly->vlist[curr_vert].x*cos_look[theta] - 
  121.                     (float)poly->vlist[curr_vert].y*sin_look[theta];
  122.     float yr = (float)poly->vlist[curr_vert].x*sin_look[theta] + 
  123.                     (float)poly->vlist[curr_vert].y*cos_look[theta];
  124.     // store result back
  125.     poly->vlist[curr_vert].x = xr;
  126.     poly->vlist[curr_vert].y = yr;
  127.     } // end for curr_vert
  128. // return success
  129. return(1);
  130. // end Rotate_Polygon2D
  131. int Draw_Filled_Polygon2D(POLYGON2D_PTR poly,UCHAR *vbuffer,int mempitch)
  132. {
  133.   int ydiff1,ydiff2,
  134.       xdiff1,xdiff2,
  135.       start,
  136.       length,
  137.       errorterm1,errorterm2,
  138.       offset1,offset2,
  139.       count1,count2,
  140.       xunit1,xunit2;
  141.   int edgecount = poly->num_vert-1;
  142.   int firstvert=0;
  143.   int min_y=poly->vlist[0].y;
  145.   for (int index=1;index<poly->num_vert;index++)
  146.   {/*找到y轴坐标最小的顶点*/
  148.     if ((poly->vlist[index].y)<min_y)
  149.     {
  150.       firstvert=index;
  151.       min_y=poly->vlist[index].y;
  152.     }
  153.   }
  154.   int startvert1=firstvert;
  155.   int startvert2=firstvert;
  156.   int xstart1=poly->vlist[startvert1].x+poly->x0;  //逆时针移动的初始位置
  157.   int ystart1=poly->vlist[startvert1].y+poly->y0;
  158.   int xstart2=poly->vlist[startvert2].x+poly->x0;  //顺时针移动的初始位置
  159.   int ystart2=poly->vlist[startvert2].y+poly->y0;
  160.   /*取得逆时针移动遇到的第1个顶点坐标*/
  161.   int endvert1=startvert1-1;
  162.   if (endvert1<0)
  163.     endvert1=poly->num_vert-1;
  164.   int xend1=poly->vlist[endvert1].x+poly->x0;
  165.   int yend1=poly->vlist[endvert1].y+poly->y0;
  167.   /*取得顺时针移动遇到的第1个顶点坐标*/
  168.   int endvert2=startvert2+1;
  169.   if(endvert2==(poly->num_vert))
  170.     endvert2=0;
  171.   int xend2=poly->vlist[endvert2].x+poly->x0;
  172.   int yend2=poly->vlist[endvert2].y+poly->y0;
  173.   //绘制并填充多边形
  174.   while (edgecount>0)
  175.   {
  176.     offset1=mempitch*ystart1+xstart1; //左边缘偏移量
  177.     offset2=mempitch*ystart2+xstart2; //右边缘偏移量
  179.     //初始化误差额
  180.     errorterm1=0;
  181.     errorterm2=0;
  183.     //初始化左边与右边x&y方向的偏移差
  184.     if ((ydiff1=yend1-ystart1)<0)
  185.       ydiff1=-ydiff1;
  186.     if ((ydiff2=yend2-ystart2)<0)
  187.       ydiff2=-ydiff2;
  188.     if ((xdiff1=xend1-xstart1)<0)
  189.     {
  190.       xunit1=-1;
  191.       xdiff1=-xdiff1;
  192.     }
  193.     else
  194.     {
  195.       xunit1=1;
  196.     }
  197.     if ((xdiff2=xend2-xstart2)<0)
  198.     {
  199.       xunit2=-1;
  200.       xdiff2=-xdiff2;
  201.     }
  202.     else
  203.     {
  204.       xunit2=1;
  205.     }
  207.     //选择使用哪种情况
  208.     if (xdiff1>ydiff1)
  209.     {/*|k1|<1*/
  210.       if (xdiff2>ydiff2)
  211.       {/*|k2|<1*/
  212.         count1=xdiff1;    //左边X的增量
  213.         count2=xdiff2;    //右边X的增量
  214.         while (count1&&count2)
  215.         {
  216.           while ((errorterm1<xdiff1)&&(count1>0))
  217.           {
  218.             if(count1--)
  219.             {
  220.               offset1+=xunit1;
  221.               xstart1+=xunit1;
  222.             }
  223.             errorterm1+=ydiff1;
  224.             if (errorterm1<xdiff1)
  225.             {
  226.               vbuffer[offset1]=(UCHAR)poly->color;
  227.             }
  228.           }
  229.           errorterm1-=xdiff1;
  230.           while ((errorterm2<xdiff2)&&(count2>0))
  231.           {
  232.             if (count2--)
  233.             {
  234.               offset2+=xunit2;
  235.               xstart2+=xunit2;
  236.             }
  237.             errorterm2+=ydiff2;
  238.             if (errorterm2<xdiff2)
  239.             {
  240.               vbuffer[offset2]=(UCHAR)poly->color;
  241.             }
  242.           }
  243.           errorterm2-=xdiff2;
  244.           length=offset2-offset1;
  245.           if (length<0)
  246.           {
  247.             length=-length;
  248.             start=offset2;
  249.           }
  250.           else
  251.             start=offset1;
  252.           for (int index=start;index<start+length+1;index++)
  253.           {
  254.             vbuffer[index]=(UCHAR)poly->color;
  255.           }
  256.           offset1+=mempitch;
  257.           ystart1++;
  258.           offset2+=mempitch;
  259.           ystart2++;
  260.         }
  261.       }
  262.       else
  263.       {/*|k2|>1*/
  264.         count1=xdiff1;
  265.         count2=ydiff2;
  266.         while (count1&&count2)
  267.         {
  268.           while ((errorterm1<xdiff1)&&(count1>0))
  269.           {
  270.             if(count1--)
  271.             {
  272.               offset1+=xunit1;
  273.               xstart1+=xunit1;
  274.             }
  275.             errorterm1+=ydiff1;
  276.             if (errorterm1<xdiff1)
  277.             {
  278.               vbuffer[offset1]=(UCHAR)poly->color;
  279.             }
  280.           }
  281.           errorterm1-=xdiff1;
  283.           errorterm2+=xdiff2;
  284.           if (errorterm2>=ydiff2)
  285.           {
  286.             errorterm2-=ydiff2;
  287.             offset2+=xunit2;
  288.             xstart2+=xunit2;
  289.           }
  290.           count2--;
  291.           length=offset2-offset1;
  292.           if (length<0)
  293.           {
  294.             length=-length;
  295.             start=offset2;
  296.           }
  297.           else
  298.             start=offset1;
  300.           for (int index=start;index<start+length+1;index++)
  301.           {
  302.             vbuffer[index]=(UCHAR)poly->color;
  303.           }
  304.           offset1+=mempitch;
  305.           ystart1++;
  306.           offset2+=mempitch;
  307.           ystart2++;
  308.         }
  309.       }
  310.     }
  311.     else
  312.     {/*|k1|>1*/
  313.       if (xdiff2>ydiff2)
  314.       {/*|k2|<1*/
  315.         count1=ydiff1;
  316.         count2=xdiff2;
  317.         while (count1&&count2)
  318.         {
  319.           errorterm1+=xdiff1;
  320.           if (errorterm1>=ydiff1)
  321.           {
  322.             errorterm1-=ydiff1;
  323.             offset1+=xunit1;
  324.             xstart1+=xunit1;
  325.           }
  326.           count1--;
  328.           while ((errorterm2<xdiff2)&&(count2>0))
  329.           {
  330.             if (count2--)
  331.             {
  332.               offset2+=xunit2;
  333.               xstart2+=xunit2;
  334.             }
  335.             errorterm2+=ydiff2;
  336.             if (errorterm2<xdiff2)
  337.             {
  338.               vbuffer[offset2]=(UCHAR)poly->color;
  339.             }
  341.           }
  342.           errorterm2-=xdiff2;
  343.           length=offset2-offset1;
  344.           if (length<0)
  345.           {
  346.             length=-length;
  347.             start=offset2;
  348.           }
  349.           else
  350.             start=offset1;
  351.           for (int index=start;index<start+length+1;index++)
  352.           {
  353.             vbuffer[index]=(UCHAR)poly->color;
  354.           }
  355.           offset1+=mempitch;
  356.           ystart1++;
  357.           offset2+=mempitch;
  358.           ystart2++;
  359.         }
  360.       }
  361.       else
  362.       {/*|k2|>1*/
  364.         count1=ydiff1;
  365.         count2=ydiff2;
  366.         while (count1&&count2)
  367.         {
  368.           errorterm1+=xdiff1;
  369.           if (errorterm1>=ydiff1)
  370.           {
  371.             errorterm1-=ydiff1;
  372.             offset1+=xunit1;
  373.             xstart1+=xunit1;
  374.           }
  375.           count1--;
  376.           errorterm2+=xdiff2;
  377.           if (errorterm2>=ydiff2)
  378.           {
  379.             errorterm2-=ydiff2;
  380.             offset2+=xunit2;
  381.             xstart2+=xunit2;
  382.           }
  383.           count2--;
  384.           length=offset2-offset1;
  385.           if (length<0)
  386.           {
  387.             length=-length;
  388.             start=offset2;
  389.           }
  390.           else
  391.             start=offset1;
  392.           for (int index=start;index<start+length+1;index++)
  393.           {
  394.             vbuffer[index]=(UCHAR)poly->color;
  395.           }
  396.           offset1+=mempitch;
  397.           ystart1++;
  398.           offset2+=mempitch;
  399.           ystart2++;
  400.         }
  401.       }
  402.     }
  403.     if (!count1)
  404.     {/*首先到达逆时针顶点*/
  405.       --edgecount;
  406.       startvert1=endvert1;
  407.       --endvert1;
  408.       if (endvert1<0)
  409.         endvert1=poly->num_vert-1;
  410.       xend1=poly->vlist[endvert1].x+poly->x0;
  411.       yend1=poly->vlist[endvert1].y+poly->y0;
  412.     }
  413.     if (!count2)
  414.     {/*首先到达顺时针顶点*/
  415.       --edgecount;
  416.       startvert2=endvert2;
  417.       ++endvert2;
  418.       if(endvert2==(poly->num_vert))
  419.         endvert2=0;
  420.       xend2=poly->vlist[endvert2].x+poly->x0;
  421.       yend2=poly->vlist[endvert2].y+poly->y0;
  422.     }
  424.   }
  426.   return(1);
  427. }
  428. LRESULT CALLBACK WindowProc(HWND hwnd,
  429.                             UINT msg,
  430.                             WPARAM wparam,
  431.                             LPARAM lparam)
  432. {
  433. PAINTSTRUCT     ps;     
  434. HDC             hdc;    
  436. switch(msg)
  437.     {   
  438.     case WM_CREATE: 
  439.         {
  440.         return(0);
  441.         } break;
  443.     case WM_PAINT: 
  444.         {
  445.         hdc = BeginPaint(hwnd,&ps);  
  447.         EndPaint(hwnd,&ps);
  448.         return(0);
  449.         } break;
  450.     case WM_DESTROY: 
  451.         {
  452.         PostQuitMessage(0);
  453.         return(0);
  454.         } break;
  455.     default:break;
  456.     }
  457. return (DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam));
  458. }
  459. int Game_Init(void *parms=NULL,int num_parms=0)
  460. {
  461.   if(FAILED(DirectDrawCreateEx(NULL,(void **)&lpdd,IID_IDirectDraw7,NULL)))
  462.     return(0);
  463.   if(FAILED(lpdd->SetCooperativeLevel(main_window_handle,
  464.                                       DDSCL_FULLSCREEN|DDSCL_ALLOWMODEX|
  465.                                       DDSCL_EXCLUSIVE|DDSCL_ALLOWREBOOT)))
  466.     return(0);
  467.   if(FAILED(lpdd->SetDisplayMode(SCREEN_WIDTH,SCREEN_HEIGHT,SCREEN_BPP,0,0)))
  468.     return(0);
  469.   DDRAW_INIT_STRUCT(ddsd);
  471.   ddsd.dwBackBufferCount=1;
  473.                         DDSCAPS_FLIP;
  475.   if(FAILED(lpdd->CreateSurface(&ddsd,&lpddsprimary,NULL)))
  476.     return(0);
  477.   ddsd.ddsCaps.dwCaps=DDSCAPS_BACKBUFFER;
  478.   if(FAILED(lpddsprimary->GetAttachedSurface(&ddsd.ddsCaps,&lpddsback)))
  479.     return(0);
  480.   for (int color=1; color < 255; color++)
  481.     {
  482.     palette[color].peRed   = rand()%256;
  483.     palette[color].peGreen = rand()%256;
  484.     palette[color].peBlue  = rand()%256;
  485.     palette[color].peFlags = PC_NOCOLLAPSE;
  486.     } 
  487. palette[0].peRed     = 0;
  488. palette[0].peGreen   = 0;
  489. palette[0].peBlue    = 0;
  490. palette[0].peFlags   = PC_NOCOLLAPSE;
  491. palette[255].peRed   = 255;
  492. palette[255].peGreen = 255;
  493. palette[255].peBlue  = 255;
  494. palette[255].peFlags = PC_NOCOLLAPSE;
  495. palette[1].peRed     = 0;
  496. palette[1].peGreen   = 16;
  497. palette[1].peBlue    = 0;
  498. palette[1].peFlags   = PC_NOCOLLAPSE;
  499. if(FAILED(lpdd->CreatePalette(DDPCAPS_8BIT|DDPCAPS_ALLOW256|
  500.                               DDPCAPS_INITIALIZE,palette,&lpddpal,NULL)))
  501.     return(0);
  502. if(FAILED(lpddsprimary->SetPalette(lpddpal)))
  503.     return(0);
  504. DDraw_Fill_Surface(lpddsprimary,0);
  505. DDraw_Fill_Surface(lpddsback,0);
  506. //顺时针画出各点!!!
  507. VERTEX2DF object_vertices[4]={-100,-100,100,-100,100,100,-100,100};
  508. object.state=1;
  509. object.num_vert=4;
  510. object.color=1;
  511. object.xv=0;
  512. object.yv=0;
  513. object.x0=SCREEN_WIDTH/2;
  514. object.y0=SCREEN_HEIGHT/2;
  515. object.vlist=new VERTEX2DF[object.num_vert];
  516. for (int index=0;index<object.num_vert;index++)
  517.   object.vlist[index]=object_vertices[index];
  518. for (int ang=0;ang<360;ang++)
  519. {
  520.   float theta=(float)ang*PI/(float)180;
  521.   cos_look[ang]=cos(theta);
  522.   sin_look[ang]=sin(theta);
  523. }
  524. return(1);  
  525. }
  526. int Game_Main(void *parms = NULL, int num_parms = 0)
  527. {
  528.   static int green_inc=4;
  529.   if(window_closed)
  530.     return(0);
  531.   if(KEYDOWN(VK_ESCAPE))
  532.   {
  533.     PostMessage(main_window_handle,WM_CLOSE,0,0);
  534.     window_closed=1;
  535.   }
  536.   DDraw_Fill_Surface(lpddsback,0);
  537.   DDRAW_INIT_STRUCT(ddsd);
  539.     return(0);
  540.   Draw_Filled_Polygon2D(object, (UCHAR *)ddsd.lpSurface, ddsd.lPitch);
  541.   Rotate_Polygon2D(object,5);
  542.   if (FAILED(lpddsback->Unlock(NULL)))
  543.    return(0);
  544.   Set_Palette_Entry(1, &palette[1]);
  545.   palette[1].peGreen+=green_inc;
  546.   if (palette[1].peGreen > 255 || palette[1].peGreen < 16)
  547.    {
  548.     green_inc=-green_inc;
  549.     palette[1].peGreen+=green_inc;    
  550.    } 
  551. while(FAILED(lpddsprimary->Flip(NULL,DDFLIP_WAIT)));
  553. Sleep(33);
  554. return(1);
  555. }
  556. int Game_Shutdown(void *parms = NULL, int num_parms = 0)
  557. {/*清除资源*/
  558. if (lpddpal)
  559.    {
  560.    lpddpal->Release();
  561.    lpddpal = NULL;
  562.    }
  563. if(lpddsback)
  564.   {
  565.   lpddsback->Release();
  566.   lpddsback=NULL;
  567.   }
  568. if (lpddsprimary)
  569.    {
  570.    lpddsprimary->Release();
  571.    lpddsprimary = NULL;
  572.    } 
  573. if (lpdd)
  574.    {
  575.    lpdd->Release();
  576.    lpdd = NULL;
  577.    } 
  578. return(1);
  579. }
  580. int WINAPI WinMain( HINSTANCE hinstance,
  581.                     HINSTANCE hprevinstance,
  582.                     LPSTR lpcmdline,
  583.                     int ncmdshow)
  584. {
  585. WNDCLASSEX winclass; 
  586. HWND       hwnd;    
  587. MSG        msg;      
  588. //HDC        hdc;    
  589. winclass.cbSize         = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX);
  590. winclass.style          = CS_DBLCLKS | CS_OWNDC | 
  591.                           CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW;
  592. winclass.lpfnWndProc    = WindowProc;
  593. winclass.cbClsExtra     = 0;
  594. winclass.cbWndExtra     = 0;
  595. winclass.hInstance      = hinstance;
  596. winclass.hIcon          = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_APPLICATION);
  597. winclass.hCursor        = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW); 
  598. winclass.hbrBackground  = (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH);
  599. winclass.lpszMenuName   = NULL;
  600. winclass.lpszClassName  = WINDOW_CLASS_NAME;
  601. winclass.hIconSm        = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_APPLICATION);
  602. hinstance_app = hinstance;
  603. if (!RegisterClassEx(&winclass))
  604.     return(0);
  605. if (!(hwnd = CreateWindowEx(NULL,                  
  606.                             WINDOW_CLASS_NAME,    
  607.                             "DirectDraw 8-Bit Line Drawing Demo"
  608.                             WS_POPUP | WS_VISIBLE,
  609.                             0,0,    
  610.                             SCREEN_WIDTH,SCREEN_HEIGHT,  
  611.                             NULL,     
  612.                             NULL,  
  613.                             hinstance,
  614.                             NULL))) 
  615. return(0);
  616. main_window_handle = hwnd;
  617. Game_Init();
  618. while(TRUE)
  619.     {
  621.     if (PeekMessage(&msg,NULL,0,0,PM_REMOVE))
  622.        { 
  623.        if (msg.message == WM_QUIT)
  624.            break;
  626.        TranslateMessage(&msg);
  627.        DispatchMessage(&msg);
  628.        }
  629.      Game_Main();
  631.     } 
  632. Game_Shutdown();
  633. return(msg.wParam);
  634. }

