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Sencha Touch 2 Beta 3: Kindle Fire and Chrome Support

2013年02月20日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 4725字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭


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Sencha Touch 2 Beta 3今天来啦!有着更多设备和浏览器的支持。 Beta 3 估计是最后一次的 beta 测试,而且简直就是 Beta 2 的代替物。虽然 release notes 里面把细节都说得很清楚,但也需交待一下,不但以往的应用程序管理上有性能改善,而且针对宿主的性能都有改善。

Today we’re releasing Sencha Touch 2 Beta 3 with expanded device and browser support. Beta 3 is expected to be the final beta release and a drop-in replacement for Beta 2. While everything is detailed in the release notes, the most notable changes in b3
are improvements in application dependency management and a host of performance improvements.

Download Sencha Touch 2 Beta 3   View Release Notes

Android Chrome and Kindle Fire Support

我们为 ST2 能够支持新的平台而感到激动!第一个介绍的是 Android Chrome,Goolge 在上个星期为 Android 4.x(冰激淋——Ice Cream Sandwich)设备发布的 Beta 版本。尽管下哦啊名字的 Android 4.x 的设备尚属少数(大概只占 Android 生态中的 1% 左右),不过 Android
的 Chrome 浏览器却在浏览器比较中(参见
Chrome HTML5 scorecard

We’re thrilled to be able to add support for 2 new platforms today. The first is Android Chrome, which Google released in beta last week for Android 4.x (Ice Cream Sandwich) devices. While there are still relatively few ICS devices out there (only around
1% of all Android devices carry that version currently), Chrome for Android is already providing a much improved experience compared to the stock browser (see our Chrome HTML5 scorecard).

第二个介绍的是 Kindle Fire,被认为是最优秀的 Android 的平板之一。虽说早期版本的 Fire 浏览器有性能的这些问题和渲染的那些问题,但是最新的 6.2.2 更新就亡羊补牢,改善很多,使得我们可以确信支持该设备了。浏览器的改进,加上我们自己做的优化,都通通呈现在针对这次Kindle Fire 体验的 Sencha Touch 2 发布中。

The second is the Kindle Fire, which we think is one of the best Android tablets out there. While earlier versions of the Fire’s browser had some performance and rendering issues, the recent 6.2.2 update brings much more speed and rendering correctness to
the device, which allows us to officially support it. The browser improvements, in addition to some tweaks of our own, have combined to provide a great Kindle Fire experience with Sencha Touch 2.

有视频为证(http://vimeo.com/36752045 但由于 GFW 所以看不到),首先测试的是 Asus Transformer Prime,在 1280 × 800 这么大的分辨率下还挺流畅,其次就是 $200 的平板表现的性能也相当不俗了。

We were so happy with theperformance of both platforms that we recorded a short video on realhardware to show you what you can do with the new support. The firstdevice is an Asus Transformer Prime, running smoothly at a whopping1280 × 800 resolution, and
the second is a Kindle Fire, whichdisplays impressive performance for a device costing under $200:

阿玛逊并没有告诉我们售出 KindleFire的官方数字,不过据他们估计第四季都有几百万之多。这为ST2带来潜在的目标运行平台,还是自动升级到6.2.2版本的。

Amazon hasn’t officiallyreleased the sales numbers for the Kindle Fire but they are estimatedto have shipped several million in Q4 alone, which means your SenchaTouch 2 applications can now be deployed to millions more devices,most of which will receive
the 6.2.2 update automatically.

关于 Android 方面,我们遭遇 ICS 缺省浏览器 crippling 问题。对此,我们仍会探寻优化之道,不过另外一个好消息是,Android 的 chrome 浏览器成为了很好的替代品。

On the Android side of things,we’ve recently been asking for your help in escalatingcripplingproblems with ICS’s default browser.
We’ll continue seekingimprovement there but Chrome for Android is providing a greatalternative for ICS device owners in the meantime.

性能改进 Performance Improvements

在添加更多设备的同时,我们亦投入更多的时间在平台优化的方面。这次发布就包含了若干项的性能优化,主要集中在 CSS 选择器与样式上面。

As well as adding support for more devices, we’ve also spent time further refining the experience on all supported platforms. This release contains several performance tweaks, mostly centered around optimizing CSS selectors and styles.

好比说点击按钮的时候,又或者切换卡片(card transitions)的时候,就会明显地快很多,你会在载入和提交表单明显感觉到。必须承认,旧版的时候那效果的确比较慢的说,而在 Beta3 的时候,就会流畅很多了。记得当时我们发现这个问题的时候,排查出是冗余 CSS 规则的问题,于是我们用其他的样式去调整,在保证达到一致样式的同时而且极大地改进了性能。

Some of the more apparent improvements include faster button tap feedback and smoother card transitions, especially to and from forms. Previously these actions might have felt a little slow but as of B3 it feels much snappier. When we investigated why these
things were feeling sluggish we found it was caused by certain innocuous-looking CSS rules and were able to improve performance dramatically by using alternative styling to achieve the same look and feel.

最后,为提供更佳的性能,我们依然对剩余的部分进行优化。例如 carousel 指示器在你点击后便会立即出现更新效果,而不是等待动画完成——尽管消耗的时间一样,但在用户看起来就会感觉快了很多哦。性能乃 Sencha Touch 2 之一大目标,而且我们目前对现阶段的效果感到满意。

Finally, we’ve polished other parts of the framework to give better perceived performance. For example, carousel indicators now update immediately when you swipe instead of after the animation has finished. It still takes as much time as before, but makes
your app feel faster to the user. Performance has been a major objective of Sencha Touch 2 and we’re very pleased with the improvements so far.

The Path to GA

这是 ST 2 几个发布版本中最好的,——当然。现在我们距离 GA 已经近在咫尺,并乐见 B3 的性能改进和稳定性的加强。
This beta is the seventh public release of Sencha Touch 2. We’re very happy with the performance and stability of beta 3, we think we’re in the home stretch toward GA.

Beta 3估计是 Release Candidate 之前的最后一次发布。鉴于我们已经冻结了 API,换句话说,马上用这 Beta3 开发程序毫无悬念!
Beta 3 is expected to be the final beta version before we ship a Release Candidate. With its API frozen we have no hesitation in recommending that you start building your apps using B3 if you’re keen to get a head start on your app.

As always, we’d like to thank you for all of your support in getting to this stage, and hope you’ll share your thoughts with us in the comments.
