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Bugzilla windows安装指南

2013年11月27日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 4974字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭


From : https://wiki.mozilla.org/Bugzilla:Win32Install

If you want a single-package installer that will install Apache, MySQL, Perl, and Bugzilla
all at once and configure them all for you, check out the Windows
Install Packages

If you prefer to do everything yourself, the below instructions explain how to manually configure Bugzilla on Windows.



Bugzilla on Microsoft Windows with Apache

Original author: Byron

Bugzilla version 2.18 was the first release that runs unmodified on Windows. This document guides you step by step through the installation process.

Note that there are a few things that don't work very well on Windows, such as mod_perl.


There's two main methods to getting the Bugzilla source - from bzr or in a tarball. The best method for fetching Bugzilla is to grab it directly from bzr, as this will allow for simple upgrades, even if you have customised Bugzilla.

Read the Release
 before you do anything.

Installing Bugzilla From bzr

Download the Bazaar standalone installer from the Bazaar
, and run the installer.

Note: this document assumes you want to install Bugzilla into C:\Bugzilla.

Open the command line, and cd to the parent of the directory you want to install
Bugzilla into. As we'll be installing Bugzilla into C:\Bugzilla, the current
directory must be C:\.

C:\>bzr co -r tag:bugzilla-4.0.2 bzr://bzr.mozilla.org/bugzilla/4.0 Bugzilla


It can take a minute or two to download all files, be patient. In the example above, tag:bugzilla-4.0.2 means
we want to install Bugzilla 4.0.2, and bugzilla/4.0 in the URL is the branch
this version belongs to (bzr doesn't guess this part of the URL for you). If you already installed Bugzilla using bzr and want to upgrade to a newer version, please follow the instructions given here.

Installing Bugzilla From
the TarBall

Download Bugzilla from the Bugzilla
download page
 (2.9 MB).

Bugzilla ships as a Tarball, which has the extension .tar.gz. Any decent Windows archive tool should be able to extract tarballs.

Extract the archive to the directory of your choice. For the remainder of this document I will assume that you have extracted Bugzilla intoC:\Bugzilla.

Upgrading From TarBall

If you installed Bugzilla from the TarBall, the simplest way to upgrade is to follow the instructions given above about bzr.


Download MySQL

Download the MySQL 32-bit or 64-bit MSI installer from the MySQL
 (28 MB).


MySQL has a standard Windows installer. It's ok to select a Typical MySQL install (the default). For the remainder of this document I will assume you have installed MySQL into C:\mysql.

Now change a few settings. Goto C:\mysql\bin\my.ini and set the max_allowed_packet setting
to 4M. Underneath that, add the following line:

ft_min_word_len = 2

Create Bugs Database User

Use the mysql command line utility to create a MySQL account for Bugzilla.

Note in the following example 'sockmonkey' is my password for the bugs account:

C:\mysql\bin>mysql --user=root -p mysql

Enter password: ********
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 1
Server version: 5.5.15 MySQL Community Server (GPL)

mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON bugs.* TO 'bugs'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'sockmonkey';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.03 sec)

mysql> quit



ActiveState Perl

Download ActiveState Perl

Download the ActiveState Perl 5.12.4 or higher MSI installer from the ActiveState

Note that Bugzilla currently requires Perl 5.8.1 or higher, but it's highly recommended to install ActivePerl 5.12 or higher. Bugzilla 4.2 will be the last version to support Perl 5.8.x. The next release will require Perl 5.10.1 or better. Also, there are several
bugs in Perl 5.8.x which have been fixed in 5.10.1 and 5.12.


ActiveState Perl uses a standard Windows Installer. Install, sticking with the defaults, which will install Perl into C:\Perl.

Note: Installing Perl into a directory that contains a space (eg "C:\Program Files") will break the Template-Toolkit installer.

Once the install has completed, log out and log in again to pick up the changes to the PATH.

Upgrading Existing Installs

If you already have ActiveState Perl installed, now's a good time to ensure you're running the latest version of ActiveState Perl, along with the latest versions of the modules.

Upgrading ActiveState Perl requires to delete the old version and install the new one. The reason is that Perl modules installed with one version of Perl are not compatible with a newer version of Perl. So you will have to reinstall these modules again.

Install Modules

Bugzilla requires a number of perl modules to be installed
