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oracle 排序分页混乱

2013年04月26日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 2184字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭




select *
  from (select id, member_id, company_name, rownum rn
          from (select t.id, t.member_id, t.company_name
                  from table1 t, table2 d
                 where t.id = d.opp_id(+)
                   and product_id_prefer = 1
                   and t.sales_id = 'sunny.zhaoy'
                 order by t.maturity asc, d.memo)
         where rownum <= #endrow#) m
 where m.rn >= #rowid#


这个sql是正确的,在开发库用了下,没有问题、、但是提交到测试库就有问题了,第三页和第四页,第五页第六页 怎么查询都是一样的结果。



select *
  from (select id, member_id, company_name, rownum rn
          from (select t.id, t.member_id, t.company_name
                  from table1 t, table2 d
                 where t.id = d.opp_id(+)
                   and product_id_prefer = 1
                   and t.sales_id = 'sunny.zhaoy'
                 order by t.maturity asc, d.memo)
         where rownum <= 150) m
 where m.rn >= 101
 select *
  from (select id, member_id, company_name, rownum rn
          from (select t.id, t.member_id, t.company_name
                  from table1 t, table2 d
                 where t.id = d.opp_id(+)
                   and product_id_prefer = 1
                   and t.sales_id = 'sunny.zhaoy'
                 order by t.maturity asc, d.memo)
         where rownum <= 200) m
 where m.rn >= 151




首先这跟oracle无关, 是典型的order by字段值不唯一造成分页记录混乱。

也就是说 我用 t.maturity asc, d.memo 排序,但是这两个字段的值可能都是相同的,或者很多都是不唯一的。。这时候就会出现这个问题了。






select *
  from (select id, member_id, company_name, rownum rn
          from (select t.id, t.member_id, t.company_name
                  from table1 t, table2 d
                 where t.id = d.opp_id(+)
                   and product_id_prefer = 1
                   and t.sales_id = 'sunny.zhaoy'
                 order by t.maturity asc, d.memo,t.id)
         where rownum <= 150) m
 where m.rn >= 101
 select *
  from (select id, member_id, company_name, rownum rn
          from (select t.id, t.member_id, t.company_name
                  from table1 t, table2 d
                 where t.id = d.opp_id(+)
                   and product_id_prefer = 1
                   and t.sales_id = 'sunny.zhaoy'
                 order by t.maturity asc, d.memo,t.id)
         where rownum <= 200) m
 where m.rn >= 151
