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2013年05月29日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 6488字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭
有些ROOTKIT通过更改PsActiveProcess链表或相关Native API来隐藏进程.下面这个程序通过直接读取
技术细节请参照Jan K. Rutkowski的原文

/* code token from Jan K. Rutkowski(jkrutkowski<a>elka.pw.edu.pl) */
/*    and pjf (jfpan20000@sina.com)'s article */
/* compile under cygwin> gcc -o kps kps.c -I/usr/include/w32api/ddk -lntdll -lntoskrnl */
/* see Jan K. Rutkowski's article for more info. */

/* This tool will list all the procs include those hiden by some rootkit. 2003/10, fantas1a*/

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <ntddk.h>

typedef struct _KLISTER_PROCINFO {
    int pid;
    char name [18];

PLIST_ENTRY pKiWaitInListHead ;
PLIST_ENTRY pKiWaitOutListHead ;
PLIST_ENTRY pKiDispatcherReadyListHead ;
#define WAITLIST_OFFSET 0x5c    // in _KTHREAD

PVOID     g_pMapPhysicalMemory = NULL;
HANDLE     g_hMPM     = NULL;

#define MAX_PROCS 1000
int nprocs = 0;

PVOID LinearToPhys(PULONG BaseAddress,PVOID addr)
    ULONG VAddr=(ULONG)addr,PGDE,PTE,PAddr;
    if ((PGDE&1)!=0)
        ULONG tmp=PGDE&0x00000080;
        if (tmp!=0)
            PGDE=(ULONG)MapViewOfFile(g_hMPM, 4, 0, PGDE & 0xfffff000, 0x1000);
            if ((PTE&1)!=0)
            else {
                //fprintf(stderr, "LinearToPhys return 0, page not in/r/n");
                return 0;
    } else {
        //fprintf(stderr, "LinearToPhys return 0, page table not in/r/n");
        return 0;
     //fprintf(stderr, "LinearToPhys return %08x/r/n", PAddr);
    return (PVOID)PAddr;

ULONG GetData(PVOID addr)
    ULONG phys=(ULONG)LinearToPhys((PULONG)g_pMapPhysicalMemory,(PVOID)addr);
    if(phys==0) return 0;
    PULONG tmp=(PULONG)MapViewOfFile(g_hMPM, 4, 0, phys & 0xfffff000, 0x1000);
    if (tmp==0) {
    ULONG ret=tmp[(phys & 0xFFF)>>2];
    return ret;

HANDLE OpenPhysicalMemory()
    NTSTATUS        status;
    UNICODE_STRING        physmemString;
    OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES    attributes;
    RtlInitUnicodeString( &physmemString, L"//Device//PhysicalMemory" );
    attributes.Length            = sizeof(OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES);
    attributes.RootDirectory        = NULL;
    attributes.ObjectName            = &physmemString;
    attributes.Attributes            = 0;
    attributes.SecurityDescriptor        = NULL;
    attributes.SecurityQualityOfService    = NULL;
    status = ZwOpenSection(&g_hMPM,SECTION_MAP_READ,&attributes);

    if( !NT_SUCCESS( status ))
        return NULL;
    g_pMapPhysicalMemory = MapViewOfFile(
    if( g_pMapPhysicalMemory == NULL )
        return NULL;
    return g_hMPM;

void insertProc (int pid, char* name) {
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < nprocs; i++)
        if (procs[i].pid == pid) return;
    procs [nprocs].pid = pid;
    strncpy (procs [nprocs].name, name, 16);
    //fprintf(stderr, "%d %s/r/n", pid, name);

PEPROCESS processObject (PETHREAD ethread) {
    ULONG p;
    p = (ULONG) ethread;
    p = GetData((PVOID)(p+0x0+0x34+0x10));
    return  (PEPROCESS)(p);

char* processName (PEPROCESS eprocess, char *buf) {
    ULONG phys=(ULONG)LinearToPhys((PULONG)g_pMapPhysicalMemory,(PVOID)((ULONG)eprocess+0x01fc));
    if(phys==0) return 0;
    PUCHAR tmp=(PUCHAR)MapViewOfFile(g_hMPM, 4, 0, phys & 0xfffff000, 0x1000);
    if (tmp==0) {
            return 0;
     strncpy(buf, &tmp[(phys & 0xFFF)], 16);
    return buf;    

void listProc()
    int i;
    printf("---- %d process ----/r/n", nprocs);
    for(i=0; i<nprocs; i++) {
        printf("[+]% 4d   %s/r/n", procs[i].pid, procs[i].name);

void createProcList () {
    int i, j;
    char buf1[18];
    PVOID obj, p, q, tmp;
    PETHREAD pethread=NULL;
    ULONG pid;
    char *pn;
    //fprintf(stderr, "pKiWaitInListHead/r/n");
    for (obj = (PVOID)GetData(pKiWaitInListHead);
        obj && (obj != pKiWaitInListHead); obj = (PVOID)GetData(obj)) {
            pethread = (PETHREAD) (GetData((PVOID)obj) - WAITLIST_OFFSET);
            p = processObject(pethread);            
            pid = GetData((PVOID)((ULONG)pethread + 0x01e0)); //pethread->Cid.UniqueProcess
            if(pid==0) {
                //fprintf(stderr, "pid is 0/r/n");
            pn = processName(p, buf1);
            if(pn==0) break;
            insertProc( pid, pn );
    //fprintf(stderr, "pKiWaitOutListHead/r/n");
    for (obj = (PVOID)GetData(pKiWaitOutListHead);
        obj && (obj != pKiWaitOutListHead); obj = (PVOID)GetData(obj)) {
            pethread = (PETHREAD) (GetData((PVOID)obj) - WAITLIST_OFFSET);
            p = processObject(pethread);            
            pid = GetData((PVOID)((ULONG)pethread + 0x01e0));
            if(pid==0) {
                //fprintf(stderr, "pid is 0/r/n");
            pn = processName(p, buf1);
            if(pn==0) break;
            insertProc( pid, pn );
    fprintf(stderr, "pKiDispatcherReadyListHead/r/n");
    for (i = 0; i < 32; i++)
        for (obj = (PVOID)GetData((PVOID)(&pKiDispatcherReadyListHead[i]));
            obj && (obj != &pKiDispatcherReadyListHead[i]);
            obj = (PVOID)GetData(obj)) {
                pethread = (PETHREAD) (GetData((PVOID)obj) - WAITLIST_OFFSET);
                p = processObject(pethread);
            pid = GetData((PVOID)((ULONG)pethread + 0x01e0));
            if(pid==0) {
                fprintf(stderr, "pid is 0/r/n");
            pn = processName(p, buf1);
            if(pn==0) break;
            insertProc( pid, pn );

int main(int argc, char **argv) {

    if (OpenPhysicalMemory()==0)
        printf("OpenPhysicalMemory failed/r/n");
        return -1;
    pKiWaitInListHead = (PLIST_ENTRY) 0x80482258; //under win2k + sp4en
    pKiWaitOutListHead = (PLIST_ENTRY) 0x80482808;
    pKiDispatcherReadyListHead = (PLIST_ENTRY) 0x804822e0;
    //fprintf(stderr, "0x%08x, 0x%08x/r/n", (ULONG)pKiWaitInListHead, (ULONG)pKiWaitOutListHead);
