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CSS Animations

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CSS Animations

1, 介绍
    CSS Transitions提供一种在属性改变时改变css属性的方法。这提供了一种实现简单动画的简单方法,但是动画的开始和结束状态是通过现在的属性指定的,对动画的中间进程所提供的控制方式也很少。
是隐示触发的而animations 是显示触发的。因此在实现属性动画时animations需要明确的属性值,这些值通过animation
  animation 的许多方面都是可以控制的,包括:动画迭代次数、开始和结束值是否交替、或动画是否可以开始和暂停,动画也可以延迟开始时间点。

   css Animations 影响计算属性值,在animation执行过程中,属性的计算值被animation控制,它将覆盖原来定义的值。

  animation将在在两种状态后开始:指定animaion被解析或document load事件触发时,因此样子声明的animation 会在document加载前执行。在文档加载后,通过修改元素样式指定的animation将在样式被解析时执行。在hover这样的伪类定义时是立即执行的。或脚本引擎将控制权交给浏览器时执行。
  最后animation通过 'animation-duration''animation-iteration-count' 和'animation-fill-mode'属性来声明。
   div {
      animation-name: diagonal-slide;
      animation-duration: 5s;
      animation-iteration-count: 10;

    @keyframes diagonal-slide {

      from {
        left: 0;
        top: 0;

      to {
        left: 100px;
        top: 100px;


 这将会将一个元素在5秒内从(0, 0) 移到(100px, 100px),并重复执行9次(总共10次)。

 keyframe样式规则选择器由一系列逗号分隔的%或from to组成的列表。此选择器用来指定animation的进度,它本身用一个属性块声明。from和0%等价,to和100%等价。注意百分比单位只能用百分比值,因此0是错误的选择器。
 如果0%或 from未指定,浏览器将会通过元素的计算值创建,如果to或end未指定,浏览器会通过动画元素计算值创建一个
 由keyframe规则指定的属性和值,不支持animation属性将被忽略,将产生 'animation-timing-function'异常,
@keyframes wobble {
    0% {
      left: 100px;

    40% {
      left: 150px;

    60% {
      left: 75px;

    100% {
      left: 100px;

动画wobble声明了四个keyframe,在第一帧中声明了开始状态,left设置为100px,在动画执行40%时left变为150px,60%时为75px,最后变为100px,下图给出了执行10s 动画时的状态:


keyframes_rule: KEYFRAMES_SYM S+ IDENT S* '{' S* keyframes_blocks '}' S*;

        keyframes_blocks: [ keyframe_selector '{' S* declaration? [ ';' S* declaration? ]* '}' S* ]* ;

        keyframe_selector: [ FROM_SYM | TO_SYM | PERCENTAGE ] S* [ ',' S* [ FROM_SYM | TO_SYM | PERCENTAGE ] S* ]*;

        @{K}{E}{Y}{F}{R}{A}{M}{E}{S}   {return KEYFRAMES_SYM;}
        {F}{R}{O}{M}                   {return FROM_SYM;}
        {T}{O}                         {return TO_SYM;}

3.1  keyframes时序函数


@keyframes bounce {

    from {
      top: 100px;
      animation-timing-function: ease-out;

    25% {
      top: 50px;
      animation-timing-function: ease-in;

    50% {
      top: 100px;
      animation-timing-function: ease-out;

    75% {
      top: 75px;
      animation-timing-function: ease-in;

    to {
      top: 100px;


3.2 animation-name属性
  animation-name声明一系列animations,每一个名字由@keyframe声明,如果没有@keyframe在在,动画将不会执行。此外将naimation name设为none将也不会出现动画,这种方法用一覆盖级连动画。如果动画企图修改属性值,它将修改列表最后的值。

Name: animation-name
Value: [ none | IDENT ] [, [ none | IDENT ] ]*
Initial: none
Applies to: all elements, :before and :after pseudo elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual
Computed value: Same as specified value.

3.3 animation-duration属性

Name: animation-duration
Value: <time> [, <time>]*
Initial: 0s
Applies to: all elements, :before and :after pseudo elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual
Computed value: Same as specified value.

3.4 animation-timing-function

Name: animation-timing-function
Value: [ ease | linear | ease-in | ease-out | ease-in-out | step-start | step-end | steps(<number>[, [ start | end ] ]?) | cubic-bezier(<number>, <number>, <number>, <number>) ] [, [ ease | linear | ease-in | ease-out | ease-in-out | step-start | step-end | steps(<number>[,
[ start | end ] ]?) | cubic-bezier(<number>, <number>, <number>, <number>)] ]*
Initial: ease
Applies to: all elements, :before and :after pseudo elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual
Computed value: Same as specified value.

3.5 animation-iteration-count属性


Name: animation-iteration-count
Value: [ infinite | <number> ] [, [ infinite | <number> ] ]*
Initial: 1
Applies to: all elements, :before and :after pseudo elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual
Computed value: Same as specified value.
3.6 animation-direction属性

Name: animation-direction
Value: [ normal | reverse | alternate | alternate-reverse ] [, [ normal | reverse | alternate | alternate-reverse ] ]*
Initial: normal
Applies to: all elements, :before and :after pseudo elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual
Computed value: Same as specified value.

3.7 animation-play-state属性

Name: animation-play-state
Value: [ running | paused ] [, [ running | paused ] ]*
Initial: running
Applies to: all elements, :before and :after pseudo elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual
Computed value: Same as specified value.

3.8 animation-delay属性

Name: animation-delay
Value: <time> [, <time>]*
Initial: 0s
Applies to: all elements, :before and :after pseudo elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual
Computed value: Same as specified value.

3.9 animation-fill-mode属性

Name: animation-fill-mode
Value: [ none | forwards | backwards | both ] [, [ none | forwards | backwards | both ] ]*
Initial: none
Applies to: all elements, :before and :after pseudo elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual
Computed value: Same as specified value.

3.10 animation快捷键属性

Name: animation
Value: [<animation-name> || <animation-duration> || <animation-timing-function> || <animation-delay> || <animation-iteration-count> || <animation-direction> || <animation-fill-mode>] [, [<animation-name> || <animation-duration> || <animation-timing-function> || <animation-delay>
|| <animation-iteration-count> || <animation-direction> || <animation-fill-mode>] ]*
Initial: see individual properties
Applies to: all elements, :before and :after pseudo elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual
Computed value: Same as specified value.

The different types of Animation events that can occur are:

The ’animationstart' event occurs at the start of the animation. If there is an animation-delay then
this event will fire once the delay period has expired. A negative delay will cause the event to fire with an elapsedTime equal to the absolute value of the delay.

  • Bubbles: Yes
  • Cancelable: No
  • Context Info: animationName
The ‘animationend’ event occurs when the animation finishes.

  • Bubbles: Yes
  • Cancelable: No
  • Context Info: animationName, elapsedTime
The ‘animationiteration’ event occurs at the end of each iteration of an animation for which animation-iteration-count is
greater than one. This event does not occur for animations with an iteration count of one.

  • Bubbles: Yes
  • Cancelable: No
  • Context Info: animationName, elapsedTime

