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How to solve building errors in XPCOM?

2013年07月17日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 1068字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭

How to solve building errors in

When upgrading Gecko from version
1.8 to version1.9, programmers often meet some building errors, such 
as “unresolved external symbol "unsigned
int __cdecl NS_TableDrivenQI(void *,struct QITableEntry const *,struct nsID
const &,void * *)"
(?NS_TableDrivenQI@@YAIPAXPBUQITableEntry@@ABUnsID@@PAPAX@Z)” and so on. In
fact, it makes me so depressed in a short time. By checking the related header
files, I find the root-cause and share the solution for programmers herein.


Please verify the items listed below:

1. Check whether ‘XXX/xulrunner-sdk/sdk/include’ has been
included in your ‘Additional Include Directories’.

2. Check whether ‘XXX/xulrunner-sdk/sdk/lib’ has been
included in your ‘Additional Library Directories’.

3. Check whether ‘nspr4.lib xpcom.lib xpcomglue_s.lib’ has
been added into ‘Additional Dependencies’.

4. Check whether ‘XP_WIN and XP_WIN32’ has been added into
‘Preprocessor Definitions’.


For upgrading Gecko from version 1.8 to version 1.9, the
most possible reason is the 4th
step where the definitions have been


Moreover, the releases versions from Gecko1.8 to Gecko 1.9
can be found in http://releases.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/xulrunner/releases/


