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2013年12月05日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 2387字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭



There are several different encodings for jumps, but some of the most commonly used ones are PC-relative.
1. That is, they encode the difference between the address of the target instruction and the address of the
instruction immediately following the jump. These offsets can be encoded using one, two, or four bytes.


2. A second encoding method is to give an “absolute” address, using four bytes to directly specify the target. The
assembler and linker select the appropriate encodings of the jump destinations.






1      jle .L4                                                If <, goto dest2

2      .p2align 4,,7                                      Aligns next instruction to multiple of 8
3 .L5:                                                      dest1
4       movl %edx,%eax
5       sarl $1,%eax
6       subl %eax,%edx
7       testl %edx,%edx
8       jg .L5                                              If >, goto dest1

9 .L4:                                                     dest2
10      movl %edx,%eax




1   8: 7e 11
                                    jle 1b <silly+0x1b>               Target = dest2

2   a: 8d b6 00 00 00 00                lea 0x0(%esi),%esi               Added nops
3 10: 89 d0                                    mov %edx,%eax                  dest1
4 12: c1 f8 01                                sar $0x1,%eax
5 15: 29 c2                                    sub %eax,%edx
6 17: 85 d2                                    test %edx,%edx
7 19: 7f f5
                                      jg 10 <silly+0x10>                Target = dest1

8 1b: 89 d0                                    mov %edx,%eax                   dest2


line 1中 11
是相对地址, 0x11 + 0x0a = 0x1b 这个地址就是dest2的相对的地址。

line 7中 f5
是相对地址, 是个负值 0xf5 + 0x1b = 0x10 这个地址就是dest1的相对地址。



1 80483c8: 7e 11
                                             jle 80483db
2 80483ca: 8d b6 00 00 00 00                         lea 0x0(%esi),%esi
3 80483d0: 89 d0                                            mov %edx,%eax
4 80483d2: c1 f8 01                                         sar $0x1,%eax
5 80483d5: 29 c2                                             sub %eax,%edx
6 80483d7: 85 d2                                             test %edx,%edx
7 80483d9: 7f f5
                                               jg 80483d0
8 80483db: 89 d0                                              mov %edx,%eax


link后,伪代码的值变成了绝对值。 但是在机器码中仍然使用相对值,保持不变。


By using a PC-relative encoding of the jump targets, the instructions can be
compactly encoded (requiring just two bytes), and the object code can be shifted to different positions in
memory without alteration.




