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February, 7

2013年12月08日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 1038字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭

Head Chef (53)
Key vocabulary
1. Butter=put butter on something 黄油
2. Butcher=cut meat into pieces taking out bones and organs 屠杀,屠宰
3. Right away=quickly, as soon as possible
4. In the weeds=in a difficult situation(very very busy)
5. Sous chef=chef that helps and assists the head chef
6. Peel=remove the outer skin of a fruit or vegetable剥落
7. Running Low on=to not have so much, having not enouth
8. Stir=move or mix something, usually with a spoon搅动
9. Cellar=地下室,地窖
10. Stew=焖肉
11. Be on it=决定开始做
12. Cuisine=烹饪
13. Chop=cut into small pieces剁碎
A: Right away sir, your order will be ready shortly. Jean Pierre, we have another special for table seven!
B: I’m working as fast as I can.! We are really in the weeds! Where is my sous chef? Luc, I need you to peel more potatoes. Marie ,chop some onions and carrots for the stew.
A: Jean Pierre another special! We are really packed tonight! We are running low on wine. Is there any left in the cellar?
C: Sorry, I am late everyone. Wow, we are doing really well tonight.
B: Harry, stop talking and get over here I need this sauce stirred and the fish needs to be butchered and buttered.
C: Ok, I am on it.
A: Jean Pierre table seven has requested to see the chef! I think they are food critics from Cuisine Magazine.
