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CUDA 4.0 & Parallel Nsight 2.0 release!

2013年12月08日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 695字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭

Today NVIDIA posted two important production releases:

CUDA 4.0 - Features include Unified Virtual Addressing (UVA), Thrust C++ Template Performance Primitives Libraries and GPUDirect 2.0 GPU peer-to-peer communication technology. Download at www.nvidia.com/getcuda

Parallel Nsight 2.0 - Features include full support for Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, CUDA 4.0, PTX/SASS Assembly Debugging, CUDA Debugger Attach to Process, CUDA Derived Metrics and Experiments, as well as graphics performance and stability enhancements. Download at www.nvidia.com/GetParallelNsight

Additionally, we have added a great new lineup of training webinars:
      CUDA webinars: www.nvidia.com/webinars
      Parallel Nsight webinars: http://developer.nvidia.com/developer-webinars

Best Regards,

CUDA Reg Dev Team
