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floyd’s cycle detect算法

2013年07月11日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 1224字 ⁄ 字号 评论关闭



def findArrayDuplicate(array):
    assert len(array) > 0

    # The "tortoise and hare" step.  We start at the end of the array and try
    # to find an intersection point in the cycle.
    slow = len(array) - 1
    fast = len(array) - 1

    # Keep advancing 'slow' by one step and 'fast' by two steps until they
    # meet inside the loop.
    while True:
        slow = array[slow]
        fast = array[array[fast]]
#        print 'step: ', 's :',slow, ' f: ', fast

        if slow == fast:
#            print 'slow: ',slow

    # Start up another pointer from the end of the array and march it forward
    # until it hits the pointer inside the array.
    finder = len(array) - 1
    while True:
        slow   = array[slow]
        finder = array[finder]

        # If the two hit, the intersection index is the duplicate element.
        if slow == finder:
            return slow

思路就是根据f(i)=A(i)这个函数,将问题抽象成一个闭环求交点得问题。不过我有点疑问,第一个while还好理解,第二while在我看来好像有死循环得可能。另外,只要是有限个数得数组,根据其抽象都会形成一个环,比如[0,1,3,2], ...f(3)=2, f(2)=3...., so, 这个程序对错误数据毫不容错。

ps。上面是我想错了,第二个while那么做是有理论依据的, 如下:

关于找到找到环的入口点的问题,当fast若与slow相遇时,slow肯定没有走遍历完链表,而fast已经在环内循环了n圈(1<=n)。假设slow走了s步,则fast走了2s步(fast步数还等于s 加上在环上多转的n圈),设环长为r,则:

2s = s + nr

则: s = nr


a + x = nr
a + x = (n-1) r + r = (n-1)r + L - a
a = (n-1)r + (L - a  - x) 

(L – a – x)为相遇点到环入口点的距离,由此可知,从链表头到环入口点等于(n-1)循环内环+相遇点到环入口点,于是我们从链表头、与相遇点分别设一个指针,每次各走一步,两个指针必定相遇,且相遇第一点为环入口点。
